papermoon [p. luna]

╰☆☆ It's night again, and he's headed to the great beyond, to where wildcats dwell in shadows. The moon is only a silver claw in the dark sky, though the stars are brilliant. His thick cream-colored fur is radiant as he makes his way past the fenceposts that guard his housefolk's nest.

Will I be able to find her again? He doesn't know. He hasn't forgotten her scent, but tracking a single cat in such an immense place with all sorts of competing sights and smells... he doesn't have much confidence in himself. He sighs, but his paws continue their stride.

He feels like he has to try.

But just as he is about to turn into the dark, blue eyes catch a black shape, anointed with white. Its amber eyes are gazing up towards the sliver of moon. I haven't met them before, he realizes. He wonders if she hasn't been let out much, or if she is new to the neighborhood.

Nonetheless, he fears it would not be right to just walk by now that he's noticed her. Blaise bounds toward her, tail waving in a friendly greeting. "Hello! I haven't seen you around before. I'm Blaise." He tilts his head up towards her, blue eyes iridescent. "Looking for something up there?" He's teasing a bit. She seems quite young, still almost a kitten.


Too many nights like this have turned Luna into a nocturnal animal. It's late, far too late for her to still be up, but the sky was just so wonderful tonight. It wasn't like she had anything to be doing during the day anyways. Unless they let her out so she could go visit Valentine, she would just be sitting around her twolegs' den all day. No, she'd rather be awake now, taking in the beauty of this night. She could sleep after the sun rose.

She blinks as a voice calls out to her. Friendly and unfamiliar.

The young molly glances away from the stars above to catch the eye of a flame-point tom below her window. "Oh, uh, hello." She calls back uncertainly. He's so close, she's surprised she didn't notice him until he spoke. "I'm Luna, nice to meet you."

She blinks again at his words. "It's just pretty." Luna explained simply, not really sure how to respond to his teasing. She examined him curiously. It was awfully late for him to be out and about, wasn't it? Her housefolk would never let her out this late. "Where are you going?" She asked.

╰☆☆ Blaise nods at her introduction. Luna. Makes sense, not just for the night sky pelt, but the earnest way she'd been stargazing before he'd approached her. He gets a simple enough explanation from her. "It is pretty," he says, casting a distracted glance over his shoulder. "It is nice to sit and appreciate nature sometimes." He thinks she would probably get along with Val quite well, though he does not say this. No need to corrupt the youth with his special brand of... unique.

When she asks where he's headed, he blinks. Speaking of corrupting the youth. Should he tell her? Perhaps she won't really care, he thinks. Kittens alone in the woods. The thought is a frightening one.

He says, "I'm... off to visit a friend. She lives..." He doesn't mean to, but he looks back over his shoulder, toward the woods beyond. They look haunting from where they are, beneath the street lamp, near the window of Luna's nest. But he isn't afraid--even if he should be. "She lives in the forest," he confesses.

It is nice to sit and appreciate nature sometimes.

"...yeah." She replied simply, with a glance away. Sometimes. Best she not mention how many nights she had spent like this. Staring out into the darkness, dreaming of another life. That wouldn't make the best first impression.

Luna blinked when he said he was going to visit a friend. This late at night? That was curious. She wanted to say as much, but didn't want to interrupt. In all fairness to her, he was taking an awful long time to finish his sentence. Her eyes grew wide the moment he finally did though. "She lives out there?" The molly asked incredulously, leaping to her paws. "Really? What's her name?"

╰☆☆ Blaise catches how her eyes shift from his, as though she's evading the topic. How odd. He hardly has time to ask her what is bothering her, though, as she perks up with interest at his mention of the wildcats in the forest.

"She lives out there?" Blaise smiles and nods. "Yes, somewhere out there, anyway. They live in big groups of cats." There's something charming about this to him, the idea that a friend or a family member is never too far away. He has to fight the window gap to see Valentine or the other house pets, and although he cherishes his housefolk, not being able to converse with one another can become lonely.

Luna asks what her name is. Blaise chuckles. "Little Wolf," he says, and the name still feels strange on his tongue. "I don't know if they all have names like that, though."

He wonders if Luna's curiosity is out of fear or out of... well... does she want to visit the forest too? He's thinking about all the strange stories he's heard in his life about cats that live in colonies and sharpen their teeth on cat bones. He now knows for a fact that it isn't true, that there are kind and interesting strangers living beyond their borders.

"Maybe someday, you can come with me," he says. He's already extended this offer to Valentine. He doesn't see the harm. "But probably not by yourself. Little Wolf made it sound like some cats might not be so friendly." He doesn't really know the extent of 'not so friendly.' He remembers the way she'd eyed his collar, though.

"Woah." Luna breathed, glancing toward the darkened treeline outside her twoleg's den. She knew there were cats that lived out there, but that was all she knew. Never having so much as seen one of them. Now she was speaking with someone who'd met a whole big group of them. At least, that's what it sounded like to her.

Even the name itself was its own wonder; Little Wolf. It didn't sound like a name to her. More like some sort of grand title, and she could only imagine what fearsome sort of cat would earn it.

Blaise's offer pulled her from her thoughts, bringing a new sparkle to her eyes. "Really?!" she asked eagerly. "I mean, I'd love to! If it wouldn't be too much trouble." She nodded along with his insistence that she not go alone, but her head was already back in the clouds. Any danger was forgotten at the thought of the world of wonders she might find beyond the walls of her twoleg's den. Her imagination ran wild with the possibilities.
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╰☆☆ Blaise can't help but chuckle at Luna's enthusiasm. "Surely you wouldn't be any trouble," he says. "At least, not anymore trouble that I already am myself."

He looks behind him, where Luna's eyes were searching the treeline. A little thrill shoots across his spine, and he feels the itch in his paws to get going. He will see her again, and be amongst the wondrous sights and scents of the forest. All so strange, but all so wonderful.

Blaise turns back toward Luna with a farewell nod. "Next time I head this way, I'll tap your window, if you're up," he meows. "As long as your housefolk let you out at night or as long as you can get out yourself, we'll go together."

With that, the flame point finds his path again, glowing golden from the stars and the street lights, before he loses his color and blends into the forest's shadows.