pafp PAPER CROWN // intro


Dec 16, 2023

This was his typical bad luck he guess or maybe starclan had decided to punish him. Perchpaw really wished somebody else had been assigned this task instead because he had not want to get anywhere near the medicine cat den right now not after the recent incident. He still didn't know what to say to make it undone. Moonpaw for sure hated him now if she wasn't already. That was something he was certain about. With zero confidence inside to pull himself forward with and a anxiety so high that made every step towards the medicine den heavy the apprentice forced himself over with clean moss clenched between his trembling teeth. All he could hope was that Moonpaw wouldn't yell at him to keep her spiteful remarks to herself at least until he had left the den....

Perchpaw would silently enter the den hoping his presence would somehow sneak past the medicine cat apprentice attention. Just when he had finished cleaning one of the nests and removed the old moss with new ones his name got called and Perchpaw froze instantly. 'Would you mind helping me sort these herbs?'

He swollowed. What if he, but wouldn't that make her hate him even more?. Refusing was not even an opinion so instead he would nod and give a anxious smile, but his eyes where not seeking out hers. Perchpaw couldn't even look her in the eye right now. He had no clue why she would ask for his help why she would want anything to do with him but Perchpaw would obey as he dragged his paws over and after seating himself down beside her would stare down at the herbs placed in front of them. There was so many and some of them looked so alike. How was it even possible to tell them apart?. Perchpaw felt anxious just thinking about it. " This most g-give you an headache..." he mumbled out, thoughts that should have stayed inside of his head. Once again he had said something he hadn't meant for anybody to hear. Thoughts where only safe if they stayed inside of the head.


If she were to be honest, Moonpaw had grown so used to Perchpaw's odd habits and murmurings that she hadn't really cared when he had mentioned that the curse "wouldn't get her". She wasn't a stranger to odd wording and the other apprentice's quick and embarrassed departure had shown to her that although he meant the best he had worded it wrong and so she decided not to bring it up. It didn't matter in the end - she knew the other would have her back if it was needed and that was the most important thing. Had she known that Perchpaw thought she hated him she would have actually come to talk to the skittish feline, but instead she moved about her day as normal neither coming to the other or steering clear it just so happened that this was the first interaction they'd had since then.

When Perchpaw had moved into the den to begin switching out moss she offered him a small smile in silent greeting as she moved around herbs as instructed, switching them around so that the old herbs could be used first and the newer ones could dry and grow old without getting mushy and gross. She hadn't known how much work she would have when she'd accepted the position underneath Ravensong but it was interesting knowing how much the plants acted like prey on the pile - if a fish or bird was left underneath everything else for too long then it could spoil the rest of the pile from within, and she guessed the herbs could be like that. Head moved up once more as the other began to leave and quickly Moonpaw found herself asking if he'd want to help her sort the herbs.

She saw the way he froze and for just a second a small frown tugged at the corners of her maw before he turned and instead nodded, coming over and sitting next to her to help. "I think it would have if I hadn't bothered Ravensong so much as a kit." She would joke as she carefully moved dried herbs to the top once more, scooting a pile over to the side as she pulled a new one close. Even if it had given her a headache she knew Ravensong would have something for that, a sufferer of them commonly himself. "I like it now though, feels like we're strong even in leafbare, means we've got stuff to heal and stay healthy." She might not be training to be a warrior anymore but she still wanted RiverClan to remain strong, still wanted them to succeed in whatever came their way.

  • 72197262_ih0kl09k9BIlFkG.png
  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Ravensong.
    -- She/Her || 8 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling
"T-things are starting to f-feel normal," he would interrupt. The last time he went to the medicine cat den was to check in with Nettlepaw. Before that... He had walked into some sort of spat between Dovethroat and Ravensong. He remembered dragging Snakeblink out with him because they really did walk into something they weren't supposed to see. Where are you now Dovethroat? Despite the fact he was not close to the other tom, he can't help but be restless. Boneripple who had went missing returned to them after many moons with a collar and new wounds. I hope wherever he is, he isn't in too much pain.

Pushing those thoughts aside he would smile at the pair. Perchpaw is not his apprentice but he feels kinship seeing as they were similar. As for Moonpaw... He missed seeing her around, but she had a different job now. She would be taking care of them and ensuring that they wouldn't perish from wounds or illnesses. It was a difficult task. However, was it so bad to see her training with the others? "H-how's training? For both of you? I h-hear you've been doing well Perchpaw, but I w-want to hear it from you. And uhmm Moonpaw I d-don't see you much anymore, so h-how's it going?"
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 47 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Bubblepaw is doing the usual: hauling a variety of flowers to poor Moonpaw to see which are useable as a decoration. She isn't expecting there to be anyone inside the medicine cat den- that she'll have to leave her haul and come back later- but to her pleasant surprise there's a whole host of individuals inside. Perchpaw is helping Moonpaw sort herbs, and Pikesplash seems to have popped in to thoughtfully check in. The silver molly plops down her colorful bundle, smiling sheepishly as she doesn't want to add to the sorting that's already taking place.

"It must be lots of fun," Bubblepaw anticipates Moonpaw's answer pre-emptively- an interruption that comes directly after Pikesplash's- and although her quickly conclusive jump is mostly projection, it still comes from a good place. To her, much of what Moonpaw is learning is just all the different varieties of flowers and plants. Sure they serve a purpose, but they're also fun to collect and look at. She should remember later to ask the medicine cat apprentice to teach her about all the fun plants she knows so that Bubblepaw can tell the differences and help her friend gather some while searching for decoration.

