private PAINT A HUNDRED STARS [✿] sparrowsong

✿—— "hey, sparrowsong," she mews in greeting, crossing camp to the brown tabby—a cat close to her own stature, which wasn't always a common find. not in a clan full of slates and blazestars, anyway, she thinks with some amusement, blinking at them with a friendly smile. sparrowsong; it's a more than suitable name for the kind young warrior, always pitching in around camp or showing off their feather collection. it feels a little strange in her mouth, used to calling them sparrowpaw, but she's sure that she'll grow used to it in time. the tabby dips her head a bit, adds, "i was wondering if you wanted to g-go out and do some training? since we're both new warriors and all,"

"i heard you're good at climbing," she mews with cheer she only has to force a little, twitching her shortened tail. the warrior's certainly still getting the hang of it herself—she has no clue how some cats reach the skill levels they do, to clamber up the tallpine like it's a rock no higher than your paw. cats like orangeblossom and cherrypaw, both skillful climbers and one much younger than her; she wouldn't be surprised if her own children surpassed her in the skill, at this rate. thinking of it, she speaks, "maybe you can teach m-me a thing or two."


  • ooc: @sparrowsong!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu


It was uncommon for a cat to specifically call their name, Sparrowsong's ears perking as their head turned to find Bobbie. She was smiling and, instinctively, they smiled back.

Bobbie then suggested that they go out and train together. They supposed it was true that while they had been the only one to receive a warrior name, it was the former queen's first time engaging in warrior activity as well. Eagerly, they nodded. "That sounds fun!" they chirped.

The two of them had barely begun walking to the camp's entrance before the scarred warrior spoke again, and Sparrowsong's head immediately ducked under the praise with a small giggle. "Did you? I guess it is fun to climb..." Most SkyClanners were good at it. They weren't sure that they were special in that regard.

She suggested that they teach her, though, and the tabby beamed at her as they left the confines of camp. "Oh, me? You'll get the hang of it in no time, I promise!" There was a small hop to their step as they trotted ahead a few paces, eyes searching for a good tree to start with.

Although they were certain Bobbie had at least some climbing ability, they decided to settle for a tree with more limbs, stopping at its base and looking up through the boughs. After a pause, they bounded up a few branches and crouched, looking down at her. "So, how much do you know about climbing? Is there anything you wanna start with first?"



✿—— she pads after sparrowsong, happy to not have to increase her pace to keep up for once—being blazestar's pupil of sorts had various advantages, of course, at the cost of scrambling to keep up with his massive frame whenever they went out for training. the edges of green eyes crinkle gently; it's endearing, the way sparrowsong's brown-tabby head dips with a giggle at her compliment, almost reminiscent of a child despite their age. youthful in a way few warriors within the torn landscape of the clans seemed capable of; something to admire in her eyes, rather than deprecate.

bobbie watches with an amused sort of admiration as they scamper cheerily ahead, scanning the trees with that careful eye she had yet to develop but still admired in so many of their clan's warriors. she's glad to see that they guide her to a tree with many limbs—though it's still intimidating to look up at its peak from the trunk. sparrowsong leaps up a few branches with a quick ease that stuns her.

"i've learned a bit from blazestar and o-orangeblossom and some others, but not much. i can give it a try, though," she replies with a faint dismay, scuffling her hind paws on the needle-strewn earth. the lilac tabby crouches and tries to leap to the lowest branch, being only half-successful; her forelegs are wrapped around the limb and clutching at it with unsheathed claws, but her hind legs hang in space, kicking fruitlessly as she tries to curl around the branch. ears hot with embarassment, she mutters, "oh, starclan."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu


Bobbie's quick explanation seemed to sum up to not much, drawing out a hum from the tabby feline. They hadn't quite expected her to throw herself at it immediately, though, and Sparrowsong watched with keen interest at her attempt.

The climb was clumsy, one that left Bobbie scrambling to pull herself onto her chosen branch. She wasn't in any danger, they knew, leaving them to giggle as they maneuvered themself down closer to her level. It was hardly mocking; their eyes held no judgment.

Leaning over and sinking their teeth into her scruff, Sparrowsong did their best to help pull her up onto the branch so she could rest. "I didn't know you were going to jump for it like that! I would've helped first." It was alright. They were both secure on the low, thick branch.

For a moment they gazed around, as if thinking, claws plucking lightly at the bark beneath their paws. They knew what they would do differently if it were themself, but how to put it into words...?

"I think..." they began, leaping back down to the pine needle-strewn earth below, "um, here. Come back down, if you can. Or just watch." Maybe it would be better to show than tell?

With their eyes fixed on the spot just next to her, Sparrowsong's muscles bunched, lowering into a half-crouch before they sprang upward, claws outstretched. Just as swiftly as before, they were perched steadily on the branch. They were silent, trying to consider how to explain it. Start from scratch, maybe.

"Okay, think of it like this, maybe?" they said after a moment, sounding more like a question than a statement. "You jumped kind of like you were trying to hunt a squirrel. When we do that, we're focused on pinning it down and making sure we don't go tumbling, right?" They stood up, lowering their chest to the branch and stretching out their forepaws, as if to imitate the leap. "It's... different, from um, say, running."

Sparrowsong sat down again. They seemed almost confused themself, and they prayed to StarClan that they weren't confusing her as well. They knew what they were trying to explain, but not how to show it. "Okay okay, uh... Oh! What I'm trying to say is that you looked like you jumped high enough to get the first half of you to the branch - your prey- but didn't think about the rest, so you kind of fell short, because it's up, not over."

Their paws began to knead the branch in a tip-tap motion, excited by their mini revelation. "Basically what I'm saying is make sure you jump high enough to get your rear legs up at the same time as your front legs. Does that... make sense?" Their eyes, although eager about the lesson, seemed almost embarrassed.



✿—— sparrowsong's giggle only makes her ears burn further as the small cat hoists her up onto the branch, the lilac tabby clinging to the stout limb as though it were the last piece of prey in leaf-bare. she flicks embarassed eyes towards them and away, glancing around to distract herself from the disapponting failure. she's lucky sparrowsong is the furthest thing from the cruel type, instead beckoning her back down to the earth with friendly eyes—bobbie hesitates for the barest trace of a moment until they advice her to remain on the branch. the warrior flicks her half-tail where she hangs onto it, nodding dutifully and watching sparrowsong, mewing, "after that display, i-i'll take any advice."

it's said with a faint self-deprecating amusement as she hangs onto the branch, watching with careful green eyes as they spring upwards and arc steadily onto the branch. it sparks an admiration, a wonder at how easily they'd reached it, when a cat like her—older than them more than one time over—had so clearly struggled. bobbie glances over at them, trying to pay attention to what they were saying and also not fall off of the branch. their words make a sort of sense and she nods, replying, "y-you're right, i didn't really think about that. it makes sense,"

"i'll try again," the tabby nods, leaping gingerly down and managing this time not to embarass herself. another glance up and she mimics their half-crouch, barely built muscles bunching together and claws unsheathing before she takes a breath and pushes off the ground. this time she focuses on lifting both sets of paws, like they'd instructed, and finds herself landed squarely on the branch with claws digging into the bark, half-tail swishing in surprise. bobbie smiles and mews brightly, "i did it!" a pause and her ears flick in self-consciousness, adding, "sorry, just e-excited."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu