PARTY DOG [t-rex kaboom]

t-rex kaboom

Dec 2, 2023

  • NOTHING TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM ; Personally thinks he has the coolest name around
    ⤷ Named by his owner because dinosaurs are cool and for showing a fondness for fireworks and explosions he's seen on tv
    — Amab; he/him; will roll with any pronouns though, he doesn't personally care; sexuality undiscovered
    — Daylight warrior of skyclan, loves it there and loves hanging out there with all his cool clanmates
    — Created 12/03/2023 at 37 moons / 37 moons / ages every 3rd
    — Penned by reaver; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
    Former house cat Rex is a big man that weighs a total of 16ish lbs from combined muscle and house cat chub. Heavier rather than taller, he's of pretty average height for a domestic cat. With big paws and strong legs though he's made for stomping enemy clan cat's faces in. Fur thick and clumpy and often goes unwashed as seen by the chunks of dried mud and dirt caked into it. Not that it's ever visible but his coat is dark orange, bordering on bright red, with some thin stripes spattered about. He has some white markings on his legs and face but they're pretty irrelevant when the mud hides them. Eyes are big and blue and kind and it's easy to tell there isn't a single thought floating around behind them. A face as fluffy as any, the fur on his muzzle and chin grow into a mock sort of mustache-beard combo. Around his neck, he wears an American flag bandana(not that he knows what it is) and takes great care of it, taking it off before doing any risky business.
    A house cat through and through, Rex has no knowledge of the struggles of being a clan cat, even after becoming a daylight warrior in Skyclan. Anyone he meets is greeted with the same overly friendly and talkatively annoying disposition. Always asking stupid questions that if he had a modicum of observational skills then he'd be able to find the answer for himself. He knows no bounds and doesn't really understand the borders, always wanting to see whatever there might be even if it could land him in hot water. He's well meaning but just very stupid.

    In that well meaning-ness, he's never really met anyone that's wholly been mean to him. Playfully mean sure, but upon joining Skyclan and meeting the other clan cats, he gets a big wakeup call. Not everyone is as nice as the other kittypets he's known and met. Things like generalizations about kittypets don't bother him, but attacks on his character directly are the ones that cut deep, naturally. Thankfully, he's too stupid sometimes to realize that some cats may be taking jabs at him. Or maybe not too stupid, maybe he's just not listening because he focuses about as well as a fish. With that lack of focus leaves the obvious clue that he's also incredibly irresponsible and immature and more or less entirely incapable of being a truly useful warrior of Skyclan. Even at his best he's the worst.

    Talks with his paws, lots of expressive movements and gestures
    Has no quiet voice, is always speaking at an above average volume even when whispering
    Rex trusts easily and is easy to get along with as he doesn't know any better. He doesn't have any reason to dislike anyone nor is he really capable of hatred.
    SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: description.
    speech is #FF3902

    JASON xx ADDIE sibling to none | mentoring who , mentored by Skyclan as a whole
    Mate to who | Parent to who
  • ► Loud ass car - Wolves of Glendale
    Hey I don't work here - Tom Cardy
    Forklift - HummusVacuum
    ... and yet, I fish - Canadian Softball

  • IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Born to one less than loving and kind father, Rex (at the time named Nothing) was raised on the streets and in the shadows of the twoleg place. His mother not really in the picture and his father not quite kind. At some point when Rex would've been apprentice aged he was abandoned on the side of a road by his father who left him while spewing vitriol. Rex still loves his parents because he knows no better. He was picked up by his current owner though and stays there to this day hopping back and forth between his twoleg nest and Skyclan.

