pafp pale spots fingers press on 〰 catching up

"It's so nice to see you again Bobbie," they chirp enthusiastically, padding alongside her as they make a departure from camp to go about some proper lounging. If there was anything that they'd learned, it was that in camp it was always the ones you least wanted peeping on your conversation that would stick their noses in it. Their ears sit forward to listen for the shuffling of the leaves of the forest, eager to bathe in the warmth of nostalgia. What a relief, to finally get back into the waters of clan-life and feel normal again. It was like nothing had even happened except that... evidently... a lot had happened. The details are still lost on them, far too much ground to cover and not enough time in the day between duties and the long trek back home each evening.

"You'll have to fill me in, Spicepaw's been so busy preparing for her warrior assessment I think she forget to tell me some stuff," the daylight warrior flicks a bobbed tail in pretend aggravation but they can't really fault her. It was a terrible balancing act to try to keep their home life under wraps and play messenger for all of the clan's happenings as well. Besides... being a kittypet by night (and the intermittent days she'd skip out on going to SkyClan at all in the name of helping Edenberry) meant you were bound to miss stuff.

Such as... a complete change of someone's name....

The pause in the pale molly's steps makes them stop too, turning to look at her with an inquisitive frown. "What's up? Was there bad news?" They can't recall anyone's pelt standing out as missing amongst the crowd but... it also hadn't been something they'd thought to look for. Had cats died? It wouldn't be completely surprising but it's complete lack of making it back to them sure would be.

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 16 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​
She hadn't really realized how much she'd miss Edenberry until they were . . . well, gone. Their soothing presence in the background, a pinstripe shape at Cherryblossom's side, had a pleasant constancy to it—through all the tumult of her first litter's life thus far, Edenberry had always been reliably part of the tumbling group of kits - turned paws - turned warriors that made up one of SkyClan's newer generations of graduates. She'd not paid them much mind until their absence cast them in a starker relief, compounded by the nagging worry that bit at her ears at the news of illness ( hadn't it been around this time last year yellowcough struck, after all? ). Luckily, they're back, and seemingly in good health.

" You too. I'm just glad you're feeling better, " she murmurs in reply to the younger cat's trill, a weight - of - the world sigh oozing out of her chest without her even noticing. She's been doing so much sighing lately that it seems ingrained into her being. Edenberry reminds her a lot of herself when she was younger, she notes with a rueful sort of amusement, watching as their brilliant green gaze drinks in the sun - drenched forest. Half - lost in thought, it takes her mind a step or two to catch up with their words, and her limbs still with the realization—of course Edenberry hadn't heard about her new name.

" No, nothing bad. I mean, a lot's happened, but . . . " she assures them, warmth trickling into her tone—though Doeblaze doesn't quite crack a grin, a roundabout glow takes rather naturally to her scarred face. It's funny, really; she'd hardly even realized the name used to be assigned to her for a heartbeat, even though it can't have been more than a couple moons since she made the change. Honestly, it's nice, feeling as though she gets to deliver something akin to good news—the past moon has been much like a dog - chase, and twice as a stressful, leaving her bringing back deaths and disappearances on her lips what felt like every day.

" It's just— " she begins with a creeping trace of a smile. It feels like good news—it feels like really, really good news, actually, enough to unwind a bit of the ribbon of stress pulling her shoulders taut. She ducks her head almost bashfully. " I've been going by Doeblaze, ever since the meeting before last. That's all. "

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Spicepaw does not intend to crash Edenberry and Doeblaze's little walk. She had been on her own, 'training for her assessment,' as her sibling would put it. Their crossing paths occur purely by happenstance and as it does, the little morality that Spice believes she has fizzles out immediately. There's sadness in her dull green gaze, painful warmth in her chest. She's glad to see the warrior back on their paws, as if the world hadn't shifted beneath them - but it hurts all the same to know it has. And even more, to know what she knows, and to know what she doesn't.

The lies entangle themselves and she picks her words with a careful grace that is no longer unbecoming of her. Although her nerves jitter and her weight shifts, Spicepaw has no issue helping encouraging the omitting-lie that Edenberry tells by being here. She has no issue, too, when it comes to spinning her own additional tale.

"Oh, Doeblaze, I'm sorry," she chirps, having heard the end of the conversation. She drops from her tree limb to meet the others on the ground, her head dipped apologetically to the former lead. "So much has been happening around here, after all. I must've forgotten some details..." Take it and go, she urges in silence. Doeblaze does not seem saddened by the lack of celebration. In fact, she seems to summon it herself, and Spicepaw only responds in kind with a gentle, worry-like smile.​

He'd been a little fretful since Edenberry's return, but only a little. A little more than usual, anyway. To see them again, even with Spicepaw's constant reassurance that they were alright... it was a great, heaping relief, he couldn't deny it. Unexpectedly, they had become one of his closest friends- to lose that sort of confidante, even for a little while, had been a dull ache that he had not been able to blink away. To have it well and truly erased, now ... was respite, he had to admit.

Bobbie, it did stick out - despite his initial reservations about the name, Doeblaze had grown into it well, and quickly. So much so that the utterance of her former name had his eyes shooting wider than they should be. Irrational thoughts sparked up, like, like- he'd been thrust back into the past for a second, like he'd fallen asleep and not realised it, like- he'd died and his past had started flashing before him, or something. But no, there was none of that... and Doeblaze softly corrected it.

Spicepaw's sheepish apology flitted forth, and Twitchbolt sauntered over, attempting to give the nervy she-cat a reassuring smile. "I- I think it's probably a bit nicer you got to say it yourself, Doeblaze," Twitchbolt murmured, an attempt at lessening any remaining anxiety in Spicepaw... and, of course, a small way of admitting his own softness that Doeblaze was truly certain of herself.
penned by pin ✧
Their jaw drops into a small look of confoundment, or surprise, as the ruffle-pelted molly admits to a change she's quite proud of. Or maybe just relieved by. It must be hard... to carry a name that someone once loved you by, knowing it'd never be uttered in that same way again. They pull their lips up into a sweet smile, trying to hide the way tears threatened to prickle at the corners of their eyes.

"Oh that's lovely," they purr, glancing towards Spicepaw as the tortoiseshell makes her way over with an apology on her tongue. The two-toned cat wiggles their tail, a small dismissal of her fears- It's alright... Don't stress. Besides... sepia and static draws near with a good point. It was probably nice to get to do the big reveal herself... Satisfying.

"It really suits you! And... very sweet..." They cannot ignore the flare of her dead mate's name, bound tightly against hers as a way to keep him close. Would Raindrop do the same... if they found out on a swift breeze that Edenberry had found misfortune, surrounded by friends of theirs that they would never meet? They shake it off, eager not to consider the circumstances of their own demise. "No one else went and got their name changed on me... did they?"

  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 16 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69​