private Parasite Eve | Training

Time had a strange way of slowing down and speeding up whenever it was warranted. One moment, her apprentice was nothing but a squealing kit—adamant to find the warmth if her mother's warmth and milk-scent to becoming an apprentice, and now, only a few moons remained until Sablepaw was made into a warrior. She had been stumbled and fell, failed on more than one occasion. Cindershade had wondered if the bi-colored child would thrive in this environment of raging rivers and wet lands grass, but Sablepaw had longed proved her wrong.
She had began to grow into something, sculpted by the shadowed lead warrior and stretched to become a formidable apprentice and soon, a warrior. Cindershade only had a matter of time before her assessment would be upon them, the watchful gaze of the serpentine River King bearing on their backs, awaiting judgment. She had made great progress over the past couple of moons, from her training to her unwavering loyalty. A true RiverClanner she was, her heritage long forgotten pit of smoldering embers. Time was if the essence and training would become more real—more aggressive to ensure her confidence was sturdy as the river rock.
Silent paw steps trail towards the white striped molly, broad shoulders pulled back with an aloft chin as she peers at her with an unreadable expression. "Sablepaw." She greets, cordial and serious as a brewing storm. Evergreen irises travel upwards now, the height of her mother present in the apprentice. She peaked over her mentor now, long limbs holding her high. "Come with me. Let us see how well your fishing has improved." Her gaze darts to the setting sun, it's light casting a halo of deep scarlet and gold—soon to be gone and replaced by the light of the moon. "I want to see how you fair without the sun as your ally." Blackened lips twist into a smirk, her shaded tail lashing behind her. "Meet me by the shoreline, and we'll go over your task there." And with that, the lead warrior turns about faced, twisting on her toes before disappearing through the cattails that separated their island from the lively territory they resided in.

/ @Sablepaw >:3

In every situation you give me peace
Dainty paws could be found cradling the remains of a fish Sablepaw busied herself with. Picking the bones clean to not much remained of the river dwelling creature. Her ears flick at the approach of her mentor, periwinkle eyes trailing upward to take the stoat molly into full view. That field of vision soon shifts the moment she pulls herself to her paws, gaze cast downward instead of level in moons long since past. Cindershade grasps her attention like an iron fist and Sablepaw remains respectfully poised, awaiting orders should she give them. Finally they do come. A beckoning for her to follow the lead warrior to the river while the sun begins to dip below the horizon. A single blink of surprise is the only indication that she is listening, shocked by the proposal of nighttime fishing. "Okay." She murmurs softly.

The mandarin shades of orange and blush pinks deepen into the darkened hues of night by the time she reaches the shoreline. An ebony paw parts a patch of cattails, allowing her to step through the dense foliage and take in the sight of the blackened river. Shimmering blues flick to capture evergreen as she continues to walk along the pebble laden shoreline. "I'm here." Sable voices over the idle sloshing of the river.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
I'm here.

A familiar voice rose from the distance, yet still it was not so far away she could not hear it clearly. Sablepaw had arrived with more gusto than anticipated, but the rosetted warrior had enough time to get situated. No velvet voice of hushed tones would come to greet the apprentice's ears, only the faraway roar of the gorge and then bubbling river the only response that is given. The sky is just right, where the sun had fully dissipated below the horizon and the moon rose in it's stead. Sablepaw had no idea where she resided, for she seamlessly looked around for the lead warrior yet it did not come.
Cindershade resided in a place where most would not look at first, placed carefully within the waters up to her chin whilst the other part of her was completely submerge under the flowing river. Just enough to breathe, vibrant gaze narrowed to dim their usual glow. As her apprentice approaches the water's edge, oblivious and quizzical—she then coils like a viper ready to strike out for it's prey. With a well-timed launch, Cindershade will leap for Sablepaw with claws glinting in the silver light of the moon. A living shadow and well-camouflaged within the darkness. She aimed to hook curved talons into Sablepaw's slender shoulders, using her weight as advantage to yank her into the water with her. A tactic that she hadn't used in such a long time, but one that is essential to know. It was time Sablepaw learned to fight within watery depths, and the lead was eager to see just how she reacted to being snuck up on.

In every situation you give me peace
Her ears were not met with the sound of her mentor's voice. Instead, Sablepaw heard nothing but the constant babble of the river accompanied by cricket song. A delicate frown touches her lips, canting her head this way and that in search of the rosetted molly. She knew in the very least that she did not beat Cindershade here, for the phantom's scent lingered nearby. The light wavering brought her to the river's edge where she peered across blackened waters, seeing nothing but the occasional silver ripple of lazy waves.

But a sudden burst of movement rising from the depths catches her by surprise. The sharp feeling of claws piercing her flesh and hooking into slender shoulder causing a soundless gasp to escape her parted maw. Periwinkle eyes grow wide as moon as terror seeps into her being, Locking up her joints at the feeling of being dragged into the river itself. A resounding splash encompasses them as she's dragged further underwater. Her heart is pounding painfully against her chest, making it hard for her to calm herself long enough to think properly. Let alone hold the breath she hastily took before going under. Claws continue to grapple with her, trying to restrict her movement and it is at this Sablepaw begins to simply panic as breath bubbles from her throat. She thrashes in a desperate attempt to break free. There is no real plan of action outside of the will to simply survive.

Immediately she is careened back to her younger months, fighting for her life against a bass that held her in a similar fashion. Refusing to relinquish its hold using teeth rather than claws. A phobia she once buried rears its ugly head, a fear of sinking slowly toward the murky depths never to receive air again. All matter of form and training fly out the window as Sablepaw makes wide, ill timed slashes in random directions, twisting to break free before finally attempting a kick. The last of her breath slips betwixt clenched teeth at the movement. With burning lungs, her thrashing begins to slow, conscious daring to slip from the onset panic.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
As the brackish waters surround them both, she can only see the rush of bubbles encroach over her face. They temporarily blind her in a place where she was already blinded, but yet she still held Sablepaw as she grappled with her. It was just a simple training exercise, a way to keep her guarded for whomever decided to use the rushing river against her. But how wrong she had been in this moment. She hadn't resized the fact that Sablepaw would simply panic under her iron-clad grip, swiping like a crazed badger and digging needle tips into the delicate flesh above her eye. Cindershade hisses, her own air escaping her lungs and she quickly shuts her mouth to conserve the air she had left. That is until a kick landed directly into her ribs, toes digging into her diaphragm that sends another crowd of bubbles escaping her. She quickly realizes that Sablepaw is merely panicking, unable to control her movements as her body began to slow.

Oh, no. A grave mistake was made.

Cindershade does not hesitate now, her own burning lungs and chest tiggtening in that moment. She grabs Sablepaw under her fore arms, sinking teeth into a white streaked scruff as she hurls them both to the surface. Her own air supply began to dwindle, black dots edging her tunnel vision as she swam harder. Finally, they both break the surface, taking in an ungodly amount of air and water through her nose. Cindershade coughs, still hanging onto Sablepaw's scruff until she finally drags her to the shoreline snd drops her. "Sablepaw? Sablepaw, are you alright?" Thoughher tone remained calm, a surging storm of concern and panic edged her voice. She had went too far in her training, and it finally registered in her mind. A black paw shakes her apprentice, brows knitted together. "Get up, child!"