it’s time to end this, smokestar had mumbled when she teetered after him in the wake of their most recent patrol’s incident. as lichentail settles down in ravensong’s den alongside poor moonpaw, the tiny lilac girl had decided much the same. fairness was still a virtue to someone as young as she was, and with each bleeding body drug back into camp, she began to form her own ideas — her own plans. shellkit could keep her clanmates safe. she was three moons old, and even iciclefang had started training at three moons — if she didn’t start now, she’d be nowhere near the level of a true riverclan warrior. shellkit wasnt scared, despite the tremble in stout limbs when she edges slowly, slowly around the many stones and sedge curtains that make up their camp. the ‘ no leaving camp ‘ rule was as dumb as blazestar’s new code — how else would they get them to leave? to stop hurting riverclanners?

all you needed was to be brave, and shellkit was far beyond it. since that day in the nursery when smokestar had come to announce that she wouldnt be an apprentice soon, the lilac girl had felt braver than she’d ever been. in fact — she wanted this, this call to adventure. if she found the ones being so hateful, she could talk some sense into them, or at least get a few swipes in.. it wasn’t because she was angry. it certainly wasn’t because the feeling of rejection still stings at her paws, snubbed and placated for what would be another three months yet — and even if it was, who had that sort of time? so in the briefest moments that hazecloud is distracted visiting her injured mate before bed, shellkit finds her way between two stones ; the slightest divot where patching twine had fallen through, tucked back well behind the nursery.

the river coaxes her forward, a soft hush-hush of frosted water moving over well - corroded rocks. the tall grass is dark and imposing on the other side, jutting from dark soil and sand to flutter far taller than shellkit herself, but she wriggles out anyway. to her left is a strip of damp sand, gentle ripples lapping over where the edges of their water source had frozen over. she’d heard once to follow water — she tried to picture herself as hazecloud, traveling into the unknown mountains to meet vicious, scary creatures she didn’t know. she hopes that, despite doing the exact opposite of what she’d been told, hazecloud would be proud of her for each tremulous step she takes further out onto the clear of the shore. the moon hangs heavy in the sky and as she trots forward into the unknown, she uses it to catch the gleam of shells and pebble that line their small beaches. for the first time, realizes that she had no idea what she’d say when she found them. really, her chest was starting to hurt already from walking alone. it was dark, and freezing cold, and there were lots of places a bad guy could hide in a big, plant - eaten place like this. suddenly, she doesn’t know if she should go any further.

because she is a child, scared and unsure, she begins instead to play. to collect the shiniest trinkets for her return, because if she couldn’t find her way back, someone would find her.

and someone does.

when the world stirs, all that will be found is a pile of half - stacked shells roughly ten fox lengths from camp, some knocked over and scattered against the shore below. her scent lingers heavy here, but so does that of rogue familiar only to the ones that had found her litter long ago — a deep, metallic odor fading fast over the riverside.

  • i. she is GONE! her trail leads obviously out of camp while everyone is distracted and is taken by a rogue.. WHO could have done this..

  • shol.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.


( ) now more than ever, he sticks to his siblings' sides like honey. lichentail's grievous state still sends thrums of fear through his body when her thinks about it. flashes of that horrid day engulf him, the overwhelming stench of blood, the hue of the snow, her body, far colder than he has ever felt it. shellkit's scream, hazecloud's sob, smokestar's growl. in the days since, he clings to his loved ones with tender ferocity, an ever present anxiety in his mind.

at this precise moment, he does not mind that he isn't an apprentice. he will continue to mind once the danger has passed, once haze and lichen are better and no more of his clanmates die. at the present, he's grateful that shelly and riv aren't allowed out of camp, thankful that he has the opportunity to watch them. they're not going to go the same way clayfur did.

eyes of ember flick around camp, noting each warrior as they pass towards their dens, each apprentice complaining about early morning patrols. he smells smokestar's scent from his den, watches hazecloud slip from the nursery to pay her injured mate a visit. the sun has set, with twilight coming on, at at present, things seem alright. the rain dappled tomkit turns to make his way back into the nursery, ready to seek out his siblings for a game of mossball before bed, but he stops as he enters. white spotted brows furrow, eyes narrowing as pebblekit takes in the mostly empty den. his baby siblings are there, being tended to by another queen, and riverkit is around, but shellkit is no where to be seen.

pebblekit knows that panicking is useless. after all, his sister enjoys a good game of hide and seek. still, he can't hear her wheezy breaths or stifled coughs, and her scent... leads out of the den. he presses his nose to the ground, stumbling back out of the nursery, tufted ears pinned to his head. her trail leads behind the nursery, where he expects to find her, jumping at him with a wide eyed giggle. instead he is greeted by an empty space between two stones, a clear hole out of the camp. pebblekit panics.

white tipped paws trip over a loose branch as the kitten races back around the den, looking around frantically. "shellkit?" he calls, and his voice squeaks at the end of the word. "shelly, this isn't funny!" lichentail is in the medicine den, hazecloud can't leave camp... who does he tell? does he trust smokestar anymore?

fear grips him like never before as he stands at the center of the clearing, howling his sister's name. "shellkit!"

  • // " speak "

  • peb_.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

  • Sad
Reactions: shellpaw

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. duckpaw has never fully appreciated the heaviness behind the word 'rogue'. she mostly associates it with games she used to play as a kit; someone was the rogue, and the other was a noble riverclan warrior, both would tussle in a pathetic display of dominance until anxious queens tell them to settle down. as a newly ordained apprentice, she was now watching her clanmates be pulled back into camp, half alive and disfigured. these were patrols manned by the most competent and recognized among the clan, and still they were coming back with fallen clanmates. she had attended so many burials this past moon, and the bloodshed doesn't seem like it will weaken it's grip on riverclan. the stench of mint, used to prepare corpses, now permeates the camp, a pungent reminder of all the loss they have suffered. rules instated by smokestar that she may have scoffed at before, she now abided by with utmost respect. not a single white paw was set out of camp without the company of an older warrior. the thought of it made her feel safe, there was strength in numbers, but seeing lichentails patrol return with more news of death had truly shaken her to her core. sleeping at night was harder than usual as well. the rogues didn't seem to play by the rules, and the sporadic nature of their attacks left enough room in her mind for horrific scenarios to play out at night, when it was silent enough for the screams to feel real. would they attack at night? sack the camp and leave them all for dead? she would tense up, and opt to watch the entrance, a silent guard of the night.

duckpaw chews anxiously on a mouse now. she misses the taste of salmon, but in the height of leaf bare, she is thankful for any meagre scrap that comes her way. it had been another sleepless night, but her green eyes are wide and every so often, they dart to the camp entrance and back, which gives her already disheveled appearance an edge of paranoia. it isn't until she hears the nearby screams of pebblekit that she is truly brought back down to earth. immediately her veins are shot with cortisol, and she hastily abandons her half eaten bounty. "pebblekit what's wrong?? where's..." duckpaw doesn't finish her sentence, mouth running dry as cotton as she connects the scenario playing out in front her. pebblekit is looking for their sibling. "shellkit!! she cries mournfully, trailing the tiny she-cats scent to just outside the camp before it vanishes, leaving no evidence of her existence outside a scattered stack of shells. duckpaws mind is churning with fear now. if shellkit had gotten lost in the territory, how would they find her. starclan forbid she run into any rogues. duckpaw shivers at the thought, her veins running cold with ice. suddenly her nightmares felt very real and the line between reality and her conscious landscape was becoming very mottled. this wasn't a dream was it? they hadn't just lost a small kit in the midst of all the danger... had they?? she had to tell smokestar. "pebblekit don't worry, we will find her," duckpaw goes for a more reassuring angle, though her voice is trembling with fear. she tries to keep it together to shield the young kit from the dark reality of the situation. "i'm going to tell smokestar, go find your mummy," duckpaw says, and without another word, darts off to inform the leader.
The problem with the rogue attacks had recently become deeply personal to Larchtuft. It was bad enough that they had been preying upon his Clan, but now one of them had attacked him, stolen his prey, and left him with a few minor but obnoxious injuries. The brown tabby was even more disheveled than usual as he exited the warriors' den, wincing slightly as his wounded side brushed against the reeds. It was only a few moments after he had stepped out into camp proper that a shrill, frightened voice scratched against his ears. It was Pebblekit, standing in the center of camp, desperately crying out for his sister. Larchtuft blinked his golden eyes a few times, taken aback by the scene.

