private PARKLIFE \ candorpaw

"Get ready- we've got a long day ahead of us, Candorpaw."

Twitchbolt hoped that had been enough to prepare his apprentice for what he had planned- a border gauntlet. It was best to get Candorpaw familiar with everywhere in quick succession, learning to differentiate them all- it had to be done if he was to hone the young tom's tracking skills to be as developed as his own. The enthusiasm Candorpaw had shown was a bonfire Twitchbolt hoped would last the day, and it seemed to be going well so far as they strode closer and closer to the Twolegplace border.

"You'll- you'll hear a lot of talk about kittypets, but they're not the only things you can find here." A deep breath stretched down Twitchbolt's throat, enlightening him to what was near... prey, stale... Twoleg, permeating... dog, far away. He tensed, kinked tail drifting down to stop Candorpaw in his tracks, making sure his new apprentice slowed to the same caustious pace that he had suddenly adopted. It wasn't nearby, yeah- and it wouldn't, it wouldn't happen. Nothing bad would happen, not today... surely he was owed some good luck with an apprentice, right?

Still, he let his mind spiral for a moment- barrel toward an eventuality that there was something awful nearby. Fear warred against rationality, yet again- Twolegs and dogs were one and the same, almost... attached at the hip. Dog was bound to be near. "T-Tell me, what do you smell?" There were no expectations, yet... though Candorpaw might surprise him.

penned by pin ✧
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NOTE: mobile post!

He was no ordinary apprentice: who, perhaps would groan at the thought of a long day. Candorpaw instead whoops in excitement, his paws carrying him fast and far. How impressed would Twitchbolt be if he beat him in a race on his first day? Candorpaw rushes ahead. But then – well, they aren't racing at all! He ought to follow Twitchbolt, he ought to know what he's looking at. He falls back. But then, something he's never seen before! He rushes ahead. And then he's losing Twitchbolt! The apprentice falls back. It's a pattern, back and forth as they stumble closer upon twoleg - built walls and more... perplexing scents. Twitchbolt oughto be impressed by how quickly he can change objectives.

Candorpaw eventually halts all at once, a moment before his mentor's tail calls for his slow. A curious gaze is shot the older tom's way. Ruddy ears twitch with the weight of his words. He absorbs it all, the feel, the scents. " This is where Fantastream lives, " he mews in observation, tail flicking behind him." And... Edenberry? " his voice adopts a worrying tone. Trapped in a twoleg dwelling, no daylight warrior would be able to reach their fullest potential... It's a cruel counter to their strengths.

What does he smell? Candorpaw is too attention, sucking in lungfuls of air through his nose as if his life depended on it... and one day, it very well may! He smells plenty, of course, but what each of these things were... he could not be to sure. Too much time stuck in camp has set him back, in this way... seriousness stretches across a white and ruddy face. " This place is... crowded! " he assesses. " Many things are, ah... milling about! Is it the scent of Twolegs? "

He was glad to get enthusiasm, at least... and a healthy amount of it. Once upon a time, Doompaw too had been enthusiastic... for battle, particularly. The memory of him bounding eagerly up a tree- and struggling just a little to get down- stuck in Twitchbolt's memory, particularly. Desperately, though he tried not to show it, he hoped Condorpaw's avidity would never falter.

He wasn't showing any signs of slowing down, and Twitchbolt's heart kept leaping into his throat, worried he'd blitz of into the void and blink into a gleaming nothing. He stayed close, though- listened to the soundless signal of his crooked tail. Asymmetrical eyes watched the swivel of Candorpaw's ears, the cogs turning in his head. The mention of Edenberry had his heart jumping, feelings souring a little at the thought of them. Sick, apparently... trapped, confined. A flick of the tail tried to swat away the sadness, but didn't entirely manage it. "Yep, that's right," he murmured, letting a smile find its way onto his face.

Candorpaw took in a big puff of air. Right, well... they'd certainly have to work on his technique. There wasn't any subtlety about it, really... but that Candorpaw knew at least it was crowded and not just confusing was a very good sign. "It's the scent of Twolegplace. It's very, very crowded here." Twitchbolt kept his voice low, glanced to the side with a bowed head. "Try taking a slower, softer, deep breath. You should be able to pick out something unpleasant and mucky..." Pupils darted to and fro- there wasn't any sight of it, yet. He watched his apprentice's face, his reaction, before revealing... "That's dog."
penned by pin ✧