private painless melodies // little wolf


He brushes past the undergrowth that lingers further down the SkyClan border, pressing his cheek against loose leaves as he goes. The chitter of the patrols becomes background noise, eventually fading to welcome the simple sounds of the forest. Still, a set of pawsteps pursue him despite his brash abandonment of the others. He scents the air and cranes his neck, spotting his mother as she breaks past the brush. He feels immediately defensive.

"Are you going to chastise me?" he huffs, slowing to a stop but still not turning to face her properly. He supposes he feels some guilt for how he's reacted to Howlfire - but why shouldn't he? After everything that happened before him, what seems to happen because of him... do others expect him to forgive when the problem at hand was never his to shoulder?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he's quick to placate himself, turning slightly and seating himself. He shouldn't speak to his mother in such a divisive tone - not when she's not the one to insult him. "It's just..." Skypaw wonders if he should even bother. His mother has a soft heart, and he loves her for it, but it is ever bleeding. She gives so much, endlessly - and it would hurt her more to learn that Howlfire launched pod shots at him, too. "I'm not too happy with Howlfire right now. It's better to remove myself, then start another fight," he thinks of Moonwhisper, her icy exterior combatting with his SkyClan sister's fiery outburst.​

When Skypaw had stormed off the way he had, Little Wolf had taken off after him without a second thought. When she parts the undergrowth, his amber eyes find her ebony pelt immediately and the words that come out of his mouth are laced with venom. "No I'm not here to lecture you, I'll leave that to your mentor" the last part is added with a touch of amusement. She had been on the other end of Howlingstars wrath more than a couple of times in her youth, she knew Skypaw was more than likely in for it later.

Immediately, he apologizes and while he talks, Little Wolf sits and curls her tail over her paws, listening intently. At the mention that he was not too happy with Howlfire her ears flick in surprise and she wonders what her SkyClan daughter had done to upset her kin so much. Oh how she wished they would all just get along, but Burn and Moon had made it clear how they felt about their siblings over the border. She had not expected the same hostility between her youngest and oldest litter, however. "Another fight?" she echoes. The word another implied there was a first. "What was the first one about?" there is concern in her words, in her eyes and she finds herself moving closer to Skypaw, ready to offer support and comfort if it was needed.