paint the town red | october gathering

It would seem this gathering was set to be an unusual one. Not only were two of the clans driven from their homes and forced to take shelter with the others, but Flycatcher found himself sitting among the leaders for a change, covering for Howlingstar who was remaining back at camp due to her illness. Flycatcher always knew it was a possibility he would be standing here himself one day but he had not imagined he would get to experience it so soon. At least by the following gathering, Howlingstar would hopefully be well enough to retake her place upon the rock. A few small pleasantries are exchanged with the other leaders, before Flycatcher steps forward to begin.

"Things are a little different here tonight. As I'm sure you can all see, Howlingstar is not present tonight," Flycatcher mews, quick to address his leader's absence. "She remains in camp, recovering from illness. We wish her well and hopefully she will standing here again at the next gathering."

A small smile graces his lips at that thought but it quickly fades as Flycatcher moves on to more sombre news. "I will not lie and say this moon has been easy for ThunderClan. We come tonight mourning many losses, most of which are down to this dreadful Yellowcough. Several of our warriors and even our medicine cat apprentice, Lichenpaw, lost their lives to it. And recently one of our warriors, Silverlightning, was bitten by an adder and died." Flycatcher bowed his head. "We honour their lives and memories within the clan and hope they walk at ease with StarClan now."

"As you might have seen by our arrival together, WindClan is currently taking shelter in our territory,"
Flycatcher reveals, eyes briefly flicking towards Sootstar. He won't reveal how or why they were driven from their territory, deciding that is Sootstar's tale to tell if she wished to do so. "We also find ourselves facing a growing issue with rogues. They are becoming bolder and bolder by the day. Trespassing, stealing our prey, attacking our warriors. Mercifully, none of our warriors or apprentices have been grievously injured in such assaults, but one of our warriors was luckily by saved a wandering loner, who gave her life to defend her." His eyes briefly find Roeflame's in the crowd, and he nods slowly. It isn't much but he hopes she appreciates the acknowledgement of her mother's deeds.

"Luckily, there were some more positive events this moon. We have three new apprentices among us - Rainbowpaw, Emberpaw, and Shardpaw. They have found mentors in some of our finest warriors and I for one look forward to seeing the kind of cats they shape them to be. Howlingstar also named another cat as a lead warrior this moon. Her grandson and my former apprentice, Burnstorm, sits among us tonight as a new lead warrior." His green eyes shift towards Blazestar, curious to see what his reaction might be. True, he hadn't had much involvement in his son's life since the code was established, but surely he would be proud of his new achievements.

"That is all from ThunderClan," Flycatcher concludes, taking a step back. He sits and curls a tail around his paws, curious to hear what announcements the other leaders will make tonight.
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She has to resist a venemous gaze shot at Flycatcher when he reveals WindClan was staying with ThunderClan. Sootstar should be grateful he leaves out why, but she had intended (likely fruitlessly, her borders have not been marked in days) to act as if WindClan ran the moors. She's twitchy through the remaining bits of Flycatcher's news, he speaks of deaths, promotions and rogues, plenty more generous in his news than she was about to be.

When the stand-in leader concludes, she stands to claim her turn.

"WindClan deals with it's loses and blows; as all the clans do during this time. I do not feel it nescisarry to share the details at this time." Though ThunderClan, by proxy, would know a hefty sum of them. This absence in news includes not informing the clans of Weaselclaw's death, in time (if ThunderClan did not whisper rumors) they would notice his abscense. Yet, she would not put his death out there knowing it would be celebrated, even if it would speak her mate's success in being a warrior to be feared across the clans.