With a sudden realization at Pikesplash's question, the silver tabby turns to face Moonpaw fully. "Do you still learn to hunt? Or fight?" Bubblepaw prompts Moonpaw with eyes that are round with the curiosity of a kit. To be fair, she doesn't know much else about her training other than the medical and memorization parts, but it seems awfully time consuming... Maybe even time consuming enough that Moonpaw would no longer have to learn all the same things as the other apprentices.
✦ ★ ✦
And as folks walk by, you see with your eye​
To Swanpaw, the medicine den had been a sacred ground he shouldn't dare cross the threshold of without at least a little blood trailing after him. Every time he passed the den, he sucked in his breath and pivoted his angle away from it, hoping his misfortune wouldn't seize him in the moment and he found a way to ruin every single herb that sat in the storage somehow. Was that really possible? Probably not, but the tom didn't want to test his luck.

Though, this time as he trailed through camp aimlessly, he decided to toe the line of fate just this once. His sister—Bubblepaw—was already there, and he wasn't doing anything else, so the tom approached the others. He pushed his tongue against the inside of his mouth as he waited for the she-cat to finish, though his eyes wandered to the nervous tom standing inside the den. Swanpaw hadn't heard much about Perchpaw, though from what he did hear, the two shared a nervousness towards life. In an attempt that'd probably be labeled as fruitless, the silver tabby attempted to flash something of a comforting smile to Perchpaw before tucking back into himself behind the group. He had nothing else to add to the topic, but felt too awkward to pull himself away from the group so soon.
"Hold me" is repeatedly given​
  • ooc -
  • info -
    Swanpw riverclan apprentice he/him bisexual npc x npc sibling of bubblepaw penned by catburger
Bumblepaw, feeling equally awkward and out of place in the bustling camp, noticed Swanpaw lingering near the medicine den. Deciding to break the silence, she shuffled over with a shy smile, her ears slightly flattened. "Hi, why are you over here?" she greeted, her gaze briefly flickering towards the nervous tom, Perchpaw, inside the den. Bumblepaw couldn't help but empathize with the shared sense of unease. Unsure of what to say next, she simply stood there, hoping the gesture offered some comfort in the midst of the stuffy atmosphere.

" Since ah, uhm, kit?..." Perchpw mumbled out, eyes slightly widen in suprise. He had no clue Moonpaw had been training to become a medicine cat so young..Had he missed something?. Was he really that disconnected from his clanmates lives that he didn't even know a such simply thing?. It had completely went over his head that Moonpaw had been joking...and so instead he took her words literally creating this misunderstanding.

He had no idea how Moonpaw could do this with such ease though. If it had been him oh starclan this whole clan would have been doomed. There was no way he ever could perform under pressure of the lives hanging on his paws. Moonpaw didn't seem to struggle with these thoughts not what he could tell anyway. From his point of view she looked rather confident with her role, eager to learn and serve to the best of her abilities. Oh how envious he felt over such confidence. If only he could be half the cat Moonpaw was. If only he could view the world as optimistic as her. " That's uhm, g-good for you i-i think.." He struggled to find the words as he focused on sorting some of the herbs out to the best of his ability while looking anxious down at each one of them. Did he even do it right?.

Perchpaw almost dropt one of the herbs when Pikesplash entered the den, his very voice having startled the anxious tom. The herb had slipt past one of his paws but he had manged to capture it again by catching it between both of his paws. With panic he would look the herb over to make sure it was still complete. A sigh of relief left him when he had made sure the herb was fine. Thank starclan for that.

He cast a dark looking glare over his shoulder at Pikesplash, the warrior who had been helping him now and then during training when Wavepool had been unable to. Two eyes had become four - four eyes watching him. One being a warrior he actually admired...It was too much. Perchpaw hurried himself to stare down at the herbs again. " Good..ev-everything is g-going good...well" he wasn't even sure if he was telling the truth or not. Wavepool had told him he was ready to become a warrior soon but Perchpaw...disagreed. But would it ever come a day when he actually would feel ready?. There was so much responsibilities after becoming a warrior. But he couldn't say any of it. He had already failed once with his warrior ceremony having been held back...How many attempts would he have before they decided to kick him out?...So pretending that everything were fine was for the best.

Four eyes become six, and then eight...and then...then ten.

Perchpaw wished he could crawl into his own skin as the numbers of cats increased...more dreadful eyes to dig themselves into his back. His ears fall flat on top of his head with anxiety. You might think he should be used with it by now after sharing nests with his fellow denmates but no...not the attention, the-the eyes focusing themselves on him. Bubblepaw didn't directly talk with him so that was an easy bullet to dodge out from and with his back facing them all didn't notice Swanpaw comforting smile which he otherside would have appreciated. Bramblepaw on the otherhand tried to engage with him, to pull him back into the group. That made him freeze. His attempt to go invincible hadn't been working. Now he was expected to speak, to say something but his head was blank. His head spinning and he couldn't think clearly. " T-to uhm, he-help w-w-with..her-herbs." he stuttered over the words that hurried itself out in panic. He had barely even realised what he just had said.

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