PAR-DELÀ LE CIEL ↷ [ pre-gathering chatter ]

Smogmaw, on average, holds a firm trust in his capacity to control the situations he involves himself in. It allows him to navigate through complex dilemmas, weigh the available options and uncertainties, and make calculated decisions that advance his ambitions. Some may view his conduct as overconfidence, or perhaps arrogance—and it would be wrong to imply delusions of grandeur weren't entrenched in his inner recesses. Nevertheless, this approach has been instrumental in his ongoing survival, and it wasn't feasible for him to deviate any time soon.

Even if it means forging an alternative truth to better fit his needs.

Though the claw-marks on his hind flank continue to ail him, the deputy's limp has lessened to a point where he can shepherd his clanmates with comparative ease. Long strides cross over Fourtrees' threshold, and as Chilledstar sets off for the Great Rock, Smogmaw leads the rest of ShadowClan into the clearing below. "Keep your guard up," advises the dark-smirched tom, who swivels his head to glimpse a familiar face behind him. "We cannot guarantee any lightning strikes this time," he continues, trudging onward, "but should one happen, let's pray it does not miss."

Once his clan's attendees are settled, Smogmaw departs from the fray in search of a more secluded nook. Cautiously, he would plant himself on the dew-moistened ground, holding a fixed gaze on his comrades.

Fireflypaw's eyes are sunken as he peers amongst the form of cats, the spot beside him empty, void of his sister's form. He has no patience for much trivial arguments, dreads coming to this Gathering after all that has happened. Some were excited, with this being his ninth moon- a celebration, but for what? He found himself wondering if Morningpaw was watching them once again, lips quivering with a soft prayer above. I miss you.

As SkyClanners of all sizes stream into the field around him, Fireflypaw makes a point to stay close to his father's side. Both to keep him company, and to make sure he made it up onto the rock safe. His father was capable of taking care of himself, but sometimes cats needed a little more help than they're used to. Sometimes, they need to lean on others they can trust. Fireflypaw grunts as he pulls himself over a fallen tree, before he finally makes it into the clearing.

"It's.. Wow." He whispers, though Smogmaw's voice rings true above the ShadowClan faces. As the moonlight shines above them, Fireflypaw shuts his eyes to keep the light away. Then, he begins his slow trek to where the medicine cats sat. He watches his father from the corner of his eye, expression schooled into one of temperance for once. For once, he could be more serious- when Howlpaw was home and safe, then he could let his guard back down.

She wondered how powerful StarClan could be if they had forsaken ShadowClan at almost every turn. It wasn't a doubt she dare declare in front of her nephew, their reverence to the great beyond one that she could find comfort in, but ultimate trust was still an uncertainty. Had the dead hit their mark, then they wouldn't have to watch Smogmaw hobble about the past few days. There was a spring to the cinnamon tabby's step in spite of the tension amidst ShadowClan's ranks, the promise of excitement causing her head and tail to poke up toward the clouds and her long ears to prick forwards in relative attention. Their Deputy began to speak and as quick as a snake strike, her pupils shot toward his own. It was an ethereal look the Lead Warrior bore, blinking slowly as she heeded the warning and breathing in the hodgepodge of scents that already seemed to congregate. 'StarClan may miss.... but I don't,' she promised to herself. If WindClan tried anything, she would be walking home with scarlet paws. A head tilt later, and she left the tabby with a parting query. "If I attack someone here and I get struck by lightning, do we both die.....?"

Her eyes flashed with a wild impudence towards WindClan's charred seat, scenarios running through her head like river rapids. She wouldn't mind taking some of the Star-Killer's reputation away from them, a mutually assured death sounded so much more dramatic than skulking off into the night like a starved fox. Ferndance offered a pleasant smile and turned her wedge-shaped head towards the rest of the gathering place. It was quiet at the moment, as she slunk around she couldn't help but want to pierce the silence with birdcall and wolf howls. "Excuse me?" Ferndance would call to the first cat that gave her attention. Childlike excitement filled her tone as she padded closer, looking suspiciously similar to a human street vendor. When she was certain she had the other cat hooked, she mewed, "I had an amazing theory I wanted answering. It involves dying, don't worry, it might not be your death. Are you in?" The corners of her muzzle crept upwards as she tried to contain her humour, attention everywhere apart from the stranger's face. She may have been on her guard, but who was to say she couldn't have fun while doing it?

