PARASITISM | cuckookit


Oct 9, 2024
“And so gentlemen, I learned. Oh, if you have to learn, you learn; if you’re desperate for a way out, you learn; you learn pitilessly. You stand over yourself with a whip in your hand; if there’s the least resistance, you lash yourself.”
- Franz Kafka,
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  • Dead
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  • IpK32hk.png
    Cuckoo is a prefix gifted by their loving parents for their black and grey coat, reminiscent of the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). The prefix also serves as a homage to their dam Oddgleam, a name gifted by Crowsight.

    — Also known as Coo
    — Kitten of Skyclan
    — AFAB Agender / They/He/It / Accepts the use of masculine and neutral pronouns/terms. Rejects the use of feminine pronouns/terms.
    — 0 Moons / Created 10.9.24 at 0 moons / Ages realistically
    — Spotify Playlist / Pinterest Board / Toyhouse
    ↳ penned by @tempest
  • A longhaired blue smoke with low white streaks along their pelt and dullish lavender-blue eyes. / Reference

    Cuckookit's purling fur and greyed colors may remind one of a gloomy sea or rolling stormclouds, ever-roiling and curling inwards. Their fur is long and plush, though leaden by the sheer amount of it, like murky skies of an impending storm. Underneath their heavy pelt, they are all sinew and skin - as if their fur aims to make them look larger. They are slightly smaller than average, even with their Maine Coon heritage, standing just below all of their parents in adulthood. Their angular features push just slightly out of plush features, looking almost like their father.

    ↳ Generation 4 / Biologically the child of Crowsight and Oddgleam / Moggy (w/ 25% Maine Coon heritage)​
    Intelligence ●●●●●●○○○○
    Confidence ●●○○○○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●○○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●●○○
    Humor ●●●○○○○○○○

    Crooked bird upon its perch, beady eyes only staring downwards to the ground it will not reach, not to the sky where it may escape.

    Cuckookit is remarked best by their cowardice and their quietude - often mistaken for gentleness, politeness, or passiveness. They tend to simply watch others without ever participating much, with anything of the sort having to be eked out of them. Stealth comes easy to them, shadowed by a life that seems too large for them to behold. Cuckookit is quite judgmental on the inside, which often twists outwardly upon their countenance and their mannerisms. All cats must have demons, they surmise, just as they do. Regardless, they seem to acknowledge the multi-faceted nature of personality even from a younger age. Although they do not often voice their opinions for fear of judgment, they tend to be quite perceptive of the emotional states and outward impressions of those around them. The eyes are the window to the soul, after all, but the face that hangs below is just as good of an indicator. Cuckookit has somewhat heavy people-pleaser tendencies. They often minimize themselves instead of uplifting others. Even if others do not deserve their forgiveness, they will often dole it out anyhow. They seem unable to stand up for themselves at times.

    They carefully calculate the risks that could come from anything potentially dangerous. Mouselike nerves have given them a hawklike gaze, threatened even by that which does not exist, except within the confines of their ever-broiling mind. They tend to be calculating and careful with their actions, not to salvage some reputation but to save themselves from some perceived harm. Their risk-averse nature causes them to detect the best time to detach themselves or to quit something that they perceive that they cannot do. Distant and aloof at times, Cuckookit assumes themself to lose before all. They falter away from most expectations and shy away from most ambitions. Cuckookit does not identify heavily with the Warrior Code and its preconceived notion of "honor." Like a cornered creature of prey, they shirk away from most common joys of apprenticehood, such as hunting or fighting. At a young age, they are starkly pacifistic, to the point where even eating prey makes their stomach churn at times. Despite being so averse to even the slightest hint of harm, they tend to be adaptive and are able to, ultimately, move through the life that terrifies and horrifies them. As if a shadow that melds to fit what lies to face the sun, they often traverse the world as if they are avoiding disaster at every turn.

    Despite the thorns that they guard themselves with, they wholeheartedly love their family and the cats within their clan more than anything. In fact, he considers sacrifices of the self ultimately those to serve his loved ones, believing them to be righteous in their own way. They will always try to save their clanmates over themselves. They also tend to be quite clever and witty at times, with wordplay coming swift and sharp from their tongue. However, they are not inherently a hateful cat - simply one whose patience flows and ebbs like the tides of the moon themselves. They tend to fit into a more supportive role than anything, allowing others to chase their dreams rather than aspiring to anything of their own accord. Their jaded demeanor is one honed by the wild winds of the world, but it is one that seems to have been present within them from the very start, impure and unrefined as their soul once was. Even through their naivete of childhood do they seem to see through the facade of society - and perhaps thinks of themselves better than those that do not.

    ↳ Mannerisms:
    Sibling to Ravenkit, Brightkit, Pearlkit, and Morningkit | Second-born child | Mentored by X
    Mate to no | Parent to no
    Grandchild to Bobbie, Duke, Orangestar and Ashenclaw | Extended family member of the FruitFam
    — Admires
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ●●●●●●○○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●○○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●●○○
    grace ●●●●○○○○○○
    Single / LOOKING? / Unknown sexuality
    — Physical Health [ 90% ] | Mental Health [ 80% ]
    — Will start fights? | Will flee? | Will show mercy?
    Excels at
    Poor at
    Sounds like
    Smells like
    — Healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
  • if you want >:)
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