pacify her ;; blight


"And this heeere isss... The Elder's den. Mushroomkit sleeps here with her pops, Morningbird." Fireflypaw halts in front of the den, filled with Elders grooming themselves and cuddling close to stay warm. He didn't mind the elders, they'd served their time in the world, but he finds it odd how they don't have to do any work anymore. Would his dad be able to relax like this, when he's old and wrinkly? "Did'ja get all of that, Blight?" He asks, finally turning back to the new-found apprentice. He wondered if the tour went a bit too fast..

He finds a stone on the ground, coated in a thin layer of ice. Fireflypaw marches over to it, a single claw flicking out of his paw as he begins to try and carve into the thin ice. Art was fun, wasn't it? It's a horrible drawing, in reality- he sucked at art. But, he did enjoy the mess left behind. "I don't like askin' about peoples pasts, y'know. Dad says its not nice. But, I think you're pretty cool, Blight!" He chirps with a smile, tail flicking behind him.
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Blight had followed Fireflypaw in silence to the elders den and peeked his head inside to take a look. It was rare to meet old cats out there on the streets, unless they were a kittypet. These elders looked to be well taken care of though. Blight would nod his head to the apprentice as he faced them. " Yeah. Thanks for showing me around by the way. That is very nice of you taking the time and everything." Overall Fireflypaw seemed like a very nice cat but also he wouldn't judge to quickly. He had met cats who hadn't turned out to be as kind as they seemed. All too often a more ugly side had revealed themselves to him overtime. Better not to get too comfortable with this welcoming atmosphere this tom showed around him.

When Fireflypaw's attention got stolen by a frozen stone, Blight would let his own gaze land on the same stone. Slowly he would approach closer wondering what he was doing with it. Curiosity was evident in his mismatched gaze but soon that curiosity turned into bafflement. Cool, him?. No way.. Blight had never heard anyone say that to him before and he had to admit he was not agreeing with them. Blight was far away from being cool as it could come. Even a mouse were cooler than he was. Still it was the first time someone actually liked them. To say something nice to him like that. Blight smiled awkwardly at them grateful they wasn't gonna pry about his past. " I think you're pretty cool too." He said, and his smile faded as he stared down at his own paws. " It's rare to find friendly cats out there as a stray..." His battle scarred body was a living example of that. Sometimes that could work to his advantage since his scars could scare others away. That was the problem. Cats either run away from him or become a target.

He would smile sadly by the memory but when suddenly he looked up again, a tired grin now covering his scarred maw. " So thank you for giving me such a warm welcome here!. " even though he wished they hadn't. It would be easier to contunie with his mission if the cats in this clan wheren't so nice to him...

// sorry for the wait! and this might be BAD because i'm sick so my head is up in the clouds cx