[ open to interactions && being the cat she's talking to! ]

For the second time in recent memory, it is Sunstride that guides the remaining WindClanners into the gathering's chaotic chattering. Their leader would part as she always had, to find her place upon the rock. And he would ensure that nothing came of those she entrusted him with. Tonight, it is a party that pales in comparison to their previous attendance. Little more than a pawful of cats, and fewer among them old enough to be warriors. Though there is great pride in those that accompany him, they are not the ones that have found themselves at his side in Sootstar's council. A great many of them were young warriors, newly named. And between them, held towards the center of their crowd: children. Apprentices as newly named as their warriors, who had yet to see the extent of the world around them.

To his own amidst the group, Sun turns pale eyes. Then to Adderpaw's siblings and friends. His breath ghosts out in a low, hot huff. "Listen more than you speak," he warns lowly, and then nods a quiet satisfaction. "Go, each of you. And remain on guard."

As for himself– as soon as the cats around him begin to split, the burnished tabby weaves through the crowd and towards...Smogmaw, of all cats. He is not harsh in his approach, or cold in his speech. When he comes to join the watcher, it is with a gaze as friendly as it had been when their clans were still allied. Not too long ago, he had done what he could to draw the other into conversation. Though it had not succeeded, he is not here for friendship this time. It is intentionally bothersome, how closely he sits. "A beautiful night as ever, don't you think? It certainly highlights your wounds. Do they trouble you terribly?"

  • ooc: interacting with @Adderpaw and @smogmaw
  • SUNSTRIDE. named for his coloration and his bold chasing of fate.
    —— cis male, he - him. thirty-six moons old. lead warrior of windclan and former rogue.
    —— gay, but somewhat closeted. will not be open about his interests.  single, will be so.
    —— seems comparatively stranger than who he was some moons ago, serious and cool.

    sunstride is broad and bold– a creature standing above most of windclan, though not a beast beyond its borders, with fur that flames red at its base and deepens to a burnt amber with every whorl and stripe. his eyes, in comparison, are a pale summer's blue, still as bold as the rest of him.
  • "speech"

The Gathering. It was a big night, one that had started with significant confusion from the young Sparrowpaw. The murmurs of the events to come had swelled throughout the day, to the point that they had to curiously ask about the fuss. The Gathering, they were told.

The Gathering was a night of truce where all five Clans would put aside their differences to gather beneath the full moon in a place called Fourtrees, to share news and stories and make friends, if only for that night. It was an honor to go, they were told, as some would have to stay behind to watch camp. Sure enough, the chocolate tabby found they were among the party that departed from the camp as the sun hid itself behind the trees and shadows deepened.

The trek led them through ThunderClan territory, the small feline sticking close to Fireflypaw's side while their gaze wandered. The trek was long, the terrain beneath their paws unfamiliar and the scents even more so. As their destination grew near, the mingling of strange scents only multiplied, enough to make their whiskers quiver.

Dozens upon dozens of cats were already waiting in the clearing as SkyClan descended the slope, Sparrowpaw's heart fluttering in their chest as they took in the sight. They could recognize ThunderClan's scent at least, and RiverClan's, but not the others. They must be WindClan and ShadowClan.

At some point Fireflypaw had left their side, but in their staring, they hadn't quite noticed. Many cats were already chattering amongst themselves. For the time being, they stuck close to the SkyClan crowd, uncertain who to approach first.

A flash of movement caught their eye, and they watched as cats clambered to the top of a massive stone to sit down. Blazestar was among them. "Who are they?" they asked, leaning in to their neighbor and pointing up to the stationary figures.

