paper planes [open - skyclan patrol]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Of course, it was just his luck that he was stuck on patrol with Dandelionwish of all cats- the windclan exile who'd cost them the ire of the moor rats and had them watching their backs more than ever. He hadn't said anything to the other tom since they'd left, stalking ahead on the trail with agitation rolling off of him as they made their way toward the river.

He would have spent the majority of the trip there in the trees, stalking among the branches where he had better excuse to ignore the other cat as much as possible, but with Plaguepaw with him he kept to the ground, knowing the younger tom wouldn't be able to keep up with him in the trees yet. It wasn't really anything Dandelion himself had done, he just hated the trouble they brought to the clan and didn't feel like dealing with the feelings that brought up.

Plus, he wasn't really feeling the best.

His throat felt perpetually dry and hoarse, every word rough in his throat like sandpaper and every bite from a meal like swallowing gravel.

When at last they reached the river, the large chimera let his mismatches gaze fall on the rushing water and made his way over to it's edge. "You can drink if your thirsty, but be careful not to fall in or disturb the fish. he instructed, leaning over the edge himself to do just that. Maybe it would help sooth his throat a bit.

@Dandelionwish @LUPINEPAW @Plaguepaw

skyclan - male - 17 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

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When Cherrypaw, Cherrykit then, had asked what they all were most excited to do when they became apprentices, Lupinepaw said he wanted to see the river. For someone who had been confined to Skyclan's camp for until only a few sunrises ago, so much water (enough for cats to swim in!) seemed like something out of a dream. Today, though, he got to go see it in real life!

Lupinepaw hustled through the forest undergrowth near Dandelionwish, casting ponderous glances upward at Quillstrike every so often. Soon, that would be him skipping through the branches with ease, greeting the wind and sky like an old friend. But for now, he remained firmly planted on the ground, trying not to struggle too visibly at keeping up with the long strides of the warriors.

Lupinepaw was too young to know much about the events leading to Dandelionwish's arrival to Skyclan, nor was he aware of the tension some of their clanmates regarding him because of it. Lupinepaw was mostly just glad the chocolate and cream tom had been a nice mentor to him so far. The black smoke feline felt a bit of apprehension rise as the river came within earshot. "What if Riverclan's there? Do we, uhm... Can we say hi..?" Lupinepaw asked his patrolmates quietly. He didn't want to say anything wrong... What if the Riverclanners got offended somehow and attacked them because he said hello the wrong way?

At last they reached the river, and it was more beautiful than what he imagined. "Wow..!" the young apprentice ooh'ed, quite a bit out of breath from their journey, "It's so... pretty!" He padded to the bank, some tail-lengths upstream from Quillstrike, and lapped up some of the running water, more out of pure curiosity than thirst.




Well, you'd have to be blind to not see that Quillstrike didn't like him and frankly he didn't care. You couldn't win everyone over, he could be the best SkyClan warrior there was and the tom would probably still find something to dislike just because of his background as an ex-WindClanner so he didn't really try to bother befriending him. Dandelionwish was content with his life as it was, rather there be just a small handful of cats still acting like he was a problem than an entire clan's worth and SkyClan had been good to him thus far.
His new apprentice was his focus on this patrol and not the sullen warrior anyways, a smile lighting up across his maw as he watched Lupinepaw stare around in delight at the river and territory beyond their borders. He couldn't remember his time as an apprentice before Honeytwist took over as his mentor, his previous one had abandoned WindClan without warning and sometimes he wondered if that fellow knew something he hadn't at the time. Regardless, he hadn't gotten to enjoy this sort of thrill, the unfiltered and kit-like wonder of a new world beyond the camp walls. It was endearing to watch.
It was a good enough distraction anyways, his head had been feeling full of fog for most the day and it felt as though the air was thicker somehow, like he couldn't quite gulp in enough of it just breathing in his usual slow and rhythmic way.
"Careful Lupinepaw, can't have ye go tumblin' in." The enthusiasm was precious though at least, he'd have to tell Bobbie all about it-he was sure she was eager to hear about his first outing when they got back and hopefully it didn't involve a dunk in the river.
"Ye can say hi to RiverClan if they come up, keepin' cordial at the borders is always a good idea if ye can help it." And RiverClan was their friend of sorts, though he wasn't exactly sure where they stood entirely.
She’s not too far away from the border patrol she had been with, a shade of chocolate amongst the varying pelts. She walks alert, with ears perked as she stares absentmindedly across the river. Voices from across cause her to glance over, where she spots a Skyclan patrol. Eyes flit to her own before going back and she waves her tail in slight greeting.

She’s slightly hesitant on verbally greeting them, not sure where they stood on their previous alliance… “Hello, Skyclan.” she decides to go ahead with it, giving them a guarded flick of the ears. “…How are things over there?” truly she has no interest or even desire to know about outside politics, and she would much rather just know about Riverclan instead. But, again- she needs to appear nice. She watches one of their apprentices bend down to lap at the water and she can’t help but make a face, she thinks of the dwindling water that she had previously swam in, mucked down with mud and disgusting stones. She wouldn’t ruin the apprentices fun, though.

  • // slightly short mobile post so sorry
  • -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with low white and blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
Otterpaw had imagined his time as an apprentice occupied with long days full of battle training and swimming alongside glimmering scales. Romanticized with the perfect picture building him to warriorhood, immune by all things like fatigue or better yet boredom. Now, as paws fought to keep up with the long strides of his mentor, Otterpaw found himself experiencing just that! The trek to SkyClan's border was agonizingly slow and his pads were beginning to ache from walking such distance. Ripplewave hadn't brought him out this far from camp very often, since his tumble into the river had him focus on swimming techniques instead.

But a patrol was unavoidable, he had been told. Otterpaw couldn't imagine himself making such long trails every day, to think he saw plenty of his Clanmates commit to several before sundown made him grit his teeth. He would much rather be tussling in the sand with his denmates than out here.

The sight of the SkyClan brought forth a feeling of surprise to the chimera. He had heard hissing remarks of these cats commonly being kittypets, lazy and unfit for the forest like RiverClan was. Yet when he looked at Quillstrike, he saw a tom much like himself. (Actually, they resembled one another quite closely). Then Lupinepaw, not much younger than himself. Dandelionwish, a rather average looking tom. These folk didn't look anything like he had imagined from his Clanmates reports.

"Where are your kittypet collars?" He asked loudly, confused. Where were the real SkyClan cats his Clanmates saw?​