PANDORA PALACE & † Granitepelt

He's been well enough to get up and do something for some time now. Only now, does he make any attempt to.

Rainshade would have scolded him for what he's done. Smogmaw has scolded him. He would scold himself. Injury is an excuse. He knows it– he's known since he was four moons old. It made himself a little lighter, to say it was on Starlinghearts orders, even if Smogmaw still moved around in worse shape than he had. He just feels guilty now, and confused, on top of it. He doesn't know what to make of it– what to make of anything. He just knows he ought to do something.

He thought that he had been. He'd invested faith in none. She had hunted day and night, she'd tried, but somehow it was getting her nowhere. Somehow, it was like she hasn't been doing much of anything at all. The thought makes her stomach churn. Trust yourself, the hyperbolically bored and gruff caricature of Smogmaw's voice worms in her mind like a fly buzzing amidst Carrionplace trash. That's what she's been doing all these moons.

Hadn't she?

He always creeps what he suspects is too far away from the hunting patrol, he'd rather keep his failures to himself– that was the motivation, even though he knew he's failed miserably. They saw the catch, or lack thereof when he returns to camp, tail as low as it always hung. But no one has called him back yet to scold him– not for that, anyways, so takes advantage of the temporary respite. He'd like to, anyways.

The sun is setting, and there are rustles within the long shadows cast onto the marshy ground. A toad lounges nearby by the water. Between it and Sharppaw is a clump of marshy grass,
and more greenish water at her very paws. Trust yourself. How, though? Sharppaw would look upon himself in the reflection of the water. He looks way too stressed, brows pinched tight, a frown heavy on his maw. His eyes bulge like a kit about to leave the nursery for the first time. Stars. What should he do, tell himself you'll do great?

The very thought makes him embarrassed. Clamping down on his lips as if to prevent that bleak future from becoming real, he sets his sights on the stupid, ugly toad instead. Her paws tread onto water, as does her awkwardly curving tail. She winces– not truly feeling the lap of bog water against deadened nerves, but rather the ripple of water against her. He thinks his heart pounds harder than it really should in this situation.

His steps remain light when he walks across the grass like he's always known. As a kit. With Rainshade, with Smogmaw. That was something easy, the first step to a successful hunt.

And the brush crackles beneath a tail he cannot feel.

He sees no reaction, not yet, but it's coming. He feels it in his mind, in his blood. His chest feels tight 'cause he's forgotten to breathe and his teeth clench, the ugly picture somehow growing uglier. She swears she can see it, the twitch of a leg; something. Panicked, Sharppaw bursts from the reeds, claws outstretched. It only takes a single bound for the thing to put ridiculous distance between the two of them. Jaws part in a rare burst of madness, " You–! You stupid thing–! "

She feels like an imperceivable weight snags her and drags her down to the earth. Every part of him is letting him down, and he doesn't understand why.

All that melodrama to say, he is sopping in the mud with nothing to show for it. The threat of swallowing mouthfuls of unimaginable filth is what keeps him from screaming. Claws scrabble at his own head for second, as if he might claw his own ears off. He abruptly goes limp, realizing that now, he has surely drawn attention to himself. He is too afraid to even look back. At the very least, he claws himself to his muddied feet.

He apologizes preemptively as pawsteps draw close; a muttered " Sorry, " from his lips. He looks at himself in the water with disdain.

  • SHARPPAW: brother to Rookpaw. Mentored by Smogmaw
    —— he / she , no pref , icked by they prns ; fine with gendered terms ( tom, molly, etc... )
    —— currently 13 moons old. warrior ceremony delayed due to lackluster progress.

    anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharppaw is a creature living in constant fear. Most thoughts are irrational, but consistent in that they are borne from pessimism and generalized anxieties.
    In an era of assessing what has set him back and figuring out what he wants.
They’d been in the nursery together, moons ago. They’d have shared dens throughout their apprenticeship, had Granitepelt not moved into the medicine cat’s den with his mate. And yet, Sharppaw is stuck with the dead, with Ghostpaw and Poppypaw, unable to get his warrior name. Even stuttering Loampelt is in the warrior’s den now—but Sharppaw is still lagging behind the rest of them, eyelids twitching madly at the lump of bone and fur that drags behind her.