//open for interactions, feel free to be the cat they're talking to :)


They could not deduce Sootstar's motivations for sending them to this gathering. Thinking from the moment they left camp to the first time in a while their paws touched the Fourtree earth, they still hadn't come up with an answer that satisfied all possible angles. Used to the diurnal schedule their mentor had put them on, it was difficult to make sense of each clan past the fog of fatigue. Each breath was louder in their own ears than it was in reality, a smile upon their maw to hide the worst of their confusion from the enemy. They could make sense of ShadowClan and SkyClan amidst the rainbow of pelts and felt their neck muscles tighten. Sunstride told the motley crew of WindClanners to listen more than they spoke and Snailstride's nostrils flared. That would be difficult, there was so much they felt they needed to say to the outside world to secure their place in the moorlands. He offered a nod all the same, frantic in its speed despite the idle suspense in the rest of his body. 'Peri will want to know what's happening. They remembered their conversation as if it were yesterday (in fact, it was yesterday, wasn't it?), there'd been doubts about Sootstar's story even if he hadn't been keen to share his own.

His attention flittered towards the ShadowClanners in particular, eyes twitching when Sunstride pokes a proverbial hornet's nest. They roll their head in on their shoulders and scoot away, delving into the crowd they were its shadow. 'The clan doesn't need to like me.... they just need to remember how much they hate each other'. It wasn't a strategy that worked when praise had been ambrosia to the new warrior, but here, they could feel the lessons from their rumour roundup were as relevant as ever. For now, the marbled tabby was silent, waiting for a stranger to bump into them as they meandered, confident in their facade of lacking a single care in the world. In truth, they were focused on every little detail, from the number of stripes on a passerby's tail to the tidbits of conversation overheard (but ultimately disregarded with a fleeting memory). Ultimately, this was absolutely terrifying.

[ open to interactions!! ]


It seemed that most gatherings Flycatcher had attended, usually devolved into bickering or name calling. Given what had happened between his own clan and RiverClan this past moon, he does not hold out much hope that that one would be any different. The deputy pads in alongside the ThunderClan cats present, green eyes looking around cautiously. He does not want to start any fights or arguments, but he is on alert in case anything should happen. After doing a quick once over, he glances towards Burnpaw at his side, now the only apprentice he gets to bring officially though he's sure Roeflame will still attend. "Go. Be free and mingle," Flycatcher encourages the dark-furred apprentice with a tilt of the head. "I'll be around if you need me." With a nod of confirmation before parting, Flycatcher pads away to sit with the other deputies, something he still isn't quite used to yet.

/ mentioning @BURNPAW ! & open to interactions!


Figpaw was excited to at last be at another gathering. The last time she had attended she had been a four moon old apprentice, naive and innocent to the dangers of the world. Now she was nearly a grown she-cat, almost a full warrior. Tonight she'd take immense pride in representing her clan and descends into the clearing with a hop in her step.

Orange eyes dance around in search of RiverClan apprentices, but she spots Sparrowpaw first, looking around nervously. Eventually the tabby notices Figpaw's presence and leans into her to inquire about the leaders. "Oh yeah! Next to Blazestar the older tabby is Howlingstar, ThunderClan's leader. At Blazestar's other side... the tom with the long snout? That's Cicadastar, leader of RiverClan. Oh and the black and white cat is Chilledstar, thats the ShadowClan leader. WindClan's leader is Sootstar, the small one at the edge of the rock." Figpaw is happy to be able to strut her knowledge, even if it was very common knowledge at that.

Nudging her friend's shoulder in a suggestion for them to follow her she races off to find RiverClan apprentices.

// interacting with @sparrowpaw!
SEARCHING FOR RIVERCLAN APPRENTICES! Please feel free to already know her from patrols/battles/etc


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

While first time apprentice attendees would gasp with awe, no reaction to the beautiful scenery seems to appear on his face. Perhaps his mind dances with curiosity and joy where no one could see, but who knows.

