oxygen to breathe. | pitch

❝ holding it together with one loose string. ❝
the marshlands.

an unusual place that is shrouded in shadows that come alive during the night and harbors such odd creatures that thrive in these murky enviorments. most will turn to wrinkle their noses at such a place, complaints about the mud or smell always hanging upon the bristled tongues of their neighbors but never spoken aloud as a way to stay courteous. it wasn't expansive like the rolling moors of windclan or lavish with flora like thunderclan but it was just enough for those who claim it as their home.

geckoscreech had been here since the beginning, watching the group adapt and change over the season which also meant being present for the times that ownership of these lands have changed. everyone assumed briarstar would have led them for generations to come but after the incident that torch has been forcefully put into the paws of her eldest son who had been anything but of sound mind since the death of his mother and it's been showing.

the off-white warrior could see that the chocolate tabby tom was losing himself and with the way he has been handling himself and sprouting issues, things will be quick to fall apart beneath him if it does not get addressed. with a sharp breath, geckoscreech finds herself making short trek across the muddied hollow of camp towards the oak tree where the ground opened up beneath its roots to house a leader.

"pitchstar, a word."