Duckpaw reacted more quickly, speaking soothingly to the distraught kitten before rushing off to find Smokestar. "I'll go out and look for her, bud. She probably just...wandered off." the rumpled warrior said in as encouraging a tone as he could muster, hitching an awkward smile onto his white muzzle. It was dangerous for a kit to be out of camp, even in the height of greenleaf with no predators or threats to consider. His throat tightened painfully as he strode out of camp, sniffing anxiously as he pursued her scent. Truth be told, he did not especially want to be near Shellkit - he never knew what to do around kittens, and he had no interest in catching her cough. But if she was missing, especially with her trail leading out of camp...that was a life-or-death situation, and he'd lay his life down for hers, for any kit's, in a heartbeat.

"Shellkit!" Larchtuft called, uncharacteristically loudly, swiveling his head to and fro. Tension grew in his chest like vines strangling a tree trunk, reaching a crescendo as the striped tom found the end of her scent-trail, only a handful of fox-lengths from the camp. He stared in dismay at the scattered shells and let out a hiss of fear, anger, and confusion. "StarClan in the sky..." he muttered, bending low and sniffing more intently. There was something strangely metallic lingering near the scene - coppery and foreign, mingling with the scent of unfamiliar cats. Rogues. Who else could it have been? "They've taken her. They've - they've gone too far, this time."

Tension runs through Snakeblink’s frame, holding his bones together in what feels like one taut line — a single touch liable to send him tumbling like a stone balance on the edge of another. It’s not an uncharacteristic feeling. Usually, he knows that this fall would end with him quite literally collapsing into a bundle of nerves and loose limbs, and so he takes utmost care not to overextend past the precarious point of balance.

Now, after moons of rogues nipping at their heels, stealing land and preys and lives—

Now he wishes someone would push him off the edge, just so he might fall claws and teeth first on who- or whatever may be waiting for him in the depths. He feels ready to snap, not like a reed bent too far but like a fox cornered, nowhere to run but through.

With anxiety this close to the skin, Pebblekit’s shrill voice had him pouncing away from his returning patrol and towards the kit in a breath, fur bristling in preparation for a fight, but the reason behind the cry for help leaves him as cold as if he had dived into the leaf-bare river instead.

Duckpaw darts off in search of Smokestar and Snakeblink slithers after Larchtuft, paws swiftly matching the warrior’s pace — how far can she have gone? Hazewish had been found a mere few tail-lengths from camp… If they are quick, this might only be a scare, the kit easily found and returned.

But no: Larchtuft finds a trail and his whiskers twitch with a strong, negative reaction, a bad smell caught on the wind. They’ve taken her… It doesn’t take a genius to guess who he is referring to, and Snakeblink’s accursed mind is at least quick enough to make the connection.

Shellkit’s disappearance, her abduction — gone, a shouting distance from camp! — feels like a gentle push. A test. How much farther before the line breaks?

”This smells recent enough,” be muses in a low hiss, shaking himself and turning around quickly. A few steps bring him closer to the center of camp, within sight of other warriors, and his eyes land on a few in turn. ”You— who here is the best tracker? Follow me.” He jerks his head back, tail snapping side to side with restless energy. ”Quickly — we may still catch up with them— someone stay there, tell Smokestar that I am taking a patrol after them.”

