Jul 1, 2023
The tunnels have widened some, and the quiet has become less claustrophobic. Instead, echoes bounce back at them. Each slip of stones across the ground is gravel thrown into his ears and the dripping of water is a terrible menace. Pitter patter and a splash, more often than not. Shallow and running away. His throat is dry and his belly rumbling. Each noise only makes it worse. He expects it to continue on much like this until their journey finds its close (if it ever does, a hopeless part of his mind helpfully supplies) — hungry and thirsty and delirious with just a little touch of fear, and the tails of several other cats riding along his own. If he fails himself, he fails them. More importantly than even that, however: he would fail Dragonflypaw.

Deep breath, then, and a few pawsteps forward. "Come on, I think it widens a little bit this way. Seems a little bit lighter." And it is. Barely, sure, but a perceptible enough difference that even the ThunderClanners must see it. A slow trickling glow that begins to warm the space that they enter. It's larger than any place they'd been in before. Taller, almost towering. Not quite like the shade of the pines, but when he looks up and sees a small crack in the stony sky above them– "Huh," he mutters softly. "It almost looks like the moon." A crescent sliver, leaking silver and water both. Is it raining above them? Or is this the melting of snow, or some gift from StarClan? The moon bleeds water strong enough to form a puddle, and as soon as Honeyjaw sees it he darts forward to drink. The dusty edges give way to something cool and clear which he drinks up desperately.

  • OOC. @Magpiepaw @SEDGEPOUNCE @SLATE @batwing @HAILSTORM. @LITTLE WOLF if any of you want!!
    ——  a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected with a salt-and-pepper dusting.
    ✦ NOTICE honeyjaw is currently on the journey and will not be active outside of retro threads, or finishing those he had previously posted in! please message me on discord for plots or interactions between journey cats.
  • "speech"
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Being underground had been suffocating, to say the least. His eyes had been shut since they had entered the caves- not by choice, anyways- but it would have done him no good to have them open anyways. Scent and bumps against Hailstorm's shoulder had gotten him through most of the treacherous journey, but the noise of Honeyjaw- who he had come to greatly appreciate in this leg of the journey so far- speaking caused him to slow for a moment.

Batwing finally split his eyes open. They ached, as if he was back in that medicine den with cobwebs over his eyes. A tiny inhale followed. His ears lowered, following Honeyjaw's gaze- which he could barely tell the other had their vision lifted to the ceiling of the cave. A small noise of recognition left him, staring up at the light that peered down at them. He murmured softly. "I miss the moon."

Hailstorm could've been doing a lot better but he was comforted by the presence of both Little Wolf and Batwing at his side, his eyes open but half-lidded in hopes of his eyes getting accustomed to the dark but mostly had them closed for a good part of their trek. His large ears perking up at the sound of Honeyjaw's voice and glancing up to the caves ceiling noticing the light that was peeking through and the water that was beginning to form that their guide was eager to take advantage of. He hears what Batwing says and chuckles quietly under his breath with a tired smile on his maw "I miss the sun... I miss being outside." He adds wishing that they were outside and running in the pine forest that belonged to Thunderclan right about now but they were here now and there was definitely no turning back lest they want to get lost and rot in these caverns.

He steps forward just to be able to sit near the light of the moon, he didn't really find himself thirsty but seeing the moonlight that seeped through the crack was enough to lift his spirits and make him just the slightest bit hopeful that maybe they would all get out of this alive.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus