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BRIARKIT — hello, my old heart.
The sun that beats down on night-cloaked features is almost enough to make Briarkit want to rest her far too big head on her far too tiny paws, and let it tug at her eyelids until they are half-closed.
That is impossible with what is happening right in front of her, though. So, she remains sitting up straight, poised with a ignorant expression on her kitten round features while two young warriors partake in a young lovers quarrel only two fox-lengths away.
They spit childish insults to one another, but finally one cracks an apologizes, and the next follows in suit quickly.
That is that, and the spectacle is over and finished with.
"Hm." The scoff that leaves Briarkits maw is almost a confused one.
The girl didn’t have any role models to look up to when it came to romance. Her mother certainly wasn’t keen on anyone, and there was Granitepelt and Starlingheart but.. Granitepelt was off.
She spares the kitten next to her a silent side-glance, almost curious as to what he thought of the whole ordeal, or if his attention had simply moved on to the next.
Briarkit herself wasn’t much a chatterbox, she much preferred to listen, to learn.

//please wait for @batkit
Today, Batkit isn't entirely avoiding the other kits. He's laying relatively close to one of Forestshade's kits, the quiet one. If he has to be near one of them, he supposes she isn't the worst option. At least she won't talk his ear off.

Much like his denmate, Batkit's focus is on the arguing couple. It's an odd interaction, there's no doubting that. It was like the cats got over whatever it was that they were fighting over in the flick of a tail. Who does that?

Batkit makes brief eye contact with the other kit when she looks over, giving her an equally puzzled look. "What's the point of insulting each other if you're just going to apologize immediately?" he mutters.

Although, if they were arguing over something so pointless to begin with, he supposes it makes sense to get over it immediately. Romance is weird.
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Like a deer-coloured ghost, the Lead Warrior appeared behind the gawking kittens. "When you are angry, you say things that are ruder than you usually do because you want the other cat to hurt. Then, when you calm down, you realise you don't want them to be hurt. It's a funny thing, insults. They slide off of me like water off of a...." She tilted her head as he tried to remember the saying, seemingly offering no elaboration of why she'd been interested in the kittens' conversation in the first place. Like all things in life, impulse often played a factor: why go organise a patrol immediately when you could bother the local children instead? Her smile grew wider and wider until it threatened to split the sides of her faces, Ferndance decided that the true idiom didn't matter. "Well... like water off of a horse's back." Stuck in ShadowClan for all of their lives, she doubted Batkit or Briarkit had ever heard about horses before. Their sleek fur, their height, why, it made sense that water would simply slide off! As for the romance, well, the cinnamon tabby didn't think herself the best one to explain it.

Romantic feelings were intimate, personal, and tied to the nature of a cat rather than what it looked like. She imagined it would take a whole lifetime to understand such things, and, having experienced three seasons already, she doubted she ever would. That was ok though, she was Ferndance, she was enough. "But if you hurt someone you love, the best thing to do is... say sorry. Unless they did something really bad, then you kill them. But most of the time, it's just a 'sorry'."

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Briarkit is a weird one. Usually quiet. So far, she supposes Applekit did not have a reason to dislike her, and so she would not. Applekit often listened in to the clans ramblings as well, and such a thing would be hard for her to ignore. So she sits in, tail tucked around her paws as she has learned to do. She does not make it obvious that she is listening, but her ears notably swivel in a direction that her head is not facing. ShadowClan cats are weird. Cats are weird. She needs to listen to lots of them so she'll know how to deal with cats when she is older.

Batkit isn't the worst ever, but he doesn't make sense a lot of the time. She turns to the scene when she hears a question. Applekit thinks it depends what you insulted someone for. If you insulted them for being stupid, then you shouldn't apologize, because its true. But if you insulted someone because you're being stupid, you should apologize. She thinks that's how it works.

Ferndance comes along, and Applekit narrows her eyes, immediately knowing that she's going to tell Batkit something stupid.

Except, she kind of doesn't. Ferndance says the smartest thing Applekit's ever heard her say. Mismatched eyes blink once. Twice. A few times. She feels lost in a way she hasn't felt since the bears were here. " ...That makes sense, " she says as if that should be literally impossible. And it should be.
Garlickit had seen the same couple bickering, and she just couldn't understand why. Why would you say such things to someone you love?? She would never say anything mean to her parents, or her siblings. Or anyone, actually. She doesn't know these kits too well, but Applekit is there and Ferndance is there too, and she thinks Ferndance is SO cool and smart. She wants to be just as cool and smart one day.

She bounces over in time to hear Ferndance's explanation. She listens attentively, soaking in the knowledge like a little sponge. She doesn't think she's ever been....Angry, before. She's been happy, sad, scared out of her mind, but never angry. Would she end up saying nasty things without thinking? Would she really accidentally hurt those she cares about in the heat of the moment?

She tilts her head at the mention of horses. What is a horse. It sounds like a funny creature.

She thinks Ferndance speaks sensibly. If you hurt someone, you say sorry.

Killing them on the other hand- hang on.

"What if I don't want to kill my loved one???"
She asks. She couldn't IMAGINE having to kill- Well. Anyone, really.​

Starlingheart is listening to the kits conversation idly, her own kits running about somewhere within her view. She had taken to being a mother rather easily, adjusting into her new life as if it were a role she was always meant to play. But while she was a mother she was also the clans medicine cat and often times juggling both was challenging. At the end of the day it left her tired, defeated, but it was only until they were apprentices and then she would be able to resume her duties full force.

Her ears flick as Briarkit speaks and her green eyes find the cats in question. A quarrel. Her and Granitepelt, luckily, had never fought. She cannot imagine what it is like. So foreign is the concept that the moment it enters her mind she dismisses it entirely. We would never she assures herself. He was her rock in the storm, for them to fight would be the end of days most likely.

Ferndance offers solid advice, apologizing was always the way to go when you've upset someone, but then she brings up killing and Starlingheart shoots her a look. Ferndance should not be allowed near kits, she decides. She is always saying things not appropriate for younger ears. "Ferndance is-is only kidding" she assures Garlickit while shooting the molly in question another annoyed look "We do not- we do not kill others. N-not unless it's - unless its necessary like- like self defense" She doesn't think she could ever kill anyone else though, not on purpose.


BRIARKIT — hello, my old heart.
Luckily, Batkit does have spoken thoughts for Brairkit to reflect on herself. The ebony child finds herself in agreement with the other- what was the point? To hurt someone you’re supposed to care for.. only to heal them moments later? It seemed overrated to her.
She parts her maw, but it’s quickly intercepted as the others words drew kits and warriors over alike.
Ferndance’s words stand out more than anyone else’s, more likely than not because of the rather extreme statement about murdering your loved one.
"If you could kill someone your supposed to love, I don’t think you loved them in the first place." Briarkit finally says after moment, she didn’t really grasp the concept of murder just yet- but it sounded cruel. She quickly follows with a shrug.
"That all seems stupid, though. I don’t ever want to fall in love if I have to deal with that. " She huffs, fully believing her statement.
Why put yourself through that?

The input from his older clanmates doesn't change Batkit's opinion. Romance is weird. He finds himself nodding along to Briarkit's statements.

"I just don't understand. If you claim to love someone, why would you be so rude?" Fighting made sense, he supposes. Disagreements happen, he disagrees with his mother often, but he still loves her. And he would never insult her.

Whatever, Batkit would simply never fall in love, so none of this really mattered to him.
✦ ❄ ✦