"However, I have a proposition. These rogues disgust me, I've seen them hunt and leave behind half-rabbits, near entire partridges and allowing them to turn to buzzard-food in the sun." Not that she hasn't witnessed clan cats do this, particularly in the form of playing with their food rather than outright wasting it. "the clans should welcome an addition to the code. Prey will only be killed to be eaten." She glances at the other clan leaders, hardly finding this something to argue against.
  • (Someone will have to coin the "give thanks to StarClan" part, because she will not </3)
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Reactions: Thorny
Never before has the Great Rock look so daunting, so enormous and monolith. When he stood before it in its cool shadow, his leader perched above he could ignore its magnitude and elevation that placed a cat well above the gathered crowd, but tonight he can not for he leaps upward to join the cats present there in place of Cicadastar and he feels his stomach tighten into a knot of unease. It is a small comfort to see Flycatcher also present up here, leaving him not the only deputy to speak for their clan tonight and he offers the other tom a polite nod though this brief moment of comraderie after the gray tom speaks is interupted by Sootstar's ever present yowling voice. Smokethroat finds it more grating than usual, probably because he was forced to sit closer to it than he might otherwise and his ears flatten. Still, Sootstar's dismissiveness was not forgotten.

The news that WindClan was also displaced from their territory would otherwise delight him, he could care less for the moorland rats but it brought to the surface a more horrifying realization and no amount of joy at Sootstar's upheaval could smother it. Could it also be because...
"Rogues, I assume? If WindClan was also chased from their camp then I fear the rogues far outnumber us more than I had thought before. You may have noticed RiverClan accompanied SkyClan here tonight, we were driven out by them, they came in droves and..." His throat tightens, he stiffens and tries to force the panic down but it boils up to the surface; he shouldn't be here, he didn't want to be up here...did he speak of Cicadastar being left behind in the hopes perhaps another clan will come across him? Did he keep his tongue and hope their leader arrived on his own? Or did he use it as a warning for the other clans that not even their leaders were safe from such fiends? Smokethroat was sorely out of his depth, " the chaos Cicadastar was.." Butchered before them, abandoned, "..lost." It was vague enough, he could not bring himself to express his worries and he could not bow his head low enough to portray his mate as anything but the noble tom he'd always been. He somehow pulls himself together, grief on his face but fire blazing still in that lone orange eye.

"...RiverClan is managing despite this turn of events. Our ranks bolstered by a loner colony who have aided us and my kits are apprentices now...Beepaw, Cicadapaw and Starlightpaw sit for their first gathering. SkyClan has paid back their debt of our aid against WindClan's first of many raids-" He does not spare Sootstar a glance, condemn him for the truth then but his gift to Blazestar was not portraying him as softly permitting another clan into his territory but rather a debt owed, "..with their hospitality and we are grateful for it, the river is still bountiful and with it we will feed two clans.." Which was easier said than done but efforts were being made, though he was loathed to teach another clan to fish he was considering it now - more paws meant more prey, but those were thoughts for later. As for Sootstar's offered code, he was surprised - he had expected something akin to a blood sacrifice once a moon in her name to be the sort of law she'd push for but this was tame in comparison. Cicadastar would have probably agreed (or not out of spite) but he found no reason to argue it especially in this time of so little prey to go around.
"RiverClan will agree with this code. You should be thanking StarClan for every meal you get as the moons draw closer to leafbare."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

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XXXXXBlazestar is troubled to see Flycatcher in Howlingstar's place, and the gray tabby is quick to address his leader's absence. Recovering from illness, he says, and the Ragdoll's eyes darken. "Yellowcough?" He does not know what else it could be, but perhaps he'd wanted to protect his Clan from scrutiny when a demon slumbered so near it. Blazestar recalls his haggard breathing, the delirium he'd lost himself in like faulty memories, like dreams, and he dips his head. "I wish her a swift recovery, whatever it is." He knows there is no recovery at the end of her path, unless StarClan brings the journeying cats home sooner rather than later—he knows the end she will meet very well otherwise.

XXXXXHis ginger ears flatten just slightly. A medicine cat apprentice, lost—but the news is overrun by the presence of Sootstar and her minions in ThunderClan's territory. He curls his lip. "That is a bold decision Howlingstar has made," he says, an edge to his words. He looks pointedly at the small blue smoke among them, untempered by her Clan's loss and still just as venomous. Blazestar regards her as he might an adder, wary and full of contempt. "Just because you are closer to my borders will not give you the right to be seen near them. My warriors will be on guard, be warned."

XXXXXHe nearly misses the news about Burnstorm—and he looks up with a start when the deputy names him. Burnstorm had earned his place on Howlingstar's council, surely an honor for a warrior so young. He seeks his son's thick dark pelt below, making a note to congratulate him before the Gathering had ended.

