pafp Paranoia & Insomnia {RTA 2.0}


The Boy who had no choice
Jun 30, 2022

Sleep was irrelevant to him. The blue point was riddled with a suffocating paranoia ever since Cinderfrost- NO- Salamander had been banished as she should have been from the very beginning. The news that the molly had attacked the Shadowclan medicine cat had filled the warrior with both rage and a sick sense of satisfaction.

Still, with her now banished, and her 'daughter' remaining in camp, Leafshade could not help the churning of his stomach at the idea that the traitor was simply prowling around the edges of Thunderclan territory, ready to exact her revenge on any of his clanmates that she pleased. The idea is what plagued his mind though out the days. Sleep had become pointless, the already lanky tom had lost more weight as he had begun to skip meals in favor of patrolling the borders to ensure the snake was nowhere near.

This particular afternoon was no different, Leafshade found his paws were jittery, eyes narrowed both in exhaustion and the anger that now always simmered just below the surface. He had become a recluse once again, so worried about keeping his clan safe that he forgot that he should also be forming bonds with said clanmates as well.

He sneered at the bird between his paws, appetite once again failing to rise within his stomach. He picked up the prey and instead gave it to some kits at the nursery before turning to head back out. Only a familiar voice calling out his name caused him to freeze and inwardly groan in annoyance. Howling Wind, here to pester him he was sure but for what he could not say. Turning to face the Deputy, Leafshade would nod to her in due respect before meowing curtly, "Yes? I'm a tad busy at the moment."


"Too busy to speak with your deputy?" She shoots back, eyes narrowed as she approaches him. Everyone around the clan knew she was fond of the young warrior. She'd watched him grow up, helped to train him, hunted with him when his parents were occupied. She's helped to guide him into the cat he is today and she'll be damned if she lets him continue down the path he's on. With ribs poking out of his pelt and eyes sunken into his skull with exhaustion, it's obvious he's been neglecting himself.

She comes to a halt before him and flicks an ear gently, trilling, "You won't be going out anymore today. That's an order, Leafshade." Her fern-green gaze softens, expecting his response to be angry. Before he can say anything further, she flicks a tail and interrupts him. "Border patrols have already been made today, mind you. Besides, I need help reinforcing the nursery before leaf-bare sets in. Can you help me with that?" It's a lie, and she's almost ashamed at how easily it slips between her teeth. But she knew he'd argue unless he was being given a job to make him feel useful. She casts a glance around them, adding on, "If anyone else has free paws, we could use the help."
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The tom had been merely passing by when he overheard Howling Wind and Leafshade. He would have probably kept walking if the open invitation to assist with the nursery's reinforcement hadn't been given. Of course Sunnyday knew that the nursery would have more kits inside it soon, he just knew it. Salamander's kits. Information he was not willing to share, not with the likes of Howling Wind and Leafshade. Especially Leafshade.

"I would love to assist you both!" Sunnyday chirped gleefully as he shot the pair a warm smile, even though his insides were knotting with feelings of anxiety. The long legged tom drew closer and he peered at the nursery with a calculative expression as he tried to think of the best ways to make it more appealing for the kits and queens during the colder moons. "Maybe we could use the fallen leaves scattered around the camp? We could leave a layer around the edges of the den to help keep out the drafts." He had sat on piles of leaves in the past and knew they could be rather warm, trapping heat with ease.


His usual sneer would grace his sharp features as Howling Wind gave him the order to remain in camp. His tail would lash behind him as he opened his jaws to object but then snapped them closed quickly once more as she stated that she needed help reinforcing the nursery.

Kits and queens, this damn molly knew just where to hit him, didn't she? His sneer would melt into a simply disgruntled frown as he snorted and growled, "Fine. Whatever. Better than doing nothing anyway." His ears flattened slightly against his skull as he looked away from the deputy, not wanting her to see that she had of course won him over with the task. As Sunnyday approached, Leafshade would try his best to not roll his eyes at the older toms' agreement to help.

Great, now he really had to socialize. His ear whiskers would flick at the suggestion of using fallen leaves for keeping out drafts and the young warrior would appear thoughtful for a moment before a simple, "That'll work." left his maw. His steel blue gaze settled onto the nursery as well, seeming to take in the sight of it before turning back to the two before him, "Shall I go and get brambles and moss then?"


The day had drawn droning, dreary- the repetition grew tiring, persistence of his memory waning. How wonderful to have this space, yet how cruel to fill it with plants useless to him! From his meeting with Peepers, Odd-eyes, Magpie and Bear-tail, he'd learned something at least- marigold and dandelion, to fight infection. How it was they had figured that out was beyond him- with most knowledge, he would bet it on trial and error.

From outside, chatter seeped through the doorway. Desperate for a distraction from his lonesome learning, the crooked mottle of Berryheart's face rose out of the ground, olivine eyes finding the crowd whose conversation had wound down to him. Padding over, he greeted Big Mama, Stretch and Leggy all gathered about, speaking of an expedition. Gathering moss and brambles sounded- well, not relaxing but at least different, and different he could stomach. Boredom was his most fervent bane. "I know a few good moss-spots," Berryheart claimed, quiet tones spoken with helpful intention. Greeting all gathered with a dip of a head, a slight smile could be spotted upon the tom's crooked jaw, the tiniest tilt of tooth. He was in good company.
Howling Wind regards Sunnyday as he approaches to help, displaying no emotion on her face. In truth, the tom has become an annoyance to her. She doesn't see how Emberstar can be so fond of the mouse-brain; to her, he is reckless, thoughtless, and overstepping, all traits she has never fancied. But she won't turn down an offer to help, so she flicks an ear in acknowledgment. Better here than out yowling in the forest...

"Alright, you go ahead and begin collecting leaves, and Leafshade, collect moss with Berryheart. I'll see about rearranging the brambles already there." She nods to the three toms, happy to have her son volunteering to help out. With the four of them working together, this would be done in no time. She's already making her way towards the nursery, eyeing the tendrils of brambles making up its walls.
{ } Leafshade's should be the one to collect leaves. Hah! Well, it's funny to her at least. "Mmm, someone looks tense. Need another makeover?" She teases Leafshade's way before shifting her emerald eyes to the rest of her clanmates. The femme thinks they have enough help in the gritty department of the job and so she decides to offer the part that actually matters in her mind: how nice it looks.

"I'll get them something to toy with and chew on and ogle at. Don't want them eating your fancy new walls." Young kittens are kind of dense (not their fault, with their little pea brains) and need easy stimulation like that. Nonetheless she sighs as though it's some big chore. Cloverfield throws her long mane over her shoulder before turning to go pick through her own stash. No way is she going out in this cold to go find what she's already hoarded collected. Her clanmates should be thankful. The more her treasury dwindles, the less likely they are to have its contributions jammed into their fur.
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Sunnyday nodded his head, content with his current duty of gathering leaves. No shortage of those at least and he definitely didn't need to travel far either, which was a blessing on his aching legs. The tom smiled warmly to himself, his nerves settling somewhat as he set himself to work. Sometimes it was just easier to forget his worries when he had something to genuinely focus on. Besides, having the nursery improved would be to his own benefit, especially with what he knew.

It wasn't long before the long legged tom began to dip in and out of the nursery with mouthfuls of dried, fallen leaves, which he began to line along the edges of the nursery walls. He had no intention of stopping until a thick blanket of them stocked the interior, keeping things cosy and protected against the elements.