Socializing is a big part of the gatherings, cats spread out to chatter with cats from all the other clans... Harrierpaw isn't quite sure if thats what he wants to do yet. Did he have it in him to talk politely to a RiverClanner? A SkyClanner? All he knows of the other clans is their scents and that a burning hatred festered inside of him, a raging fire that had been kindled since his birth.

He doesn't get to decide whether or not to socialize, a ShadowClan she-cat has decided for him. He blinks in subtle alarm and takes a couple pawsteps back in confusion with her approach. I had an amazing theory, she says, it involves dying, don't worry, it might not be your death. Are you in?

Was that a threat?! Harrierpaw's hackles bristle in alarm, unable to tell what this cats play was. "Oh uh- oh- I remember you from the patrol." She had been one of the cats there when Vulturemask had taken them out to get prey. Never does she get a direct answer on whether or not Harrierpaw was intrigued in her theory.

// interacting with @FERNDANCE


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )
· HARRIERPAW, male — he / him
╰ ‣ 4 moons . pisces. ages on the 14th
╰ ‣ windclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells of the earth and dry grass , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue and brown chimera . average sized WindClanner . yellow eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝ EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Chaotic neutral
╰ ‣ self-reliant, loyal, disciplined, direct, impatient, unsympathetic, judge mental
╰ ‣ finds moderate difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel

· WEASELCLAW x SOOTSTAR, sister to Windstrider, Sootchaser, Moorpaw, Adderpaw, Bluepaw & Cottonpaw
╰ ‣ nephew to Mintshade & Bluepool
╰ ‣ sexuality unknown
╰ ‣ apprentice to Firefang
╰ ‣ poor fighter . poor hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

The ginger apprentice pads into the clearing, filing in behind the other SkyClanners. Though Greenpaw arrives somewhere alongside Fireflypaw, Figpaw, and Sparrowpaw, their group splits off quite quickly, with Firefly joining the rest of the medicine cats in their designated area, and Sparrowpaw and Figpaw chatting with one another.

Greenpaw's ears twitch at the brown tabby's question, gaze following the newcomer's raised paw towards where the leaders sit. "Oh, that's --" he starts, but it's ultimately Figpaw who answers for her friend. Viridian gaze blinks, and he can only nod his head along.

"Some of the leaders aren't the nicest, though! So be careful around 'em!" he chimes in, a warning as he remembers what happened the last time he'd gone to a gathering. Lightning striking at Sootstar's place on the leaders' stage - surely that wasn't a coincidence with the tales he's heard of the blue feline, with the number of her disciples who seek refuge among the pines.

He doesn't know if Sparrowpaw even hears his words, as his sister's already motioning them towards where RiverClan's cats gather. He can't help but wonder then - did Figpaw know the whole forest? She always seemed to find a familiar face somewhere, didn't she? Greenpaw doesn't quite understand how she manages such, but doesn't dwell on it too much.

But, perhaps he should go over there too and see if he can find anyone he knows from his time within their camp. He heads in the same direction, bright gaze looking around.

// briefly speaking to @sparrowpaw! &. open to interactions!​

Night-ligh flooded the clearing- it really was beautiful, wasn't it? The full moon cast such a pallid, ghostly glow over everything that it almost felt like StarClan was walking with them... maybe that was why this night was chosen. His mind wandered a little, absent-mindedly allowing himself to be moved along by the rest of his Clan, following the familiar pelts. It took the buzz of conversation to snap him from his stupor- and a nearby SkyClan apprentice caught his wandering fickleness.

He recognised her... from a border patrol or two, and... she'd asked after Darkpaw, hadn't she? Maybe she'd met him at a gathering, but... well, that would have been a while ago now. Still, she was a familiar face- and as far as he was aware they were on good terms with SkyClan. The cat next to her, he did not recognise... but they'd be a new friend, he was sure, as long as they got off on the right paw.

