pafp Pass the brain cell ☮ Short post thread, prompt


He wears your grandad's coat!
Nov 13, 2023
*+:。.。 nevada gray, "pattern", Bubblepaw

"A-choo" Silverbreath sniffles, rubbing at his nose as he plops down beside @bubblepaw. Although the skies were awash with a gloomy nevada grey, the tell-tell farewell light of sunset still managed to break through the cracks. Although it was the creak in everyone's exhausted bones that truly read what hour of day it was - relaxation time.
As he watched his fellow warriors mill about, Silverbreath would blink open his eyes just in time to watch a single flake of sow drift from the gloom and balance precariously on his nose. "You know something Bubblepaw? Life is a cycle of repetition. Take this snowflake for example. If you look closely, you'll notice it's symetrical" he turned his head this way, then that way, crossing his eyes to properly view the star-like particle on his nose before it melted, "It repeats all the way around. Just like the seasons. Just like the rise and fall of the sun."

He was talking out his tail honestly, tired after a long day of failed hunts and a poor, ignored tummy, but he injected his half-thoughts with a wise, confident tone it'd be difficult to believe he wasn't speaking prophecies. And with Bubblepaw, cheerful and sweet as she was, as his chosen victim for his 'wizened machinations', he was sure she'd take it in stride.
"Some patterns are reliable, rules you must follow or can put your faith in. Some are unique all to yourself. Like our coats, for example. Your pattern is much different than mine, but we're both still tabbies"
He nods to another classic tabby cat in the distance, "And their pattern is even more wild than both of ours. Their own carving of the world"

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently
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