XXXXXHe waits for Sootstar to speak for WindClan, though she offers little, secretive as ever. To his surprise, the blaspheming she-cat offers an addition to the warrior code—a sensible one, bereft of the bloodshed she's known for. She states all Clan cats should kill their prey only to be eaten. He narrows his eyes thoughtfully. It's true the gruesome display of crowfood and prey remains scattered throughout their territory had made an impression on him and on SkyClan, but he keeps his thoughts to himself as Smokethroat begins to speak.

XXXXXThe white-flecked tom reveals RiverClan's hardships, that Cicadastar had been lost and that none of them had been able to recover. Blazestar awaits his turn before dipping his head. "RiverClan has been a friend to SkyClan in the past. We are happy to share our camp and our territory with them until the rogues can be driven away." He looks between Smokethroat and then Sootstar with narrowed eyes. "But if it's as you say… they are growing bolder, to have driven two Clans from their territories. We will need to keep our guards up," he adds, looking to where Flycatcher and Chilledstar sit.

XXXXXAfter a moment, he heaves himself to the edge of the rock. "SkyClan has seen trouble with the rogues even before RiverClan came to our border. They've left prey remains scattered throughout our territory and have assaulted some of our warriors for our own food." He gives his thick tail a lash. "But we remain strong, despite the hardships. One of our daylight warriors has become a full warrior, with the name change of Applefrost, and one of our joiners has earned his warrior name of Dogbite." He lifts his glittering blue gaze to the crowd. "Littlepaw and Thistlepaw, Sootspritespark's kits, have begun their warrior training." He lifts his chin. "Sootspritespark has left the nursery, but in her place we have two expecting queens. My daughter, Howlfire, and my former apprentice, Butterflytuft, are both expecting kits. SkyClan's nursery will be full again soon."

XXXXXHe circles back to the rogues, meowing, "I agree that Clan cats should respect the prey we eat, and that we should thank StarClan for each meal. SkyClan approves of adding this to the warrior code." He does not look at Sootstar as he agrees.


Although she resists looking him, Flycatcher knows Sootstar must be seething next to him. She does not address the situation herself, he notes, instead being vague and opting not to disclose the information. Flycatcher fights not to roll his eyes, almost wishing he had told the full story for them.

Whilst Flycatcher largely remains silent for the announcements. He only briefly speaks again to confirm Blazestar's suspicion about Howlingstar's illness. "It is yellowcough," Flycatcher mews.

He then sits and listens to RiverClan and SkyClan's announcements. It seems ThunderClan are not the only ones housing another clan within their territory. He had suspected something was wrong on account of Smokethroat sitting up here with him but he's troubled by the announcement that the leader had been lost to the rogues, and he flashes a sympathetic look towards Smokethroat. Other than the issue with rogues, their announcements are largely similar.

One by one, the leaders - or in the case of Smokethroat and himself, the representatives - agree to Sootstar's new addition to the code. It's a fairly decent and reasonable proposal from her. Flycatcher believes Howlingstar would have no arguments against its inclusion. "ThunderClan also agrees to this code. In times like this, every piece of prey is precious, we should not waste it."

chilledstar was far too close to death to be here. or were they far from it? they don't know. they're still not fully of this plane of existence, eyes dull and they barely hear their companions in leadership. everything is a dull roar, and they can't focus on anything but bits in pieces. cicadastar is gone. where did he go? was he coming back? or was this a repeat of briarstar and pitchstar? how many lives did he have left? and... some code. something about thanking starclan is followed and they cannot help the snort that leaves them. thank starclan. thank a bunch of cats that do nothing? that simply watch them suffer?

"shadowclan is fine. we have lost more to this... yellowcough. halfshade leaves behind her mate that's on the journey, and kits both old and new. apprentice and kittens. halfkit. tanglekit. birdkit. the other one... dreamkit walks with their mother. tornadopaw is lost, too."

maybe if they could feel anything more than void then perhaps it would hurt to announce this, especially the last one. tornadopaw was taken under their wing and they couldn't even save her. and the bitterness sits on their tongue... thank starclan, they've said. they still do not understand why.

