PAPER MACHETE ↷ [ Mirepurr ]

Interpersonal communication is as much a discipline as prey-stalking and combat expertise. Diligent practice allows one to polish and bring their aptitude in conversation to a point of mastery. A sharp tongue can be just as lethal as sharp claws, and perhaps even more damaging under the right circumstances. On the other paw, poor prowess in dialogue can undo one's triumphs with a careless promise or misspoken word. It's a trait worth developing and striving to perfect. Damn shame that Smogmaw's not nearly as proficient at it as he'd love others to believe.

A core aspect of communication is the long-term rapports and connections it creates. That's where the really precious prizes await, such as trust, friendship, solidarity, influence, loyalty, and information.

But, a mind like Smogmaw's—erratically fluid and infinitely fickle—makes going the extra mouse-length to nurture a bond incredibly tedious. By the same token, severing ties and discarding every association to save himself a headache is incredibly easy. This ambivalence plagues him. The tom can force a smile and command authority like the best of them, yet how readily he slips from the guise whenever he has no more use for it. Impulsive and blunt, Smogmaw has trouble keeping old friends and gaining new ones.

Therein lies the dilemma: his clanmates know him, but not well, and the reverse holds true in tandem.

Mirepurr stands as an exemplary example to call upon. The newest addition to Chilledstar's council, naturally likeable, intuitive, and an asset to ShadowClan. They're the sort of cat you'd want in your corner when a difficult situation arises, someone you can predict and trust—perhaps not always, but frequently enough. But, there's a snag; an embarrassing scarcity of genuine interactions lay between Smogmaw and Mirepurr, and he assumes both he and them are well aware of the fact. Forging a deep bond with someone rarely conversed with is taxing, especially if neither side makes an initiative.

Perched in the shade cast from Clanrock, Smogmaw gives the silver tufts on his chest a multitude more licks than necessary. Out from his matted fur sprung unsightly cowlicks and tangles. Impatience wells up within as he nibbles at the knots, tugging and biting at his pelt, trying in vain to work through the tresses, though to no avail. By no means is it a ceremonious display; it's disorganized, agitated even. Just another time-consuming thing to pull him away from his thoughts.

Into his periphery walks Mirepurr, gliding across camp's dessicated mud on their paws. With haste, the deputy stills his squirming form and promptly resumes a respectable posture. He pounces on the opportunity and sits as prim and pretty as a queen (as best as he could, given the circumstances). "Mirepurr, hi," the deputy meows, head dipping for a brief moment. "Been meaning to say congratulations on your promotion. 'Lead Warrior' suits you well."



Not even half a moon ago, Mirepurr would have thought the distance between themself and Smogmaw is irreparable, with never enough small talk or business discussions to bridge that enormous gap. It's not that they were ever bothered by this.

Simply put, that is how things are; leaders blessed by the stars, deputies specifically picked to shoulder the weight of the future, medicine cats led by something only they can see and hear...

Simply put, those cats are different. A regular warrior, while just as important to Clan life, will likely only know the constant of being a provider, a protector. It is a miracle that Chilledstar had seen something different enough in Mirepurr to pluck him from that cycle — unambitious, perfectly content Mirepurr. Lead warrior. Still tastes a bit foreign on the pink of their tongue.

Naturally, when Smogmaw beelines for Mirepurr, they automtically jump to the only conclusion they had ever known. Am I in trouble? The question echos in their mind with only one self-assured response; of course not. They had been doing their duties just like before... if not with even more of a bounce to their step. It's impossible to turn stoic enough overnight so that they could hide the joy that comes with such a promotion.

Mirepurr pays no mind to however messy Smogmaw might view his own fur. They merely take note of the polite stance, the not-so steep line of his mouth as he regards them. "Thank you!" Their voice rises in pitch, eyes bright with sincerity. "I'm sure I have a lot to learn. Don't mind me much if you see me shadow you... best to copy a professional, right?"

Honey-sweet words lay a golden path to closer connections — especially with a cat whose pride demands constant nourishment. No matter how thick or thin it is laid, Smogmaw soaks up flattery like moss to water. Conceit soothes his throat into an easy purr as the obliging words spill, and amber eyes hold a livelier lens to Mirepurr than before. "You'll rise to the occasion admirably, I'm sure," the deputy refutes shortly thereafter. The disheveled state of his chest no longer troubles nor distracts him. Their modest reciprocation has all but breathed new life into the dour tom. "But I'll always provide counsel, should you seek it."

Communication within Chilledstar's council is a notch or two more subdued than it ought to be. Only when the leader summons them all for emergency sessions does he glean where everyone stands and, if he's lucky, common ground. No mind out of the seven mirrors another even loosely; compromise is often sacrificed to strongarm the majority opinion. It's efficient, yes, yet it leaves room for dissent to simmer.

Engaging with his peers more often would yield select benefits. Trust, loyalty, cohesion. Mirepurr has thus far streamlined the path with one of them. "Share your thoughts plainly and sincerely when your leader is listening." Spontaneously, Smogmaw pinpoints the most relevant advice to impart at this time. Tail high, posture light, and voice clear, the tom preserves the faith Mirepurr instills. "Chilledstar hasn't much time for pleasantries. Even if what you say frustrates them, they will see reason in the end. They usually do."

He would have to claw his way several seasons backwards in search of a conflicting example. And, to Chilledstar's credit, said examples took place very early into their tenure.


Mirepurr would not deem themself- or rather their tongue to be too willing with its display of approval. The notion of dishing out fake compliments just to gain an advantage later on is not something that interests them, considering how easy it comes for them to find a truly likable aspect in others.

And yet...

When Smogmaw's face clears — not a smile, necessarily, but the lines embedded in his stone-harsh skull soften —, Mirepurr can't deny they see why some would opt to do so. It's a special kind of victory when you manage to smooth out a frown in the deputy rather than strengthen it. First (or so) day on the job, and they are already killing it. Way to go!

Smogmaw promises his aid on future endeavors, and Mirepurr knows he means it. A father, a soldier, a tom ready to rise to the occasion. He would always be reliable for as long as he breathes. "I'm sure I will."

As if on cue, and as if a dam within Smogmaw has opened, he recites his first lesson: one that Mirepurr already vaguely understood, but it proves to be helpful advice nonetheless. They would not wish to be caught mumbling in the presence of their leader. Chilledstar's namesake of a gaze warrants authority like nothing else — if Mirepurr lets it sit on them for too long, they swear that blue pair could burn a hole through their flank.

"Chilledstar is no fool," they agree, nodding at all of Smogmaw's punctuation, "I know he wouldn't be caught shrugging his counsel's advice off. He's outlived our previous leaders for a reason, after all."

A question burns there, right at the heels of Mirepurr's point. Do you reckon you'll outlive Chilledstar, too, when your time comes? Imagining Smogmaw at the helm of ShadowClan is not difficult; he's been serving and serving well for long enough to prove his capabilities. Asking such a thing outright however...