pafp PAS DE DEUX ✿ climbing


Bobbie remembers her first month as a warrior through a dull lense, an experience made dimmer by the wonders that it preceded. She'd been clumsy and new to it all, before mountain winds and seemingly a hundred challenges had sculpted her into a proper warrior. The last dregs of greenleaf had been spent at Blazestar's side, learning how to climb and hunt and fight, watching him handle the duties of leadership. In those days, he'd been the one leading her up the trees and over the branches, and she'd been the one stumbling out of them.

It's quite the opposite now. The lilac tabby slithers up the trunk, gripping it with curved birdlike claws, and perches on a branch midway up the stout pine. In comparison to the memory of that stars-damned cliff they'd all had to claw their way up, the pine's grooved and dependable trunk feels almost easy. The compact frame that sets her at a disadvantage in battles and long distances lets her scramble into the tree like one of the birds that dance pinwheels above, grinning down at her mate. Blazestar is further below, barely hauling himself onto one of the lower branches, and she can hear his huffing breath.

"Which Clan do you lead again?" she teases good-naturedly, clinging to the branch with her paws as she drapes her lean belly over it, leaning down towards him. "Was it GroundClan?" Her laughter rings throughout the trees, though the humor dancing in her pale eyes isn't mocking. It's just so funny to see her big, strong mate, leader of SkyClan, struggling to clamber up the tree after her. "Need any help down there?"


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    bobbie ; lead warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 42 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    x. mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, and drowsypaw. mate to blazestar.

Claws scrabble semi-helplessly against the ridged bark of the pine tree as Blazestar hauls himself onto a low branch. Pine needles catch stiffly in the pale fur flowing from his wheezing body, and his breath catches in his throat as he steadies four ungainly golden paws against the base of the branch. A striated white tail-tip disappears above him, and a teasing, purring voice condescends to him from the treetops. Blazestar aims his smiling face toward her as though she is the sun and he is a flower bending toward her warmth.

GroundClan sounds great right about now,” the Ragdoll puffs, stuttering laughter scattering from his jaws. He catches her eye, the green of it stunning him, pinning him into place. He shifts his paws, flexing his claws into the bark again as he prepares with some resignation to haul himself further. “Help! I was climbing trees while you were still a kittypet,” he rumbles good-naturedly.

He exhales in preparation, then sinks his claws into the base of the tree once more. Using his powerful upper body, he pulls himself onto the next-highest branch—which is still significantly beneath the throne Bobbie has made for herself. “I can’t compete with a mountain climber,” he huffs again, grinning in her direction.

, ”

Ignoring SkyClan cats in the trees while they were hunting was one thing, but it was hard not to feel a twinge of envy when she caught them playing from within the branches. Broken wings though use to being grounded still yearned to fly. A sorrowful glance up to the swinging boughs of the trees that dance underneath the weight of the cats who perched upon them.

’What clan are you from again? GroundClan?’ Figfeather stiffens and in that moment she decides it’s best for her to remain silent and evade the area. It was often that cats would make joking comments that reached Figfeather’s ears, and while of course they were not meant for her (most of the time), they still jabbed at her insecurities. Hurt her.

Climbing was an essential part of being in SkyClan, it was hard for Figfeather to feel like a bird on the ground watching her flock fly on without her. It pained her to know that never again she’d never take to the skies with them, and if that way Figfeather wonders if she’ll ever truly be a cat of SkyClan again. What was a bird without it’s feathers? A SkyClanner without her legs?

A truth she’s always fought against, but one she knows she will one day have to come to accept. Silently she disappears in the shadows of the pines, leaving the mated pair and others to their fun in the branches.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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