PASS JUDGEMENT | patrol assignments

"SkyClan!" The tired warrior called out above the hustle and bustle of first light. Paws clambered to find the spot he'd seen Orangeblossom settle upon dozens of times before, his escalating heartbeat only seceded by how important he felt sitting above the rest of the clan. He didn't know if he could get used to it, not when the gazes of friends and foes alike bore into him like tiny claws pinching his skin. He was not a beast that served well with the sun's attention brightening his silver fur, but for the sake of SkyClan, he would try to shake off the conflict dredging in his belly. "Gather around for your patrol assignments!" His tail lashed as he obtained even more attention, ears pinned at the chatter of nearby kits who'd yet to learn how vital patrols were. With a deep breath, Silversmoke began.

"For the dawn patrol... @BLAZESTAR, take @Coyotepaw, @FIGFEATHER, and @butterflytuft out to the border stretching across ThunderClan and RiverClan." He gave a nod to his leader, swallowing a lump in his throat as he exchanged a glance with the Ragdoll. Ordering his superiors around would never get easier. "And, @MOMOWHISKER, take @QUILLSTRIKE and @CHRYSALISWING out to the Twolegplace." There was a chance, however slim, that the combination of Quillstrike and Chrysaliswing would not go over well, he hoped the kittypet would be able to smooth things over should that be the case. Regardless, the tabby wouldn't miss having his apprentice shadow him on every patrol he went on.

"At dusk, I want @Johnnyflame to take @>Scorchedpaw, @SHADOWFIRE and @Sootspritespark. to the border stretching from RiverClan to ThunderClan. Be careful around ThunderClan." Vile, codebreaking creatures. He had every right to criticise the kittypets, ThunderClan did not. His gaze lingered longer on Johnnyflame and Sootspritespark as he wondered if sending them to be bullied was a bad idea, then, he steeled himself and dismissed them with a flick of his tail. "@DAWNGLARE wants... StarClan knows what, a Herb Patrol, probably. @BRAMBLEHEART, @Tawnystripe, help him and @Fireflypaw out with whatever he needs." The less he had to think about that, the better.

"@BEARHEART, I need you to organise a hunting patrol out near the Tall Pine. @Pigeonsong, take a few warriors for hunting by the Rockpile too." Finally, his gaze turned to a familiar calico sitting amidst the crowd of cats and, somehow, he felt more nervous than he ever had done addressing SkyClan. His smile was imminent, forced back down into the depths of obscurity by the guise of professionalism he wanted to rip off like burrs. Alas, he could only pray that the other understand why he had to scowl the same way for everyone. "@Auburnflame, could you organise a training session for the warriors out by the sandy ravine?"

"That's all. Go speak with your patrol leaders if you need anything, or me, I suppose." With that, he began to descend from his podium, eyes widening as his claws caught on the bark halfway down. In a quick motion, he tore himself free and landed on wobbly paws, quickly rising to his full height and clearing his throat as he pretended that such a blunder never happened. Day by day, he was beginning to hate trees more.

Threads to be made:
@BLAZESTAR (Dawn Patrol, RiverClan board)
@MOMOWHISKER (Dawn Patrol, Loner Lands board)
@Johnnyflame (Dusk Patrol, ThunderClan board)
@DAWNGLARE (Herb Patrol)
@BEARHEART (Hunting, organising own patrol)
@Pigeonsong (Hunting, organising own patrol)
@Auburnflame (Group Training Session)
A herb patrol, huh? Tawnystripe knows basically nothing about medicine, but he could listen to instructions, at the very least. Hopefully he doesn't mess up...he has to admit he's intimidated by Dawnglare too. Almost every cat seems to be weary of the medicine cat, and he's sure he'll find out why. Or maybe they'll gel together? Eh, who knows.

He seeks out Brambleheart first, padding over to the grey and brown cat and giving a trill in greeting. At least he is a cat that he isn't worried about how their interaction could go.
"Here's hopin' you know more than I do about plants. Either way, let's hop to it, huh?"

His gaze lifts at the sound of Silversmoke's call for patrol assignments. How long had it been now, since he'd been on a proper patrol?

Before Sheepcurl disappeared, he realizes, his chest twisting at the thought of how often he used to tag along on his mentor's patrols - how often he'd be beside her along the border, or hunting, or dealing with strange twoleg things, or...

He doesn't realize how much he's itching to get out of here until then - how much he'd rather be anywhere but inside the camp - until he realizes his name hasn't been called, that he hasn't been assigned to go anywhere. But, Figfeather has - he heard his sister's name, and at least she gets to go, right? Greeneyes is glad for that, at least. He moves to search for his sister, a small smile given to her once he's in her sight. He can go for a walk later if he really wants to get out of camp, anyway.



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather looks at Silversmoke, it was different seeing the silver tom organize patrols, she’s use to the pelt of Orangeblossom. She admires how naturally he seems to take to the job, however, and he even assigns her to Blazestar. Eyes flicker to the large Tom, then she looks for her sister to flash an excited smile. This would be her first time patrolling with Butterflytuft as her equal, she can’t help but think Daisyflight would be proud.

Moving to Blazestar she spots Greeneyes, her brother flashes a smile and Figfeather returns it. A few short moments pass and suddenly a pang of sympathy courses through her, his name hadn’t been called for a patrol, had it? Well… that’s not a bad thing! Figfeather reassures herself, but she knows all too well in his paws she’d be deeply saddened. StarClan knows cats like them needed all the work they could get to distract their grieving minds. She shakes her head and opts to try and ignore the throbbing of her heart.
fight it , or accept it . fear it , or control it .
Shadowfire perked at the sound of Silversmoke’s call, pulling himself to his paws to clamber over to the gathering cats. At the mention of his name, the black-and-white tom grinned triumphantly. Border patrol? Count him in. Sometimes fun, sometimes boring. He really never knew what could happen, but that was the game, wasn’t it?

The amber-hued tom ventured over towards his brother, bumping his shoulder with Smokefang who grunted, slapping Shadow upside the head causing the amber-hued brute to snicker.
thought speech


Silversmokes voice calling for patrol assignments is a bitter reminder that Thistleback is no longer there. While it brings about a fresh wave of hurt, like a scab picked raw, he takes minor comfort in the knowledge that if the piebald warrior is still out there somewhere alive and breathing, nothing will stop him from coming back. It's a waiting game that might never pay off in the end, but the bobtail warrior refuses to believe that they've just abandoned the clan. Not Thistleback, who had taught Johnny that protecting his loved ones worth anything.

Pointed ears tip forward at the sound of his name, an he pulls himself from his thoughts enough to take note of the orders being given to him. Scorchedpaw, Sootspritespark, and Shadowfire were to accompany him on a border patrol. He could handle that. "Understood." he replied, nodding to the larger tom as golden eyes sought out his patrolmates. "We'll meet outside of camp at dusk." he called to them, a half-hearted smile on his lips before he gestured for his apprentice to follow. They had training to do.

) "Understood! I'm gonna make sure that freshkill pile is heaving!" Bearheart announced gleefully as he turned to Briarpaw with a wide grin. He wasn't going to hesitate dragging his apprentice across half the territory in order to land a solid bounty to bring back to the clan. Running on the steam of his own confidence he then turned and hurried away to gather the troops.

// @Briarpaw