The vague, ever-present thought that he is overstepping, acting out of bounds, disappears like so much smoke in the harsh wind of his fear: he has seen too much blood spilt by these rogues, and will not have a kit’s stain his idle paws.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • apprentice tag: @turtlepaw
  • 2h3Dnip.png

    Snakeblink • he / him. 49 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine perked her ears at Pebblekit's cries. She stood abruptly, tail lashing as she pieced together the events unfolding in front of her. Shellkit is missing? She thought, green eyes flicking between the cats suddenly running around. She mostly resented the rouges, they didn't get under her skin so much as made her angry. Snakeblink's question made her snap her head toward the lead. "I can help, what should I do?" she asked, claws barely contained.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
THE HERMIT ─── The ground was still marked by the dry rusted red droplets of his clanmates after returning from a surprise attack of the rogues that stalked outside the camp. The very trail that he had bore holes into with his intense unblinking stare that its memory was now seared clear in his head as he was perched on the cool bark of a barren tree, his spiked thistle-like fur contrasting the smooth worn aged tree, sticking out like a sore thumb. But he was not there as some feeble attempt of hiding or one of his sulking episodes. His usual half-lidded slits were blown open, wide with alert as the lower trace of bitter lemon yellow mixed with his blue as his attention was locked onto the quiet clearing of their home. After the wounded had been attended by Ravensong and Moonpaw, the horrified crowd had slowly dispersed, ripping away with their storm of thoughts. Tension now was as thick as when the patrol had returned, beaten and battered as they had clung to each other for support. With leaf-bare's glacial air dancing with the howling wind, it carried the scent of bristling pelts and shaken souls. He knew there was always going to be a consequence to the deep unity they held connected to one another. It would always lead to a domino effect, the largest impacting the littlest — this time, it being Shellkit.

The future of their clan was now being threatened alongside the present warriors, no one was safe once his attention was caught upon hearing the wails of Shellkit's sibling, shrill cry carrying distraught and worry. Rookfang's long hooked claws unsheathed to sink into the withered bark as he scaled down, quickly without much care for elegance as he pounced off to thump against the icy ground and towards the explosion of activity. His jagged ears snapped at the name of the feathery pale child but the calls for her did not bring her presence. Instead, it only sunk in with each call when it was met with winter silence. She was gone. His finite vision wavered, and flashes of fastened old memories shattered open. Their laughs. Their squeaks. Their faces. They were now long gone and lost, their only remaining gift was pools of vermillion. This would not happen again, not for Shellkit or any child in Riverclan. It couldn't. Rookfang would never forgive himself, forever cursing himself until Starclan banished him to the unknown depths of solitude and failure. This could not happen. Not now. Not ever.

His thorn-like fur was bristling even more than usual, ignited by burning adrenaline as if he had been drenched in gasoline and set ablaze as he skidded to a halt beside the others in the clearing, his magnified glare locked onto the trembling figure of Pebblekit as the sibling wailed for his relative, Duckpaw's figure flashing away to retrieve Smokestar. His slow heartbeat was now crashing against his chest as if it wanted to lurch out but he stepped beside the child, his thick tail curling around the child as a form of warmth and comfort. "It's going to be okay, Pebblekit. We'll find Shellkit, no matter what." Despite his body radiating off intensity and vitality, his voice was solid and unshaken, wanting to be the anchor for the child as his dark nose flared at the scent of Snakeblink and Larchtuft as his broad shoulders tensed upon seeing the silhouette of the lead warrior returning.

Rookfang without a word, rushed towards Snakeblink, storm-colored eyes locked onto the vibrant greenery of the tabby. "Me." He barely dragged out the word from his tightened throat as the burly warrior brushed against Snakeblink in an acknowledgment of heading out to track, silent agreement that this was a matter of urgency and Smokestar's approval was not the focus especially with the scent trail being wiped away with each passing arctic breeze. He was relieved to hear the offer of Bronzeshine joining in, any alerted warrior was another addition to helping out or remaining to notify their leader. The sable was itching to start as there was no longer any time to dwell or think, there was only time to act.​
Foxtail feels like his heart is racing.... he can practically hear it in his ears. Lichentail's wounds looked deep. StarClan above, she couldn't stand without assistance! She had plenty of patrol members with her, how could it have gone so wrong? What if... what if she doesn't make it? Without even realizing it, the warrior had begun to pace around lost in his thoughts... eyes still wide with horror at the wounds he witnessed. They must've been ambushed by rogues.... and despite the patrol being full of talented warriors, they were unable to fight them off. It scares him— if a patrol consisting of well trained cats is unable to defeat an ambush of rogues, what is he supposed to do if rogues ambush him and Eelpaw the next time they're out and about? Seemingly, these rogues don't show mercy, so he's certain that they'll even go after the cats who are too young to defend themselves.