"we do have new apprentice, however. flintpaw, wolfpaw, poppypaw, gracepaw, and ptarmiganpaw. their mentors, scalejaw, crowtalon, stumpyspots, lightfeather and lilycrest. I can only hope that leafbare is kind to them, so that we might not lose another."

their next breath is used for this code. they twitch their ears somewhat with disapproval, snorting before speaking clearly.

"i agree we must only kill prey if we are to eat it. but i hardly see why we must thank starclan. they did not catch the frog i use to feed my clan. what are they being thanked for?"

XXXXXChilledstar speaks, and Blazestar blinks his sympathy toward the white-streaked leader, but he has to suppress his hackles from rising at their cavalier attitude toward the new code. "I understand ShadowClan has had its share of hardships, but forsaking StarClan's part in our bounty is not the answer, Chilledstar."

XXXXXHe shifts his paws, clearing his throat so the rest of the cats can hear him below the Great Rock. "It is StarClan who guides our paws in all we do. Every successful hunt, every time we defend our borders, each time we share tongues—they are with us. They have given us this forest, and we should thank them for the prey we catch to feed our Clans." His tail tip twitches. "Surely your Clan agrees, even if you don't."


Whenever finally she feels as if she has found common ground with Chilledstar, she seems to find it immediately ripped out from under her paws. To denounce StarClan in such a public manner, to admit that they are so flippant in their devotion causes a chill to run down Starlingheart's spine that has nothing to do with the cool leaf-fall winds. Blazestar speaks and she finds herself agreeing with the flame pointed tom. Her leader may not stand by StarClan's guidance, by their paws but she did.

She steps forward then, feeling her heart hammering against her rib cage as she feels eyes shift to her. "Im sorry to interrupt bu-but I have an announcement too" she has never felt more nervous in her whole life, but she swallows her fear, tries her best to conjure the image of her mother, her brother, wills them to guide her in this. "As Chilledstar has-has said, many cats have-have died this moon. I-I am partly to blame" the admittance feels like a blow to her chest, the stand before all of the clans and say that she had done something so terrible would take every ounce of strength she had. Many would hate her, she knows, many would question her place as a medicine cat, but still she stands with shoulders squared, chin up, putting on the appearance of strength even when she feels like turning and running. "My son- my son was sick and I-I wasn't sure just one of the cure would work. The others, I thought they were strong but- but Halfshade was with kits and Heavybranch was-was much weaker than I first thought." Had she known she would have given the cure to Halfshade, but Heavybranch… "Because of my-my actions, and to-to prevent a future where any medicine cat is ever asked to chose between their clan and their kits e-e-ever ah-again I-I propositioned a code - at the last half moon meeting" she remembers the mixed reactions she had received from her fellow medicine cats, mainly the younger generation, but in the end they had all agreed. It was what was for the best. For them. For their clans. "A code like the one-like the one warriors have but-but specifically for us medicine cats. To-to hold us to a certain standard…. The code I have-I have proposed is that a medicine cat should not have kits. The other medicine cats have-have agreed and StarClan themselves showed their approval" she would not specify how unless prompted, but their sign had been impossible to miss, impossible to misinterpret for anything other than.

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His lone orange gaze darts to Chilledstar, narrows, he feels his chest burning with indignation at the blatant heresy and disrespect. His mate lay bloodied and possibly dead, dying for his clan multiple times over in defiance to the rogues and this pitiful scrap of a cat had the audacity to claim StarClan meant nothing to them. What a pathetic excuse for a leader. The image of gray, black and white fur stained red rises like bile to his mind, chokes him and he steadies his voice to be more stoic and firm than the silent outrage he feels.
"StarClan is to be thanked for your many lives with which to serve your clan, StarClan is to be thanked for guiding us to the cure for the yellowcough that has now claimed a leader." He glances sharply to Flycatcher, frowning at the idea of a cat with more than one life having this sickness; did it go away if it killed her or would it keep taking again and again until the cats on the journey returned with the lungwort needed?

He hears Starlingheart speak up, cutting him off from building to a boiling point and her admittance is met with a quiet look. The dark tom is not sure how to feel about this news, but understands that in times of uncertainty those who were wounded most understood the depth of claws better than a cat who had never been cut.

