PARTY ROCK [✿] road trip human au

✿—— "oh, my god—where are you even going?" bobbie throws her hands up in exasperation, slumping back in the passenger seat. normally, she would like to think she was a patient person, god knew you had to be to work the jobs she did, but spending who knew how many days stuck in a party bus with thirty-plus other people? it's wearing down her patience—and the fact that she's somehow ended up serving as navigator and riding shotgun with nikolai, of all people, is making her wish she'd turned right around the minute she saw this cursed vehicle.

swinging grown-out brown hair over her shoulder, one finger jabs at a spot on the map pulled up on her phone, squinting as she complains, "just look at the map, it says if we take that turn we're going to hit traffic. you're supposed to wait for that exit." the woman sighs, leaning back on the seat as they appear to narrowly avoid colliding with yet another car. laying hold of the cup in the center console, she takes a disgruntled sip and side-eyes nikolai as the godawful music playing (who is in charge of that, take it away) and the general din of the seats behind them bleeds forward. bobbie sighs, grumbling, "slow down, you're going to kill us all. why don't you just let someone else take a turn driving?"

god, their designated driver really just brings out the worst in her.


  • ooc: set in a party bus to accomodate all of the roadtrippers, led by @SLATE and bobbie as arguing driver and shotgun/navigator. not a pafp though!
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Mark had been busied with a few games on his phone but cannot help but look up when he hears Bobbie starting to get a little angry at the driver, he doesn't offer anything since he isn't in the passenger seat and he's not much of a backseat driver. He sighs quietly under his breath watching the both of them with a raised beow and warm coffee kissed eyes, he would remain silent but would tense up whenever the party bus would lurch whenever Nikolai made an abrupt stop or turn. The man can't help but glance over to his seat buddy and offers an awkward smile before mumbling in a low voice "They sound like an old married couple," A very unhappy married couple with several years of an unhappy marriage and wedding, the thought itself makes a smile break out on his face from partial amusement but in all honesty, Nikolai seemed to uptight and Bobbie deserved a lot better.

Not some angry man baby. He perks up when he hears Bobbie ask Nikolai why he doesn't let anyone else drive and Mark wants to offer, maybe it would be less stressful for the pair that sat at the front and the other people in the party bus. He knew that he would be resting a lot more easier than hearing Nikolai and Bobbie bicker at the front, the music didn't really fit the vibe though he wouldn't be so quick to rag on anyone's taste of music. That's why he had brought along his little wireless earbuds so he could listen in on his own playlist that he had complied together of some of his favorite songs, a lot of it from the 60s to 90s, pop, indie, and a few from the Latino genre. He takes off his game of Angry Birds from his phone deciding to look at his messages and contacts wondering if he had received any texts from anyone back at home, his attention half focused on Bobbie and Nikolai though at this point they were background noise at the time being.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
A giggle spills from Nadima's lips at Mark's murmurings. She knew very well that road trips could weigh on anyone's nerves, but it was very funny to see that even the sweetest among them turn into the stereotypical nagging front-seat driver. The smile is still evident on her face as she turns her gaze from Bobbie and Nikolai back to Mark and his phone, hoping to see another round of Angry Birds that she could commentate on.

What meets her is the listed screen of his messages app, and a question passes over her mind. She taps the bigger man on the shoulder lightly so he looks at her fully when she signs: do you have any service out here? It had been a few hours since she had let Fern or Selene know how she was doing and she didn't want to reach a wifi-friendly zone just to be bombarded with thirty-seven voicemails of 'ARE YOU DEAD?!'

━━ι═══════ He is...uncomfortable. It isn't often that Imrizon finds himself feeling uneasy or restless; by being prepared for most scenarios, he can seem much more adaptable, but he hadn't known what to expect of a party bus. Despite its intended use for many people, he cannot help thinking that it is so very small and enclosed, and terribly loud. Nikolai and Bobbie's voices set a slight throbbing into his temple, one that even Mark's low comment agitates. He fiddles endlessly with the carved figurine in his pocket, attempting to focus on the pages of his book. When that fails, he sets it aside and turns to face Kirk. "If you are motion sick, I have learned a trick for it," he offers, and extends his palm in Kirk's direction. Imrizon smiles warmly, though the muscles feel inexplicably tired. "Your arm, please, so I may show you."

  • CLEARHEART / / 40 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns but will also accept the use of neutral terms.
    — a warrior of shadowclan / / currently mentoring dragonflypaw / / excels greatly in combat above most all other skills.
    — former loner who wandered great distances & rarely remained in one place for long / / arrived after the great battle.
    — devoted to starclan above all else (aside from his idea of the common good) / / not prone to enter battle mindlessly.