His ears prick up at the sound of a commotion— the young warrior coming to a stop. He hears wailing from kits, and all the way to full grown warriors. The voices lead out of camp, and his ears manage to pick up a keyword: Shellkit. His blood runs cold at the frantic cries, something has gone horribly wrong. Was Shellkit playing on the ice again? While he was lost in his thoughts, pacing from worry, did he miss the ice breaking and Shellkit falling into the freezing cold water? The young warrior begins to race through camp, briefly skidding to a stop to address his apprentice. "Stay here, Eelpaw." After that patrol, he doesn't want her out of camp for the rest of the day.

What he finds outside of camp is even worse than he imagined. There is no Shellkit. There's nothing but her scent.... and the scent of a wretched rogue. "...She's gone?" He whispers in disbelief, his nose twitching. He doesn't like the second scent he's picking up, what in StarClan do they want with a RiverClan kit? He looks over to Snakeblink. "I can help track her," He volunteers with a swish of his tail. While fighting might not be one of his strong suits, he's fairly confident in his tracking capabilities. "T-they couldn't have gotten very far with her."

  • 76983326_NimpdpqQcHTVZW3.png

    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

Last edited:

( ) hot tears pool in his eyes as duckpaw trots over, worry in her voice. he sobs some incoherent sentence when the apprentice scents for his sister, and as more warriors join, the kit seems to become more and more upset. duckpaw tells him to find his (mothers) foster mothers, larchtuft speaks soft comforting words, snakeblink slips off to follow the warrior on his search. rookfang's thick tail curls around his trembling form and pebblekit leans into the softness for a heartbeat, eyes wild and ears pinned as he becomes more and more distraught.

"s-she was j-ju-just playing, 'n hazecloud w-weh-went to see lichentail 'n now shelly's g-go-gone!" he bursts out as warriors file about, conversing in sharp tones about a plan. he feels absolutely lost and confused, his stocky body as small as he can make it as he crouches, shivering and damp in the center of the group. he has to find hazecloud, has to find his mothers, tell them what has happened. he has to tell smokestar, because his uncle will care about shellkit. snow dappled paws stumble on chilled earth as pebblekit bumbles away from the group of milling warriors, eyes streaming with upset. "h-hazecloud?" he meows mournfully into the medicine den, scanning for the soft fur of his (mother) foster mother.

"i'm s-so-sorry," he'll sob should she arrive to the commotion. "i should've been wa-watching her 'n i wasn't and i'm so sorry!"

  • // looking for @hazecloud " speak "

  • peb_.png

    a large blue tabby with low white. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblekit's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.

༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝   Pebblekit's frantic sob is the sound that restarts his heart. Kittens weren't supposed to know grief the way that they did in that moment. It was far too like a father's, but what else could they be? Lichentail and Hazecloud cared for them so, so much, but the imprint of that distant snowy day is still so fresh on his face. They'd been there in the cold, untouched by the other cat, and it'd just been the three of them, and now. . . now there were two. His littermate is seeking comfort, babbling and breaking his words into teeny chunks that splash into the water and are lost forever. Not a single bit of it makes any sense, because Riverkit's fear shows up shaped a lot like anger.

"THIS WOULDN'T'VE HAPPENED!" he screams, and it is a scream, screechy as an owl's but loud as a dog's, the fur along his arched spine raised right up. "We should have been apprentices an' she wouldn't have gone alone and this wouldn't have HAPPENED!" Smokestar kept them there and then he went out there, left them, left all three of them with a sick family and busy warriors and it was all their fault. Good warriors were supposed to follow the code. He was supposed to listen to his leader!

Not right now. Not now.

"You have to let me come." The young kitten darts towards Snakeblink, forcing himself between and around paws that line his way. "Snakeblink! I need to go find her, you have to let me, you have to," he pleads, rage breaking like the shield before his eyes as fat tears well up and spill over.