    ☆ 12.03.2023 "PLEASE DON'T CALL 9-1-1!"
    Rex is chased onto Skyclan territory and after annoying them for some time, eventually joins the clan as a daylight warrior
    ☆ 12.11.2023 ONE OF THE COOL GUYS Seeking out Twitchbolt, Rex nags him with questions and then gets his feelings hurt by Silversmoke wherein he develops a discomfort and fear of Silversmoke
  • Code:
    [box=61%][justify][color=#BBBDC1][img width=700px][/img]
    [tabs][tab=BASIC][size=20px][b][color=#ff3902][s]NOTHING[/s] [outline=black]TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM ;[/outline][/color][/size] Personally thinks he has the coolest name around[/b]
    ⤷ Named by his owner because dinosaurs are cool and for showing a fondness for fireworks and explosions he's seen on tv
    — Amab; he/him; will roll with any pronouns though, he doesn't personally care; sexuality undiscovered
    — Daylight warrior of skyclan, loves it there and loves hanging out there with all his cool clanmates
    — Created 12/03/2023 at 37 moons / 37 moons / ages every 3rd
    [fright][img width=50px][/img] [img width=50px][/img][/fright]— Penned by reaver; [b]HEARTCHART[/b] ; [b]PINTEREST[/b] ; [b]PLAYLIST[/b]
    [tab=VISUAL][fleft][QUOTE][bimg width=250px][/bimg][/QUOTE][/fleft][b]BLINDINGLY ORANGE AND WHITE TABBY WITH BIG TERRIBLE BLUE EYES AND A BANDANA [/b] / [url='link'][b][color=COLORHERE]TOYHOUSE / REF[/color][/b][/url]
    Former house cat Rex is a big man that weighs a total of 16ish lbs from combined muscle and house cat chub. Heavier rather than taller, he's of pretty average height for a domestic cat. With big paws and strong legs though he's made for stomping enemy clan cat's faces in. Fur thick and clumpy and often goes unwashed as seen by the chunks of dried mud and dirt caked into it. Not that it's ever visible but his coat is dark orange, bordering on bright red, with some thin stripes spattered about. He has some white markings on his legs and face but they're pretty irrelevant when the mud hides them. Eyes are big and blue and kind and it's easy to tell there isn't a single thought floating around behind them. A face as fluffy as any, the fur on his muzzle and chin grow into a mock sort of mustache-beard combo. Around his neck, he wears an American flag bandana(not that he knows what it is) and takes great care of it, taking it off before doing any risky business.[/tab]
    [tab=MENTALITY][quote][color=white][b]FRIENDLY / ANNOYING / ADVENTEROUS / SENSITIVE / UNFOCUSED / IRRESPONSIBLE[/b][/color][/quote]
    A house cat through and through, Rex has no knowledge of the struggles of being a clan cat, even after becoming a daylight warrior in Skyclan. Anyone he meets is greeted with the same overly friendly and talkatively annoying disposition. Always asking stupid questions that if he had a modicum of observational skills then he'd be able to find the answer for himself. He knows no bounds and doesn't really understand the borders, always wanting to see whatever there might be even if it could land him in hot water. He's well meaning but just very stupid. 
    In that well meaning-ness, he's never really met anyone that's wholly been mean to him. Playfully mean sure, but upon joining Skyclan and meeting the other clan cats, he gets a big wakeup call. Not everyone is as nice as the other kittypets he's known and met. Things like generalizations about kittypets don't bother him, but attacks on his character directly are the ones that cut deep, naturally. Thankfully, he's too stupid sometimes to realize that some cats may be taking jabs at him. Or maybe not too stupid, maybe he's just not listening because he focuses about as well as a fish. With that lack of focus leaves the obvious clue that he's also incredibly irresponsible and immature and more or less entirely incapable of being a truly useful warrior of Skyclan. Even at his best he's the worst.
    Talks with his paws, lots of expressive movements and gestures 
    Has no quiet voice, is always speaking at an above average volume even when whispering
    Rex trusts easily and is easy to get along with as he doesn't know any better. He doesn't have any reason to dislike anyone nor is he really capable of hatred.
    [b]SOUNDS LIKE:[/b] description. [url='link']voiceclaim if you have one[/url]
    [b]SMELLS LIKE:[/b] description.
    speech is [color=#FF3902]#FF3902[/color][/quote]
    [color=white][b][abbr=NPC]JASON[/abbr] xx [abbr=NPC]ADDIE[/abbr][/b][/color] sibling to none | mentoring [abbr='penned by who?']who[/abbr] , mentored by Skyclan as a whole
    Mate to [abbr='penned by who?']who[/abbr]  | Parent to [abbr='penned by who?']who[/abbr] 
    [b]NOTABLE FRIENDS:[/b] who?
    [b]NOTABLE ENEMIES:[/b] who?[/tab]
    [tab=PLAYLIST][columns=2][b][color=#05badd]► Loud ass car[/color][/b] - Wolves of Glendale
    [B]Hey I don't work here[/b] - Tom Cardy
    [B]Forklift[/b] - HummusVacuum
    [B]... and yet, I fish[/b] - Canadian Softball[/columns]
    [tab=HISTORY][size=20px][color=white][b]IMPORTANT THREADS[/b][/color][b][/b][/size][b][size=18px] / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development[/size][/b]
    Born to one less than loving and kind father, Rex (at the time named Nothing) was raised on the streets and in the shadows of the twoleg place. His mother not really in the picture and his father not quite kind. At some point when Rex would've been apprentice aged he was abandoned on the side of a road by his father who left him while spewing vitriol. Rex still loves his parents because he knows no better. He was picked up by his current owner though and stays there to this day hopping back and forth between his twoleg nest and Skyclan.
    [url=][color=white][b]☆ 12.03.2023 "PLEASE DON'T CALL 9-1-1!"[/b][/color][/url] 
    Rex is chased onto Skyclan territory and after annoying them for some time, eventually joins the clan as a daylight warrior
    [url=][color=white][b]☆ 12.11.2023 ONE OF THE COOL GUYS[/b][/color][/url] Seeking out Twitchbolt, Rex nags him with questions and then gets his feelings hurt by Silversmoke wherein he develops a discomfort and fear of Silversmoke
    [tab=CODE]posting template
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  • "SPEECH"
  • picture of a fish goes here
  • TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM he/him/his, daylight warrior of skyclan, 37 moons / ages on the 1st.
    large dark red-orange tabby with low-mid white markings. big empty-headed blue eyes. wears an american flag bandanna. talkative, annoying and straight up stupid as hell but he means well.
    peaceful and healing powerplay always permitted / / minor attack powerplay allowed / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ will avoid battles for the time being
    penned by reaver ↛ @reavurse on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[justify][font=tahoma][size=3][subquote=#ff8007] WRITE HERE DINGUS [/subquote][TABS][slide=‎‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎┌── THE LAST THING I WANT] 

