PASSERBY [✦] chalk

Dec 12, 2022

Leaving her two-legs nest was slowly becoming less and less of a forbidding venture. Now, when she looked out into the garden, instead of dread all she felt was longing. A longing to be in the forest, surrounded by the scent of pine and the sounds of birdsong. To see her friends and know that they are okay, despite maybe one of them not really wanting to talk to her. She realized while in the shelter how easily life can be taken, and she was done living hers behind a glass wall. Still, she returns every night. Why? Well, as much as she loved the freedom of the outdoors she also loved her twolegs. Hon', her twoleg that sprouted a golden mane on top of her head, was Fanta's favorite. She always gave the best scratches, made sure Fanta's fur stayed clean and put the bandanas around her neck all the time, she was also the one who filled her food bowl, always ensuring she never went empty. Dear, or Sweet Cheeks (she wasn't entirely certain of his name) was kind too. He always made sure Fanta had a warm lap to rest in when Hon' wasn't around and he even sometimes snuck her extra treats when Hon' wasn't looking.

Every day, however, save for two, a strange phenomenon occurred. They would get up in the morning and breeze past her, rushing around the house while they dawned different colored pelts and then they would get into their monsters and they would leave. She had, of course, ridden in a monster before but she did not think the poker was where they went when they left. Oftentimes, she had tried to speculate where it was that they were going but genuinely she had no idea. Perhaps they were out hunting? For sometimes they would come back with food, or perhaps they had their own clans they went to during the day, just like her.

No matter, she had her business and they had theirs.

This morning, she wakes after they had already left. She stretched her limbs out in front of her and arches her back then she jumps down from her bed in the fake tree that Dear had brought home one day. After stopping to drink water and eat some kibble she made her way to the small opening that was covered with some thin membrane that her housefolk left open for her to come and go out of and she started making her way to SkyClan. Just another normal day.

Or at least, it was.

She stops in the driveway as she spots a pale figure walking on the sidewalk in front of her den. For a moment, she is confused, not expecting to see a familiar face out here. And yet... "Chalk?" she calls out, the surprise she feels evident in her tone "Chalk is that you?" who else would it be? Still, she must get confirmation from the cat himself.

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⭒✧ Chalk hadn’t been sure where he’d wanted to spend the day that morning, tempted by both the structured, warbled lessons of the Learningplace and the more dynamic experiences of the forest. An older twoleg kit however made the choice easy, it’s choice to spill sappy fluid all throughout his favourite corridor making the tom turn tail quickly. The laughter and jeers that its companions coughed up rolled through the pale tunnel, sending his ears flat. The forest it is.

The lattice of roads that led to Skyclan’s territory gave the daylight warrior options. For the most part he preferred the quieter routes, where the borders along the thunderpath were wide and comfortable. As eager for novelty as he was, an incident with a monster wasn’t part of his intended curriculum. It had been wandering around that area that landed him in the paws of the Cutter too.

’Chalk?’ His paws grew rooted to the concrete. Led by a tipped cheek, Chalk’s head turned to face the noise. The tom’s expression remained vacant at the sight of a white-splashed tabby and her bandana. Fantastream. A wrinkle of irritation marred his thoughts, but it was smoothed flat in moments- he should have anticipated meeting other daylight warriors in the Twolegplace. His marble tail buoyed into a soft hello.

"Fantastream. You’ve identified me correctly." A flick of his ear betrayed his good humour. Chalk traipsed across the last few stone blocks to meet her, paws paced carefully to avoid the fissures between them. Blue eyes cast a curious look at the molly and beyond. "Is this your den? You have traditional twoleg housefolk right?" It was much smaller than his own place of residence but that offered some charm.

The road before them drew his attention for a beat. It was only logical- and polite. "If you’re walking to the pine forest would you, ah, like to travel together?" Why were the words tight in his throat? Confusion troubled him in the wake of his offer- an investigation for later. Perhaps his aversion to small talk was worst than he thought. Fantastream was affable however, so it'd be worth the work.
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