"Uh- it was Figpaw, wasn't it?" Fernpaw himself had changed a lot since he'd seen her last, but despite the boy's own slowness he was quite good with faces. A sunshine smile decorated his velour features, lighting up aquamarine lagoons with his grin- eyes that flicked between the two apprentices, but lingered mainly on the pale-ginger face he recognised. "I'm Fernpaw- remember me?"

\ interacting with @FIGPAW !
penned by pin
stalkingpaw | 05 months | polygender | any pronouns | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold crimson
This will be Stalkingpaw's first gathering. She's heard many stories - some more unbelievable or awe inspiring than others - and she's certainly excited to get to experience one firsthand. But... there's certainly more cats around than she had expected. Green eyes are blown wide as the girl looks around in a daze - moonlight making her pale pelt shine even brighter than normal. She's surrounded by her clanmates, and that offers a brief moment of saftey, but she's still utterly overwhelmed. Where should she even start?

A golden figure barreling towards the riverclan side has her skittering back - a bit startled by the exuberant enthusiasm displayed. A sense of anxiety crashes over her - a sudden bout of nerves. What should she say? Fernpaw is quick to speak up, and that leaves her feeling rather like the odd one out. The skyclanner isn't alone however, and this one seems less... intimidating. Should she talk to him instead? Hesitance easily read upon her face, she takes a moment to breath in deep. "Er- hello there!" she starts rather awkwardly, voice light and airy despite her obvious discomfort.

// near fernpaw, interacting with @GREENPAW and trying to avoid figpaw
open to interacts with anyone

The bengal cautiously accompanied their clanmates on this trip to the Gathering, after much deliberation on their part. The clans as one, under StarClan. In relative peace.

Bloodhound had considered not going, so they could patrol, lend a paw to their remaining clanmates, if needed. The hybrid had found themself.... unsettled, after hearing of how Sootstar had attacked Smogmaw on ShadowClan territory.

If territory was not respected, if a leader could attempt to kill a rivalling deputy with his back turned (inference, on their part.), who was to say what else would be within bounds for WindClan to do? For anyone? If nothing was sacred, would it ever be, even now, on the night of a Gathering?

They look to StarClan, but there is nothing but twinkling lights above. For all their piety, they were still a stranger to all of this, a wildcat among what truly belonged in the forest. An outsider looking in, living among them, pretending. Invasive.

Bloodhound had decided ultimately, that they should go to the Gathering. They should get a good look at Sootstar, hear her speak. See her clanmates, speak to them at an equal level. If they were to be enemies, it would be wise to get a grasp on their temperament.

Bloodhound would keep Smogmaw's words in mind, as they approach the crowd of cats, sitting off to the side, just watching as more and more arrived. Deciding to be a wallflower, if only for a bit. Their tail would curl around their paws, and the hybrid would watch the groups of apprentices excitedly mewl about, little eyes wide and full of wonder. Warmth fills their chest, if only for a moment, poignant against the cold chill perpetually dancing on their spine.

//open to interactions!!!

The dappled tom's expression was the perfect picture of thoughtfulness- lopsided eyes were focused and still as they swept over the surroundings, taking in all of the faces he saw little more than once a moon. Those pelt patterns would soon dissipate from his memory... become forgotten dust to be dredged up next moon. Recognition came as little more than a twinge of Clan-name, a scent remembrance. Never particularly taken with late nights, he was content to learn the news of the moon and be done with it... he would commit that alone to his memory, and move forth...

There was a spot he knew had good vantage- the dappled tom was hardly subtle about his ambling beeline, taking his place before the leaders' announcements had even begun. He could hear well in this space... could see the subtleties of expression, too. A fickle mind shifted to the comfortable buzz of daydream- or he supposed, evening-dream- awaiting the long-to-come commencing of the Gathering's main event.

