pafp PACK PACK KILL KILL | being chased

Swift paws carried Pebblepaw in circles around the camp, his pants laborious and his cranium randomly turning left and right in search of shelter. He could still hear the wild beast behind him, its jaws snapping at his tail whenever his pace faltered and its cries raucous in his fearful ears. None of the dens would offer him sanctuary, they had one way in and one way out as far as the lilac tom knew, nor could they escape through the entrance for fear of meeting even large beasts with even pointier fangs. Lactic acid burned his legs, but he couldn't give up, he couldn't let the rabid thing catch him! Its fur comrpomised of a splash of colours that warned of its presence like a poisonous frog, its eyes burned a deep blue, the same colour you would feel when you lost your life to such a terrifying beast. Its ears were small for it did not need to hear the horror it inflicted upon its enemies, their faces would inform it of their dread. The terrifying monster that had the timid apprentice running laps around the camp as if his life depended on it was none other than his own young cousin.

He hadn't been there for her birth, but he'd tried being around ever since, listening to whatever whims and schemes his cousins would cook up for him and reluctantly going along with them. Stormkit hadn't asked if she could chase him, it just sort of... happened. Pebblepaw didn't know when it had started or when it would end, he yelled out apologies to anyone he had to weave past to avoid his cousin's 'wrath' and tried shouting back at her to understand what she was doing but to no avail. He had longer legs than the kitten, which had been enough to save his tail or ears from getting a chunk taken out of them for a time, but when the lilac tom passed the Highrock one too many times, he began to slow down. Stamina had never been his thing, though Pebblepaw would proclaim that 'nothing' was his thing, it was better for him to strike fast and hard than prolong fights and hunts. Eventually, his paws began to wobble and Pebblepaw was forced to a halt, spinning around and latching his copper eyes onto the gaining kitten. "I.... I give in.... please... stop chasing.... me..." They pleaded, and despite the fear in their voice, it was difficult to tell how much the young apprentice was joking.


The beast was tiny, but it was ferocious. It had been known to nip and claw at unsuspecting cats.

"Come here!" The she-kit bossily screeched, her voice quickly devolving into that sort of laughter a young thing would have when it was becoming particularly excited—sharp, breathless giggles that struggled to make themselves known over heavy panting. She was small, too small some wiser cats would say, and her paws were beginning to drag across the frostbitten ground as she struggled to keep up.

Stormkit let out a strange mix of a growl and a squeal as she slowed her pace down for a second to catch a breath, but almost immediately kicked up her feet when Pebblepaw continued running. She skidded to an abrupt stop when her cousin suddenly turned around, stumbling over too-big paws.

The tiny thing was now all fluffed up like a dandelion, her long fur giving her a larger and rounded appearance. "I'm going to eat your nose!" She shrieked and bounced up like a frog.

Tybalt was sprawled nearby in a patch of sunlight, watching lazily through half closed eyes. His whiskers twitched as Stormkit shrieked out her threat, and he struggled to suppress a laugh. "Best start preparing for life without a sense of smell, Pebblepaw!" he called. "I don't think a nose is something that'll grow back."

it was quite a sight, one that had sandpaw keeling over with laughter where she sat. stormkit had been chasing poor pebblepaw relentlessly. it was an entertaining chase, it almost made the tabby dizzy watching them go round and around. finally, they seemed to reach a stopping point. pebblepaw was breathlessly begging to stop, but it seemed the running did nothing to slow the kitten down. she wouldn't intercept, it would be interesting to see how everything played out after all. especially now that pebble's nose was on the line. "get 'em stormkit!" she encouraged from the sidelines.
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Badgerstrike watched Stormkit hunt Pebblepaw with high amusement. This kid was unstoppable. A force to be reckoned with. She chuckled as they zipped by her. She remembered a time when her only responsibility was biting tails and.... Anything else really.

Everything was biteable if you weren't a coward.

The tiny beast almost reminded her of herself when she was that small, except she was more rough and told her brother she was going to eat his bones. He cried.

When Stormkit finally caught up to her unfortunate prey and made her declaration, she laughed.

"GET HIS NOSE!!!" She shouted. Encouragement was important for young cats, after all!

Stretched out near Stagstrike, the lengthy tom was sprawled rather lazily with extremities flopped over each other. His feathered face was tucked comfortably into his chest, eyes half open like the other warrior with a half smile etched upon his maw. He watches Pebblepaw scamper around in circles over and over—how many laps was that now? Like four or five? Stormchaser couldn't help but huff out a fit of laughter, his tail flicking nonchalantly as he enjoyed the show.
Stormkit flails around, her small limbs kicking up soil behind her small frame as she chased Pebblepaw relentlessly around with fluffed up torbie fur and a ferocity that would rival the most intimidating of warriors. He smiles at her spirit, knowing that she'd surely be a handful if she wasn't already from the look of it. She tries to bite at the lilac tom's nose and the blue warrior couldn't help but bark out more laughter. "Phew! She's a wild one, for sure! A powerful vast of clouds and rain with sharp winds! You best take shelter, Pebblepaw!" He calls over to the apprentice, a good natured smile plastering sharp angular features.

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