over yonder (riverclan patrol)

// @LILYBLOOM. @SMOGBREATH @FERNPAW If the other warriors have an apprentice feel free to tag them too!
No need to wait for the RiverClanners to post!

The gorge had been a simple enough walk. Mudpelt was sure to keep Fernpaw a far distance from it, repeatedly instructing him that he is not to get close to it as long as his name still ends in -paw. He hopes he got the message through to his son; the drop-off into the rushing rapids far below is no place for a kid like him. The patrol would then make their way down the slope near the Falls, the sound rushing in their ears and filling the nearby air with a refreshing mist. And finally, at the foot of the Falls, the river slows. Just on the other side is WindClan. They patrol until the twoleg bridge, then they can return home. Easy as catching a minnow! "Fernpaw, why don't you go ahead and mark this border?" He wants his son to pick up on these skills quickly - one day he may be leading his very own patrol! The chocolate tom casts a glance towards his older daughter and Smogbreath, trilling, "See any of our neighbors?" He knew their lead warriors were a bit...hesitant...about this patrol.

Heavy Snow, when he was not with one of his family members, tried to spend as much time out of the camp as possible, away from the craziness that was becoming his new home. Usually, he brought along @STORMPAW, it was good for the gray tom to not be exposed to such cruelty, and Heavy Snow could spend more time training the young tom. He would be an excellent warrior one day, that was for sure.

The white tom is trudging across the moors when a scent different than the one he was used to hits his nostrils. River Clan. He knows it immediately. For a moment he debates if he should say hi to the patrol or not. He is not a savage like some of his other clanmates, but he is not exactly the most friendly tom either. He turns to his apprentice "Do you smell that? That is River Clan's scent. We've met them before remember?" that time it had been on their own border patrol. Funny that they kept meeting this way.

As he approaches the small group, the large tom waves his tail in greeting. He doesn't recognize any of them but that is okay. "Greetings" he calls out as he draws nearer "how's the prey running over on your side of the border?" he asks, only trying to make friendly conversation. Hopefully, they wouldn't want to talk for long, he wanted to get back to his own patrol.

Fernpaw had been visibly excited on the journey up to WindClan, the cold breeze of the moor raising shivers beneath sparse striped fur and paws too big for the legs they supported trudging clumsily alongside his father's stride. His toddles were ten to one of his father's, but he appeared not to care, a hopeful grin set upon fishlike features. He nodded at Mudpelt's instruction, trotting forward excitedly, but then taking a step back rather quickly. Was... this the border? He thought it would be more obvious, but... as far as he could tell the only difference was the scents, and a frown darkened his face as he failed to tell the difference between WindClan's side and RiverClan's side.

Teetering to and fro, at a large white tom's approach Fernpaw's attention was promptly snatched. How was the prey... running? Well, they didn't usually catch prey that ran- the fish were their main meals, and they had no legs to run on! Though, he supposed the land prey trotted pretty quick... he'd never hunted voles, but he'd seen one scurrying away once, and they weren't slackers! "Uh... fast," he answered, hiding his uncertainty by speaking with floods of bravado, puffing his tiny chest out in a display of confidence. Figures of speech had yet to be properly grasped.
( penned by pin )

Lilybloom had not been this side of the forest before. Whilst she does not display the same visible excitement as her brother does, she looks around with intrigue at the surrounding land, making note of the differences between her former home, and her current riverside location. When they finally make it to the border, her father instructed Fernpaw to mark their scent. She had to suppress a chuckle at seeing him step back suddenly, clearly unsure of where which border lay. Despite his confusion she agreed that it was a good idea for Fernpaw to be the one to do it as it would be good for him to get these details down in his mind from an early age.

At her father's following question, Lilybloom doesn't get to respond before the arrival of the large white tom signals WindClan's arrival. Despite the rumours about WindClan's behaviour which had rippled around the clan as of late, this tom seems cordial enough, greeting them warmly and asking after their prey situation. "RiverClan fares well, thank you," Lilybloom calls out to him, though RiverClan is anything but well given the current situation. "And our prey is also running well. Our clan does not want for food."

"Fast!" He can not help the laugh that escaped him. What an endearingly honest answer to a question that was usually responded to with lies and nonsensical verbatim. What clan answers such a thing with horrid news? What fool would reply with the truth as dreadful as it is? How did you say 'it is terrible here' without opening yourself to some kind of retort in the form of an attack? He would never been fond of these border patrols but the little RiverClanner with the big eyes had made this particular outing amusing at least.
The silver bengal ambles alongside Heavy Snow, a friendly bump of the shoulder given if the tom seemed accepting of such and he offered a smile and raise of his tail in greeting. "Our prey is very fast as well! You have not had a good run until you are chasing a hare at full speed!"
Which frankly was a terrible idea, when he was first learning to hunt the cottontail'd menaces he had made the mistake of trying to match their speed but at a full lunge and in open fields it was a losing battle for even the fastest of cats. Stealth had quickly become a skill.
"Do your fish move swiftly as well? I can not imagine how hard it must be to grab one of those. I dislike my paws being wet."