\ open for interaction! the man looks zoned the hell out lol


Happy to have found the apprentices and giddy that they seem to recognize her, Figpaw is eager to hop into conversation. It takes her a moment to recognize the ginger tom-cat in front of her, the Fernpaw she knew was a patchy looking guy with eyes that seemed to want to pop out of his skull. This tom-cat looked nothing of the sort, he had the beautiful glossy pelt all RiverClan cats seemed to carry. When he says his name recognition lights up in her eyes, "Oh yeah, I know you!"

"You look different from when I last saw you. RiverClan must be eating good." She wagers, he must've been eating plenty of fish to enhance his pelt. Glancing to Sparrowpaw (if they followed her) she decides it'd be a good idea to introduce them. "Fernpaw this is Sparrowpaw. Sparrowpaw, Fernpaw." To Fernpaw she fixates her gaze once more, "Sparrowpaw joined us a short while ago."

After Sparrowpaw and Fernpaw exchange a few words the tabby enters the conversation again. "Next time you see me Fernpaw I'll be a warrior of SkyClan! I passed my warrior assessment and everything, just waiting for Blazestar now." She purrs with triumph beaming in her smile. Next gathering she'll be sitting and talking with warriors, not the apprentices- though this part she leaves out of her boastings, even she could think far enough to gauge it'd be rude. "How many moons are you?" She asks the RiverClan tom, he didn't look terribly younger than her... Perhaps he would be a warrior next moon as well.

// interacting with @sparrowpaw! and @FERNPAW
open 2 more joining the convo


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

From beside them, both Greenpaw and Figpaw hop to an answer, but ultimately it's Figpaw that spills it out. They twisted around to look back up at the large stone again, peering at the newly dubbed leaders curiously. They were like Blazestar, then, in charge of their own Clans, each with just as many cats in them as SkyClan.

"Wow," they eventually murmured, moreso at the thought of the sheer number of cats living within the forest than the leaders themselves. Blazestar, Howlingstar, Cicadastar, Chilledstar, and Sootstar.

The longer they stared, the more those piercing gazes unnerved them, and they elected to look back to their friends just as Greenpaw began to speak. It only confirmed their feelings. "Oh." Was Blazestar mean? Sparrowpaw thought it over for a second. They didn't think so, not especially.

Figpaw drew them from their thoughts, ushering them to their paws and hurrying off into the thick of the crowd, the tabby not far behind. They weren't sure what or who she was looking for, but it wasn't long before someone stopped them. With their paws somewhat sore from the trek all the way to Fourtrees, Sparrowpaw sat down as the two began to chat, seemingly recognizing each other. Fernpaw, a RiverClan cat, and the first they'd seen.

They were content to sit and listen, occasionally peering around at the other cats milling about, but their name being uttered made their ear twitch, and they looked back. The introduction was finished, and they offered the other apprentice a small smile. "Hi, it's nice to meet you."

// interacting w/ @FIGPAW , @GREENPAW , and @FERNPAW , still open for more


The last time she'd been present at a Gathering, it had been over nearly before it started - the Great Rock struck by a bolt of lightning where Sootstar would usually have sat, tensions high and curses flying around the Clearing with leaders at each others' throats. SkyClan had also been whole then, no missing Clanmates to worry about nor twolegs encroaching on their land in search of SkyClanners to steal for their Shelter. Orangeblossom glances at Blazestar as they enter the clearing, briefly curious on whether he would warn the other leaders about that - but given everything that had happened in the last moon, she's not sure if he would.

"SkyClan, behave." She warns her Clanmates as they break off into their groups to socialise and catch up with friends from across the borders, even though she doesn't need to. Just about the only thing they knew they weren't allowed to talk about were their string of ex-WindClan members, now including Mallowlark (StarClan help them all). Orangeblossom picks her way across the clearing in search of a familiar cinnamon pelt, weaving her way towards the deputies' sitting place in hopes of finding Buckgait. The frown on her face deepens when she doesn't find her friend, and Orangeblossom looks around; she could smell RiverClan. Where was the other molly?

