panic room | buck


kill it

Salmonrun was not a stranger to grief, nor turmoil, nor pain of any sort. He had known little else, at least from what he could recall, and it still followed him. He could scarcely go a day without needing a rest from the anxiety that randomly spiked in his chest, the soreness that accompanied his waking hours, and the crushing weight the world held. Still, he managed to do at least a little bit most days. He could take a short walk now, something he hadn't been able to do for a while, and he could try to be a 'go-getter' and do easy tasks. They weren't easy for him, but that was beside the point.

He had been taking an easy stroll around camp when he bumped into someone he didn't know. He actually bumped into them, not metaphorically. The small jolt and immediately rising concern sent Salmonrun reeling back, stumbling over his paws as he backed up. " Oh my! I- um. I-I-I... I am so sorry! " He didn't know how he hadn't seen them. They had just been standing there, not doing anything. " I am so sorry! I didn't- I, I didn't see you in front of me and I should have- should have been looking! " Were they hurt? had Salmon injured them in some way that they wouldn't recover from and he'd be exiled from Riverclan forever? oh no. oh no.
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there's this bristle in her fur she cannot rid herself of. a quick fuse and she's sure to blame another for it, because what else could be bothering her? she had been grooming in an attempt to calm herself, keep her ground and tongue leashed. she doesn't need to be out saying things that will haunt her in the night. she's already said enough to haunt her in her waking moments, they don't need to intrude on her sleep.

that is until someone bumps into her and she ends up nipping her tongue.

with a furious quickness, the woman turns around, nursing her injured tongue as she glares at the big oaf. he isn't even blind, and it's not like buckgait was hiding herself from plain view. there's simply no excuse except for pure ignorance of his surroundings. her maw opens to scold him, but his rapid apologizing shuts her up quick. it reminds her of otter, and she hasn't the heart to say anything anymore. something about cats like that, they're pathetic but she can't help but pity them. the type who can't survive the world without a colony to fall back on.

a sigh breaks from her, trying to calm herself from saying anything to scare the tom further. "you should have been looking." she agrees, and her tone is noticeably under control. it wavers a bit with annoyance, but still remains slightly even. "do you walk around everywhere without being aware of your surroundings?" it's not working, and she ends up barking her frustrations at him. it's not even that big of a deal, but with how much stress she's been put under, it was an unfortunate tipping point. and he was her victim.