Falling to a halt beside her brother, she would dip her head respectfully towards the Riverclanners as they fell short of the border. “Good morning! Lesson for the apprentices today?” She’d ask, flicking her tail softly before glancing behind her to see if her apprentice @SHREWPAW was close by like she thought. It was a perfect opportunity for the apprentices to learn something, and she wanted to see if her apprentice was able to learn something from this. “Shrewpaw! What can you tell me about the scents around us currently?” Knowing how Sootstar felt about friendships with other clans, she would do her best to refrain from being as bubbly as usual, but wouldn’t outright be ugly towards the Riverclanners. To put it simply, it wasn’t in her nature to be mean.

He has kept himself at the back of the patrol for his own sake and potentially for others as well. He is no leader and so instead he focuses more on showing @LAGOONPAW what things were and how to find her way back. He cautions about this area, the gorge and falls in particular. They are on the other side of it and lower down so a splash in this part of the river is fine but it's rapids could be much more dangerous at the Falls. "Be wary where you, um, place your paws at. It's a bit wetter around these rocks. Any cat could fall in..." His voice is hushed and quiet as the patrol draws near the lively water only to pause when he hears conversation. Lifting his head up he finally sees the other cats over the hill there. The smell drifting from them fleeting but still plausible.

"That's Windclan, they keep to the moors..." He mutters to his apprentice for a moment before he silently takes a small step back from the water. Truth be told he is uncomfortable at being so far from camp but he tries his best to look like he is okay. After all he can't just not train his own apprentice. And he wishes to do his best, but the feeling is spiking through his spine.


a small, sepia-toned figure seemed to peek from the side of ivoryflight, honey colored eyes peering across the shared borders at the riverclan patrol that consisted of a few warriors and their own apprentices. one of the riverclan apprentices, that tiny ginger tabby, made shrewpaw crinkle her facial features slightly as if wondering if what she was looking at was an actual cat or a chewed up dog toy.

it took her a second to realize that her mentor was asking her a question which she almost let go right over her head. "uh, 'sides the fact they smell like fish?"

[ penned by cobi ]

Attempting to touch her tail gently to her apprentice’s shoulder, Ivoryflight would allow her whiskers to touch in amusement before rephrasing her question. “And they think we stink of rabbit! Yes, anything other than the scent of rabbit. Is there anything else important you can scent right now?” A slight tease would be directed towards her apprentice, silently hoping none of the Riverclanners would take offense to the statement. Hopefully, her apprentice would pick up on the border (which obviously was right in front of them) and be able to tell her a couple of things about it, or even deeper scents than the fish that clung to their pelts.

Mudpelt lights up at the sight of the WindClan patrol across the river. He steps closer to the shore and calls over, "It's great to see so many of you out!" He's a rather friendly and outgoing tom, and borders don't do enough to drive him off from potential friendships. What's he supposed to do, be rude? He looks towards his patrol with a grin, glad that Fernpaw and Lagoonpaw are getting this experience with another clan. "You are right!" He calls back to the creamy-toned she-cat who is teaching her own apprentice about scents. "Marking the border for our young ones here. Soon enough they'll be the warriors leading these patrols, yeah?"

Lagoonpaw hops from rock to rock with ease, though she supposes to Smogbreath, it seems like carelessness. Her mentor warns her to be careful, that she could slip and fall on the rocks. But, she doesn't see the point in his warning. She does know how to swim, after all.

"I'm fine," she assures him, a swish of her calico tail following her words, "It's just water! It won't hurt me." She pauses at the sound of unrecognizable voices and looks back at her mentor. Perhaps it would be best if she didn't go too far ahead of him? What if he had something to teach her? She carefully makes her way back to Smogbreath, to listen to his words as he speaks of WindClan.

She looks ahead to the WindClan patrol, river-hued eyes looking at the apprentice that says they smell like fish, at their mentor that shoots back something about smelling like rabbits.

"You do smell like rabbits," Lagoonpaw jokingly answers for them, scrunching her nose as she speaks. "Is that all you eat over there? No fish?"

How odd, living on the other side of the river, and not even using it.
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"I'm sorry I'm late, Moonshadow was hungry and I had to get her something fresh to eat." A voice calls from the moors as Hyacinthbreath arrives on the scene, stoic expression never shifting despite her breathlessness. She spots the RiverClan patrol soon after, and her face remains neutral still. She had no qualms with RiverClan personally, and she was beginning to learn to discover what she believes in after her talk with Pollenfur, though changes weren't so subtle. She barely manages to catch the tail-end of the conversation, talk about scents and the differences, she assumed. She'd taught Coldpaw that when he first became her apprentice, but not everyone did things the way she did. She'd been Coldpaw's mentor for plenty of moons now, after all.

"We have other prey to eat, though the rabbits are what we're known for." Hyacinth finally cracks the lackluster atmosphere a little, smiling ever so softly. "Is fish the only thing your Clan eats, Kleine?" She asks in return, intentions moreso on giving back a joking response. It was odd an apprentice would think that, but they were all once that age. Hyacinthbreath was much worse behaved as an apprentice. The memory makes her grin at the thought.