[slide=⋅✹⋅][quote]picture of a fish goes here[/quote][/slide]
[slide= IS TO BE ANY BURDEN TO YOU  ──┐‎][fleft][bimg][/bimg][/fleft][size=5][url=][color=#ff3902][b][font=book antiqua]TYRANNOSAURUS REX KABOOM[/font][/b][/color][/url] [color=#ff8007][i]✩[/i][/color][/size][color=#ff8007][i] he/him/his, daylight warrior of skyclan, 37 moons / ages on the 1st.[/i][/color]
[color=#ff3902]⭃[/color] large dark red-orange tabby with low-mid white markings. big empty-headed blue eyes. wears an american flag bandanna. talkative, annoying and straight up stupid as hell but he means well. 
[color=#ff3902]⭃[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay always permitted / / [abbr=scratches, shoving, etc... ]minor attack[/abbr] powerplay allowed / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking ↛  will avoid battles for the time being
[color=#ff3902]⭃[/color] penned by reaver ↛  [color=#ff3902]@reavurse[/color] on discord, feel free to dm for plots. 
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[center][font=verdana][size=18px][glow=BLACK][color=#ff3902]IF SHE [/color][color=#d63f19]IS YOUR[/color][color=#d26021] GIRLFRIEND [/color][/glow][/size][/font][color=#d66f29][b]—[/b][/color] [url=][color=#d82525]tags [i]![/i][/color][/url]
[color=#db8400][glow=black]([/glow][/color] [color=#ff3902]why is she playing with my [color=#db8400]...[/color] [b]m u l l e t ?[/b] [glow=black])[/glow][/color][/center]

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