  • // looking for an absent buckgait, open to interaction
  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
She strolls in amongst the RiverClan cats, the illuminating light of silver catching her rosetted markings as she walked along the shadows. Finally, she had recovered greatly despite the fresh pink scarring along her pelt. She wore them proudly, her head held aloft and her tail swayed back and forth. Along her side, she feels her apprentice stepping alongside of her. The lead warrior still felt a brush of anger within his chest at Sablepaw's irresponsible actions, nearly killing herself and other clan mates. But she also could see where her heart was when Sablepaw had told her the reasoning behind it. A certain fondness begins to bloom within her, albeit she'd never show such a thing. Cindershade was perhaps more worried and panic-stricken than anything.
As they pushed through the foliage and into the clearing, the woman aims to flick her tail along the shaded pelt of her apprentice's spine. "Go mingle." She nods to her to a growing group of younger cats with Fernpaw and Stalkingpaw settled amongst the group. "Just be mindful, alright?" She waves her tail towards her as she parts away from Sablepaw, striding through the throng of cats and settling at the front of the crowd. Her gaze travels and catches a sight of white with apricot markings, a larger molly with prominent markings along her jaw. "Orangeblossom, isn't it?" She speaks lowly, gathering herself into a poised sitting position. "I see Buckgait speak with you often." The lead warrior noticing her fleeting chocolate gaze, certainly searching for the earthen molly now. Cindershade's jaw sets, knowing that she couldn't tell her everything that had taken place. "I'm Cindershade, one of the Lead Warriors. I see you're looking for her, but I'm afraid that she's not here tonight. She's due for kits any day now."

// interacting briefly with @Sablepaw
Now interacting with @orangeblossom


.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The Gathering! Something only held once a moon and a rarity for daylight warriors' to even be able to go! Though with some convincing of mainly Bananapaw herself, the young cat was more than excited to go along with the rest of Skyclan. Orangeblossom stated she didn't need to ask anymore cause of being an almost warrior- but it made her feel justified in not returning home right away. That way if Cloudberry asked or Alice she had something or someone to back up her reasoning of being super late.

Regardless, the young cat bounded through the brush and into the open clearing with an excited gasp leaving her maw. She looked around at the cats as they started to interact and gather together to talk or share stories. Things did feel tense but she tried to not let it damper her spirits! Then the young cat turned the grey fur beside her that was Drizzlepaw, "Come on! We got mingling to do!," She giddily spoke with a little shimmy of her shoulders.

Bananapaw bounded off into the crowd before nearly ramming into the behind of her sister, Orangeblossom. The fluffy she-cat was talking to a dark shaded warrior and she gave a soft gasp in awe, "Wow you're so pretty!" She squeaked then flattened her ears against her head. Darn, her brain did that thing again- where it would continue to talk even when she didn't want it too.

Quickly, she tried to recover from her little escapade, "I mean! Hi! I'm Bananapaw, and this is Drizzelpaw," She was interjecting very hard into her sisters conversation but that was besides the point. The tawny and white cat gave a bright grin with a wave of her tail, "[color=#E39A33[Ora is my sister! Whatcha talkin' about?[/color]" She looked up at the dark pelted Riverclanner before back to Orangeblossom with a giddy grin.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //interacting with @Drizzlepaw @orangeblossom @Cindershade ;D
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
  • Love
Reactions: Drizzlepelt
ocean breathes salty
If a whole clan felt like a lot of cats, then the Gathering was a certified plethora. The conflicting noises of various chatter was completely new to him, making his ears flick with the stimuli. He decided to stick to the outskirts of the crowd to stave off becoming overwhelmed.

Well-used to SkyClan scent during his week or so of residency, Selby was more able to parse out the differences in the clans. Not eager to encounter RiverClan cats but desperate to see his son, the dark-furred tom perched himself on a rock towards the edge of the crowd to keep an eye out.

// looking for Ravenpaw, but open to interactions in the meantime
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