    — of a height slightly above average / / trim and athletic with a sense of immovability about his posture/stance & size.
    — chocolate sepia w/ low white / / fur is quite short for the most part / / tail is naturally bobbed // full-body reference.
    — fairly warm demeanor much of the time; there is a "softness" about his features so that neutrality doesn't seem surly.

    — lawful good, in the sense that he likes to maintain order and work toward bettering lives around him without cruelty.
    — often misunderstands figures of speech and may interpret them literally. as such, can seem to lack a sense of humor.
    — deeply genuine; dislikes lying immensely, and so (most of the time) he is wholly earnest, especially with compliments.

The bus stinks. It's, like, gotta be a requirement of busses—a box on the checklist of service, right in between drafty windows and creaky seats. He's painfully used to the smell of car exhaust, which probably isn't a good thing for carbon monoxide awareness, so Saburo remains relatively unscathed. His more sensitive bus-mates might beg to differ.

"Hey, heeeyyyy!" the teenager hollers over the sound of Bobbie and Nikolai's bickering. He's right up front, hunched forward from behind the driver's seat so his phone can stay plugged into the sound system near the steering wheel. The fact that there's even a working aux cord is a miracle. The overhead speakers crackle when the music gets too loud, and there's a strange, tinny quality to all the sounds—but Saburo's portable speaker died twenty minutes ago, so it's kind of a godsend.

Head whipping around over his shoulder, Saburo grins brilliantly at the stuffy crowd of people across the sea of scuffed gray seats. A wave of electric guitar riffs rattle the metal bus frame, BabyMetal's Gimme Chocolate blaring from the speakers. "Who wants to listen to I'm Just Ken again?" he calls, turning back to curl around his phone, the screen pressed comically close to his face as he scrolls through his hundred-plus long playlist.
  • Average wear and tear; a bit travel worn but ready for adventure! ————————————————————————
  • SEDGEPOUNCE / 11 MOONS / WINDCLAN WARRIOR A grayish-brown tabby with high white and warm amber eyes. Sharp, hawk-like, angular face; earnest and bright expressions. Soft mid-length fur.
God; it was times like these when Nikolai missed his BMW.

Stomping on the gas pedal, he pushed the party bus to the max in order to speed around a car obviously going under the speed limit. He had no patience for other drivers on the road... especially when he was trying to get close to forty other people somewhere. Normally he wouldn't care to drive, but the longer he had to hear "I'm Just Ken" on repeat the crazier he'd become.

He's not quite sure how Bobbie of all people ended up his navigator, but he was mere seconds away from pulling over and forcing her to get out of the seat. "Relax. We'll get there." Nikolai dismissed her concerns, nearly white-knuckling the wheel as frustration from both his passenger and the road conditions pent up inside of him.

When Bobbie suggests that he lets someone else drive, Nikolai lightly scoffs all while keeping his stare intensely focused on the road ahead. "I'm not takin' advice from someone who drives a mom van. Why don't you go sit in the back if you're just gonna nag me the entire time?" Did Bobbie herself want to drive? They'd never get to their destination at that rate! Not that Nik really knows how Bobbie drives, but he can only assume that she rides the slow lane the entire way like the other van drivers do.

When he overhears Saburo's voice, the dark-eyed man barks over his shoulder, "Play that song one more time and you're getting thrown off!" He wasn't kidding, either.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Bruce was, well, far from a perfect guy.

Long legged and clearly not in his element in this packed bus, he was leaned against his seat, earbuds in his ears and slowly bobbing his head to the music. Barley curled black hair brushed over his ears and framed his face, sitting trim with his shoulders. A long scar ran over his right eye, from above his eyebrow to past his cheekbone. He wasn't intimidating- well, he didn't think so- and he thought the scar looked cool. All of his sibling's kids did, too. Well. He didn't think anyone on the bus did- maybe Mark did, but...

He shook his head, knocking thoughts from his head. His earbud loosened from the movement, just in time to listen to Saburo to cry out. A groan left the bachelor, and he tugged his earbuds out, leaning up in his seat to shout back at the same time that Nikolai did. "Absolutely not! It's been like, eight billion times, kiddo. Hey-" Bruce shuffled out of his seat- he had sat in the aisle so his legs could be free- and stood near the front, hands gripping the seats to keep from falling over.

"Play some AC/DC, would you? Those guys rock." Bruce nodded his head, very unhelpfully.