  • ooc:
  • "speech"
    ——  a messy blue tabby with low white. though small and slimmed down by the chill, riverkit's thick coat will bounce back with time and love. the fragility beneath his fur will dissipate with time. though currently stocky as most kittens are, he will gain some semblance of delicate stature with age. with a steady diet, riverkit may begin to fit into the clan he's so proudly named for.

"What is it, Duckpaw-" He barely gets the question out when he is informed of what had happened and he moves with deft speed past the young apprentice to the middle of the camp where cats were yowling and kits were squealing, he catches the lingering whispers and calls for action and realizes immediately with a prickle along his spine what has happened. A kit missing. His niece missing. He closed his one eye tightly in silent frustration and fear, he knew exactly what had happened without even needing to ask - the kits had all hated the new code, it was obvious they would act out against it in a way but the timing could not have been worse for this rebellious streak. Rogues on the territory, willing to kill their clanmates and now a tiny scrap of fur wandering alone and aimless and possibly already dead. He pushed the thought down with a groan, not wanting to linger on the possibility of digging a tiny and shallow grave later or worse yet, no grave at all. His ears flick, slim black triangles swiveling as Snakeblink speaks and he approaches more quickly. Several cats are already volunteering to go - his gaze wanders of Rookfang and Foxtail, skilled hunters and trackers, to Bronzeshine and Larchtuft - swift pawed and eager.

"No need to send someone for me, I'm here Snakeblink. Go. Take Rookfang, Foxtail, Larchtuft and Bronzeshine with you...quickly."
Was that a safe number of cats to prevent more casualities, he hoped to the stars above it was. As much as he wanted to race across the territory and join them in their search he had to trust that his lead would handle this on his own, that he would be thorough and Smokestar could focus on the furious and unhappy kittens mewling and wailing around his legs. He turned to dip his head down, roughly but affectionately nudging Riverkit in the side of the face at his outburst, "You will not go, you have to stay here with Pebblekit, you have to be strong for him. He needs you, let the warriors do the rest." Certainly the most sensitive of the two, he looped a tail around the frantically crying blue tom, ushering them both to the medicine cat den where Hazecloud was visiting his still wounded deputy, "Come on, we're going to go and keep Lichentail company for now okay. You have to be brave for her and Hazecloud."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

  • Like

Her paws felt like rooted stumps since Lichentail was displaced into the medicine den. Her coat no longer fragranced with morning shiny dew and sticky sap, but now taken with the overwhelming scent of herbs that could almost hide away the rosy red of wounds underneath them.

Her mind is fixed on the sight of the deputy stumbling beside Robinheart. How weak she looked, how battered. For a moment she might have believed that was the final state she would she the blue lynx still taking air into her lungs. How quickly she had spiraled into the terror of accepting she may be alone all over again. Just as quickly she had rose from the cloud of torment and refused to believe the she-cat could be felled so quickly. So easily.

Lichentail was a hardy cat despite what she might appear. Scruffy and all limbs, but a fighter in a way that didn't need claws and teeth. She fought to endure, to survive, and she would.

With the day winding down and most of the kittens sinking with the sunlight, Hazecloud left to ease her mate into her own night of rest, standing beside her and quietly talking with Ravensong about her recovery. Much of it was still unknown, not until she swayed into either direction of better or worse. Their talks are interrupted by the bleating of Pebblekit, who was now up past him and his littermates bedtime.

"Pebblekit, deep breaths sapling." She pulled him closer to herself and Lichentail to comfort him, confusion clear on her face as she looked between the blue tabby and the dimly light maw of the den. Others were talking with urgency in their voices and she could hear Smokestar's from the group as well.

"Who, Pebblekit? Twinklekit, Eveningkit?" Hazecloud found it hard to imagine him feeling much guilt when the babies had another adult watching them. While she can see Riverkit being herded toward them she's then aware of Shellkit's absence. Had something happened to her? What could have occurred in the short time she had been here?

She stood to meet Smokestar at the dens entrance to usher Riverkit to join the rest of them, her sights unmoving from meeting his. Shellkit was gone, she understood now. They had to be brave for their mothers... brave so that when Shellkit returned she knew their faith remained strong.

"Smokestar, bring back my little girl, please." Hazecloud's voice steadied from the shaking rasp that choked her only hours before. She would be strong, too.