the giggle at a funeral
Dec 17, 2023
- Apprentice of ShadowClan.
- Ten months old, ages on the 22nd.
- Unlabeled gender, she/they/he pronouns.

- Ferndance x Pikesplash, raised by Ferndance and Needledrift.
- Littermate to Bonepaw, Bloodpaw, and Snowypaw.
- Older sibling to Branchkit, Morelkit, and Gigglekit.
- Mentored by Lilacfur.

- A dark, sleek-furred ticked tabby with a few smatterings of white fur and green eyes. Long-legged, with a sweeping tail. Big, tufted ears. Unusually glossy fur for a ShadowClanner. White paws, locket on chest, and trio of spots on forehead. Fluffy cheek fur. Blends in well with ShadowClan's territory, with the mud and tree roots and pine needles. Genetically a shorthaired black ticked tabby with low white. Warm, earnest voice that is often more of a chirp than anything else- soft, but frequently strained to be louder.

- Playful, sweet, easygoing, impressionable, imaginative, unpredictable, blunt, impish. Thinks everything is funny. Free spirit to a fault. Mischievous; will tell lies (usually of the white variety) and pester others playfully. Looks for loopholes, pokes at boundaries, not often intentionally mean but very direct- not much of a filter. Hard to rile up. Sometimes oblivious to social cues, but also usually easygoing in social settings; forgiving. Takes in behaviors like a sponge and will repeat them back, leading to some unpredictable behavior. Eccentric, may have different ideas of what is fun or interesting than most. May be observant of others' emotions, do not ask her to identify her own (she will not be able to). Sweet and caring with those that she likes. Overall goal is to enjoy herself!

note 2 self please rework this ^

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