passing of time | ver


Nov 17, 2022
"I thought we had lost you, Vermillion." his blood had boiled when Nameless had ran back, informed them of Vermillion's capture. Oh how it had ignited in to an explosion, a snarl and a screech to other rogues. Oh how mad he had been, the fact that the Skyclanners had walked in to their home, kidnapped one of their members... And the audacity to once and for all blame him of a child attack? Vermillion would never touch a claw upon a child, even Ferret knows this.

Oh how he had wanted to walk straight in to the Skyclan camp and slaughter them. Ferret had fought in the great battle, had lost his dear sister and this, this is what the clans had devolved to? They hadn't changed a bit.

"Come hunt," he grunts, a deep breath. He isn't good with any sappy reunions, his personality had been closed off since Aurora had died. "Did they hurt you?" a thinly veiled threat. He would tear them apart if he could, these clans did nothing good. Nothing good at all and Vermillions capture had been proof of it.


❝ we're children playing at a game, screaming that the rules aren't fair. ❞

"Hurt the hell out of me," Vermilion responds in kind, a look of detrimental hatred in his eyes for the Clans. Thistleback was a good guy, and Cosmospaw deserved the world- but being accused of killing a child just because you trespassed into a Clan's territory once didn't seem like a legitimate reason to suspect someone; let alone attack them unwarranted. "..But I'm fine. The wound is healing just fine after the infection went away." He mumbles, instinctively pressing himself closer to Ferret for a moment. Rogues earned a bad name because most of them came from Clans or Colonies where they were kicked out or left behind. Vermilion gave them a second chance here in the sewers.

As the tom limps past his colonymate, Ferret mentions a hunt; Vermilion's stomach growls at the idea. "If we can find something with this weather." Vermilion meows in response, tail-tip flicking behind him. This blizzard was going to be the end of them, they'd be snowed in for the next good day or so. They had to drag blankets onto the scraps that layered the sewers for warmth, the water frozen over and slippery. A dangerous place to be if you didn't know what you were doing. Hypothermia was inevitable if they didn't keep warm. "Think we can snatch some food from the upwalkers?"