"...and StarClan is to be thanked for they have given you a medicine cat wise beyond her moons to aid you. So if you so oppose our ancestors then either learn to hold your tongue or ask them to spare you the burden of carrying them in your name further." Smokethroat's voice remained even, curt and even albeit far more forgiving than it should have been given the circumstances. Even Sootstar who thought herself holier than the stars themselves knew when to bite her godforsaken tongue.
"If StarClan approves this code the ShadowClan medicine cat speaks of and the other healers agree then so be it. RiverClan will abide by it as well." Ravensong hadn't though, this he knew because the tom had been so deathly sick he had not left his den for the meeting like any other moon. Still, if it was confirmed by StarClan...
He'd have to let the young healer know once he was well enough. Who knew how he'd feel, but that was a discussion for him to have with the other medicine cats.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai


they only snort in response, listening to everyone argue their point. they had no doubt that starclan was there with them. they'd seen it themself. they just did not believe that statclan truly favored shadowclanners, when all that happened to them was heartache after heartache. starclan didn't spare them a passing glance when they were starving. or when the rats tore lives from the marsh cats. or even when the bears were invading their home. they hardly see why they need to thank starclan for something like food. they closed their eyes with a soft sigh, before simply speaking plainly.

"fine. starclan will be thanked for providing us with the basic necessity of food. i did not say they shouldn't be thanked when they deserve it. but hardly seems right to thank them for a hunt they barely help with. but so be it."

how did they not see it? how were they all so blind to the struggles of shadowclan that they couldn't see where chilledstar was coming from? starlingheart can have a pass. she communicated with the stars frequently enough to understand them better than any of them could. but chilledstar didn't. sometimes they wished they could but... right now? chilledstar and starclan did not see eye to eye. they'd thank them when they deserved it.

"and before you jump down my throat, again, know this. i respect the stars as much as any leader should. but the stars can be wrong."

and didn't the stars give them the heartache in the first place? so easy to seem like the heros even when you bandages the knees you scrapped yourself.

// ic opinions of course 😭💞

She has to hold back emotion reflecting on her face when Smokethroat adds that they should give their thanks to StarClan for caught prey. Is that all these cats thought about? StarClan this? StarClan that? However, she nods in silent agreement, if they wanted to thank StarClan for every morsel they could.

Chilledstar, however, shocks her. They speak out against it, stating that StarClan does not help catch their prey. She's astonished and somehow feels a quiver of respect for the black and white feline. Who knew they of all cats had opened eyes when it came to their ancestors.

Blazestar and Smokethroat are quick as expected to put Chilledstar back in their place as Starlingheart announces a code for medicine cats, much like the one warriors follow. Medicine cats are no longer to have kits so they would not have to choose between them or their clan-mates. A hefty sacrifice, but one Sootstar can understand being needed.

"I understand what you mean, Chilledstar." A shocking agreement occurs between the two leaders. "…But it's hardly something to get tripped up over. The grateful gesture to our ancestors cannot cause us harm." But she'd be a fool to outright admit her hatred and loathing for the starry cats. The other clans can be kept in the dark about that… for now. "Let it be known across all five clans, prey is only killed to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life. A law we must all abide by."
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

XXXXXBlazestar looks with interest as the ShadowClan medicine cat rises to her paws and lifts her voice to the gathered cats. She speaks of the same medicine cat code Dawnglare had told him about, and she too mentions—though ambiguously—that StarClan had shown their approval. He blinks, dipping his head to the young she-cat who'd so courageously revealed her folly. "A terrible tragedy, to be sure. If StarClan wills this medicine cat code to exist, SkyClan will follow and support it as well."

XXXXXSmokethroat's verbal assault on Chilledstar and the ShadowClan leader's reluctant balking earns only a flick of the ear from Blazestar. Sootstar, not shockingly, voices support for blasphemy, but he will not entertain it. "If that is all… then SkyClan will take our leave." He turns to the other leaders—and the medicine cats, now duty-bound by a code revealed to all five Clans—before making he decision to leap from the Great Rock.
