private paint me in trust, i'll be your best friend | offering sparkpaw comfort

Patchpaw [in.]

i pray we meet again soon
Oct 4, 2022

The blizzard was finally over, and Patchpaw was all the more grateful for it. The wind outside had finally eased to a bristling bite and had stopped attempting to wrestle the trees from their very roots, and the sky had lifted to a cordial, monochrome blue. At least that was as far as Patchpaw could tell from inside the apprentice's den, for the entire entrance had been buried in snow!
So for the time being, most, if not all of the apprentices were now crowded in a small den together... with absolutely nothing to do.

Her fear had long since dissipated, and she was beginning to perk her ears up once again--finally, the danger was gone. She had noticed, however, that Sparkpaw was beginning to act strangely, especially after Mossypaw's disappearance, and now he rest by the side of the apprentice's den unnaturally quiet.
"Hey, Sparkpaw? Are you alright? I-if you need to talk, I'm all ears... we haven't really got much else to do, anyway," Patchpaw gives a small laugh in hopes that it would cheer him up somewhat.
After all, what better remedy for pain than laughter?


Sparkpaw had grown quiet after the excitement of being snowed in had faded. He was warm and comfortable, surrounded by friends, nice and safe.....

And yet he could not shake the sorrow that plagued him. Mossypaw should be here.

Every time his mind thought this, it spiraled downward rather quickly.

He was trying to stay strong, just like Mountainheart had told him to, but..... It was easier said than done, wasn't it?

Patchpaw speaking to him snapped him from his thoughts, thankfully. He looked over at her and gave a soft smile.

"There's not really much to talk about in here...." He said. "We'll be free one day though, I'm sure!" He added jokingly.