A vague disgusted feeling is bubbling in the young warrior’s belly as he watches Sharppaw, startled by his tail, faceplant into a boggy section. Granitepelt’s lip lifts at the dark-pelted apprentice’s apology. “You’ve no doubt scared every living creature from here to Fourtrees with that display. What kind of warrior are you?” Contempt is a shadow on the forest floor of his green eyes. “Ah, well… I suppose you aren’t a warrior at all.

The gray warrior’s instincts tell him to leave this dead weight behind. Perhaps if he abandons his inhibitions and heads for the Carrionplace, they can find something worth bringing back to camp… but he stops beside Sharppaw, still picking herself out of the mud, to growl, “What is your excuse?

// sorry this is so late

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg
She witholds her wince at the voice that dredges behind her. She knows from their moons within this badger's nest together; the slight rise of fur along his spine can't really be helped. Maybe it'd be mistaken for his usual sloppiness.

He's not sure, but he thinks– he thinks that this is worse than it could been. Maybe because she's heard murmurs and whispers about Granitepelt, even if she has never before been the subject of this supposed cruelty. But surely it would have been worse were it a warrior; someone who may tell Chilledstar to let this one go, because there was clearly no getting through to her, or something.

Or maybe, it was worse because Granitepelt didn't have to be a superior, or anything. It ended up this way. Or, she supposes the rift is more or less self - imposed by her own failure. Sharppaw knows the game, but he is playing it wrong.

He doesn't want to look at Granitepelt. Sharppaw would not wince. He shouldn't wince, if he's to be a part of it all. He sits there with his jaw clenched, as any self - respecting warrior ought to do. It's completely stupid though, since that wasn't really her. He manages a small hum, barely heard— but agreeing, because Granitepelt was right. Never mind the angry face she made as she thought it.

Sharppaw tilts his face away. He couldn't look at him, because he would most definitely look more apprentice than warrior. His excuse. " I... " His excuse. Didn't he have one?

Rainshade taught her that no, she did not. She herself believed in no such thing. He still can't really help but look to the dead - weight behind him with disdain. " Excuses mean nothing when cats are hungry, " he drones it like a mantra. He's not really sure if he truly takes anything from it anymore, or just, as anything other than a thinly - veiled way of saying he was a liability. Her eyes fix better on Granitepelt's paws than anything resembling a face, really. His own legs are covered in mud.

  • OOC: ITS OK!!
  • SHARPPAW: brother to Rookpaw. Mentored by Smogmaw
    —— he / she , no pref , icked by they prns ; fine with gendered terms ( tom, molly, etc... )
    —— currently 13 moons old. warrior ceremony delayed due to lackluster progress.

    anxious, antisocial, paranoid. Sharppaw is a creature living in constant fear. Most thoughts are irrational, but consistent in that they are borne from pessimism and generalized anxieties.
    In an era of assessing what has set him back and figuring out what he wants.
Sharppaw remains relatively stoic in the face of Granitepelt’s ire, but she turns her face away from his cold stare and murmurs, “Excuses mean nothing when cats are hungry.” The young warrior lets out a faint hiss of annoyance. “Right. And who taught you that one, Smogmaw?” His tail begins to twitch, but he shoulders his frustrations, wondering why he cares. It’s soon easy to pinpoint the reason. “If this patrol comes back with nothing, do you know who will be blamed? I will, because I’m the warrior, and for some inexplicable reason… you’re still an apprentice.

Granitepelt grimaces, pulling himself back up to his full height, eliminating the perpetual slouch his posture is victim too. “What is your reason, then, Sharppaw? Why do you hunt and fight like a half-blind kit? The children my mate nurses back at camp are more skilled.” He wonders if Smogmaw is to blame—certainly, Pitchstar had been at fault for Granitepelt’s lack of skills, his crippled warrior education.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg