development Paradise Bound {Dev}

Jun 14, 2022
This is to be a development thread for Deersong; please do not post until either Stiner or I give the ok! Thank you!

( ) Night-time walking. A past time that wasn't strange to Deersong, yet it also was not an activity the cream and mocha molly had previously dipped her paws into. Before her self-imposed solitude, she had much rather strolled during the warm hours of the day and had left the moonlit walks to her mate as a chance for him to decompress after a stressful day.

But lately, he had been inviting her along, and in an attempt to mend the strained bond between them she had decided she would accept and she very quickly came to love it. The quiet of the woods as most creatures slept, the comfortable silence that usually settled between her and Thistleback as they simply enjoyed each other's closeness, she found more strength in these simple things that she had been sorely missing and normally she felt rejuvenated the next day despite the shortened amount of sleep.

Tonight was no different, a slight breeze made its way through the territory and she half-closed her eyes as it tugged at her pelt. A soothed smile was evident on her maw, and as she turned it towards her mate, he would see that she was feeling much more like her old self today. The sound of rustling would catch her attention and sharing a look with Thistleback, she lowered herself into a crouch and started towards where the scent of the mouse was now drifting towards them.

She could catch it and give it to Orangeblossom, the molly would need it now that she was carrying kits and it could be a thank you for taking the initiative to clean the nursery. Deersong didn't know if Thistle had followed her, or if he had chosen to stay behind so as not to risk distracting her, but once the small rodent was in sight, her haunches wiggled as she prepared to pounce.

But it would seem that she was not the only predator with the mouse in its sights, for no sooner had she lunged for the prey, than a yip of anger would shatter her ears and she turned her head just in time to see a fox dived right for her. The warrior barely had time to skid to a stop, barely missing the vulpine jaws as they snapped shut dangerously close to her own snout.

Without a second thought, the molly would abandon the mouse and turn to run, but it would seem the fox had made the decision that this cat needed to pay for ruining its hunt and it lunged at her again, ugly yellow fangs dripping with spit as it sped after her. She spotted a barely budding bush and darted under it, the fox diving right after her and yelping when the sharp branches poked at its muzzle as she slipped out the other side. It bought her a few heartbeats and she sprinted towards where she had left Thistleback.

It wasn't long though, for the fox to realize it had been tricked and was once against running after her, and as Deersong finally spotted Thistleback ahead of her, she would yowl at him, "RUN!!"


Deersong’s spirit had returned, it seemed. Savoring the flavor of life, while Thistleback felt himself wading the mud of loss and uncertainty. Yet he kept his tone even, and his eyes hooded and loving toward his mate.

" It’ll be good to have some more kits in the nursery. Seeing the little scraps play about- I daresay I miss it " he reminisces a bit as they pad into the lowlight of the painted silver forest that wiggles in the wind around them. He missed being a father to little ones, having his fur pulled out and small needle-like teeth piercing into his legs and tail. Chirps, giggles, snorts, cries. His children were training to kill and hunt now, in a world designed for death and pain. He had new things to teach them.

The taste of dry bark clippings is warm with the trail of prey, and his sharp-nosed mate finds it immediately. Thistleback blinks and tilts his chin as he watches her wispy mocha coat disappear into the fern and yaupon foliage. He’s distracted by a bit of scratching between the knobby roots of a pine, he studies the dirt in the veil of the darkness and digs his paw down with scoops of soft soil. Mole- he didn’t have time to even blink when Deersong bursts from the shadows, the stench and snapping jaws of a fox are behind her trying to catch her in a cage of teeth and ravenous anger. " DEER-" fear of losing her washes over him, she shouts for him to run and there is only a whisker of a moment to spare.

Thistleback bucks and twists to confront and intercept, but his arm is locked under the twisted roots of the tree and he thuds hard on the ground. Instinctually, his hindquarters tug to his ribs as he tries to loosen himself. Not enough time, his belly and neck exposed and his leg wedged and twisted painfully. The fox is moments upon him- " AGH- fuck " he curses furiously.

He spits and growls, his only free paw braced for the impact of teeth. He’d probably die here, bitten torn but by god he’d fight. Deersong would have to say his goodbyes to their children for him.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

( ) Heart beating wildly in her chest, Deersong can barely hear anything above her panicked panting. The fox is right on her heels, it's rank breath hot on her back and flanks despite it still being a few tail-lengths behind her. Her call of warning to Thistleback is clearly heard, but as she sprints past, she realizes what's happened and it forces her to skid to a stop. Her mate is stuck like a rabid animal, trying to rip free from the roots that hold him and the entire world seems to slow down to a agonizing pace.

The fox would be on him in seconds, she had a choice to make, and as she stared at the tom she loved more than anything in this world, something within the molly clicked. She was tired of being scared all the time, tired of carrying the crushing weight of fragility and insecurity. As she stood there, eyes locking onto Thistlebacks, he would bear witness to the slow but sure change in his normally docile mate.

Deersong was finally done running.

A snarl of the fox, seeming pleased to spot an easy target, would snap Deersong back into action, her limbs now sprinting towards the vulpine instead of away, and a shriek of fury and defiance would rip from her throat, echoing out into the night and she could only pray to the ancestors that the new-leaf winds carried it to camp. The molly would launch herself at the beast, claws outstretched as they aim to rake down the fox's face, aiming for eyes and nose in an attempt to distract it from her beloved. She feels its' teeth just grab her hind leg, but her long fur spares her if only a little and she twists away; falling on her feet and standing between the predator and her mate.

She wouldn't win this. She knew it the moment she made her choice, but she no longer cared. She would be the one to fight this time. Her moment of sacrifice is long past due. A hiss of warning as the fox takes a step closer, and Deersongs' coat fluffs up in challenge before lunging for the beast again. As the fox's teeth catch her front leg now, pain searing into her veins and bones, she prays once more for someone, anyone, to arrive and make her sacrifice worth it.

THIS THREAD IS NOW OPEN! Feel free to control the fox as you like, outside of Thistle being semi-ok and Deer suffering from bite wounds the ending of this thread is open for anything!



It was sheer coincedence that Johnny was out in the woods.

He'd been out putting the climbing lessons Orangeblossom had given them the other day to good use, scaling trees and walking among the lower branches, trying to get a better feel for how they reacted to his weight and movements. He was slowly starting to get the hang of it, and hadn't really been thinking of much else when he heard familiar, raised voices in the distance.



His blood ran cold, icing over his veins for a split second before the fire within them all but burst forth, kicking him into gear. There was no time to think, only to do, and so the bobtail did exactly that. He wasn't sure if it was luck or if Starclan themselves was on his side, but he sprinted and lept through the boughs of the trees like any Skyclan-born cat, urged on by a desperate sort of determination. What if they were in a trap? What if the twolegs were hunting Deer and Thistle right now and he was about to lose them both?

When the pair finally came into view though, it wasn't a human that had them cornered.

Thistle was caught by his foot, his mate standing between him and a creature that Johnny had never seen before. It reminded him somewhat of the coyotes he had seen in the past, but he knew that's not what it was.

Oh well. There was no time to ask now.

As the beast and Deersong squared off, Johnny instinctively crouched lower to the branch he was on. There was no way he was letting her do this alone, no way he was going to let Thistleback watch the cat he loved get torn apart by some mangey beast, and so as Deersong lept, so did Johnny.

He landed on the foxes lower back with a furious snarl, the beast yelping in a mixture of surprise and pain as its back legs buckled beneath the sudden force. Claws sink as deep as they can to anchor the bobtail to his's new perch even as the fox spins away from Deersong to snap its pointed jaws at the catch now clinging to its back, but Johnny doesn't relinquish his hold. He claws and kicks with his hindlegs to brutalize the things lower back with long, deep gouges, hissing in pain when he feels teeth catch his side and yank, half-dislodging in the process.

A cage of teeth that would hurt, they come closer and he growls- his whole damn life hurt, hadn’t it?. He braces, but a shadow casts over him and his mate’s pelt shields his eyes. He tugged at his arm like a mad dog, he could smell blood and he glances with just enough quickness to spot the bloody imprint of teeth on his mate’s leg. It was enough to have him twisting painfully and desperately to free himself.

With a few more violent twists, he pulls a bruised limb to himself and flexes it painfully. Maw clenching in a stony wince, he looks up to see Johnny sailing from the branches to the beast’s backside and Deersong tangling with the shade of red that resembles threat and vision blurring speed.

Thistleback kicks off toward the brutal attack but he stumbles, ache radiating and mixing with the sore muscles of his back it felt like ice water spilling over his spine and he falls to his shoulder. He yowls in frustration, as pain grips him. How incredibly brave was this, how inevitably foolish, what sort of curse did he bring to the ones he loved. He damn well knew he didn’t deserve them, neither of them.

His outstretched claws pull at the ground and he’s standing, hackles rattling but he’s stiff and staggering. This body had been through hell, and now- it was telling him. He leans against a tree, frustration and horror painted over his maw.

  • — shoulder/back muscles locked up and sprained wrist!

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png