private PASSIONFRUIT &. fallowpaw / houndpaw


Jun 7, 2023

it was simple really. they were only practicing to be able to climb trees. in his clumsy nature, he hasn't really done a lot of that but he wanted to be able to! so fallowpaw, houndpaw, and himself went to a pretty big tree in the territory. he doesn't know if any of their mentors are around and he doesn't exactly think he's the most concerned about it. not because he has ill intent about being out of camp without a warrior, he's just so stuck in the now and the excitement that comes from hanging out with his friends. he skips ahead of them, tumbling over his paws and hitting the ground with a grunt, that's only followed by a whimsical laughter.

"i'm okay! be careful, you two!"

he totally only tripped over his own paws. there was nothing to really be careful about but he just wants to make sure they're okay anyways! twitching his tail he looks up at the tree, eyes glancing towards the lower branches that they could start at. okay! he can go first! he gently moves to scramble up on the branch, twitching his ears back and forth. he's not good at this. maybe the older apprentices would know how to teach him!

"i wanna get wayyyy up there! we can have a race! but first can you guys help me? how do you climb trees good?"

he takes a moment before trying to climb even higher, getting up a few more branches with his ears perked up. wow. he was getting really high up here.

"ooh! I think I'm getting it!! come on guys! let's go even higher!"

// hehe <3 I will let each of yall post and then... *evil cat emoji* @FALLOWPAW @Houndpaw


In the grand scheme of things being able to rile Fallowpaw up while enjoying time with the ever cheerful Orangepaw was enough to outweigh the fact that she didn’t want to climb. It wasn't that they were horrendous at it or anything like that, if anything she was… decently okayish? Climbing wasn't something that she dedicated her already finite resource of caring towards.

A bark of laughter escapes her when Orangepaw tumbles, in an attempt to stifle it she coughs. “You good, Orangepaw?” Despite the fact that he claimed he was fine she gave Fallowpaw a inquisitive look, as if to see if it was also concerned or maybe even suspicious about this. Listening to his outcry to be careful she gingerly stepped around the area where he tumbled. Despite not seeing anything they were not particularly up for taking any chances.

Satisfied that she wasn't going to trip they continued at their usual gait with a flick of their tail. “Try not to trip, Fallowpaw!” They call out with a sly grin, marching up to the tree that the younger apprentice had picked out. Watching in almost morbid curiosity to see if the young tom would give up or if he was feeling particularly tenacious today. It seemed that he was choosing the former, even worse he wanted their help. She doesn't let it show but the irritation over this task runs deep.

“You should really use your claws and your hind legs more, trying to pull your whole body with only your front paws won't do much” She still offers advice regardless, they'd rather help once and not be asked again than be badgered constantly. Besides, Orangepaw's kind, trying to be mean to him in any manner was a monumental task that she thought he didn't deserve. With a deep sigh she does as she instructed him to do, there is a grace to how she carries herself as she climbs to the first branch. It's as graceful as a thunderclanner could be anyways, still clunky and awkward in the apprentice way especially in comparison to a skyclanner but it wasn't the worst.

With a long exaggerated sigh they rest their head against the trunk of the tree. Tail curling over the branch she resided against another glance is given to see how Fallowpaw was doing. Then they glance over at Orangepaw, who seemed eager to aim for higher? “Even higher? How high do you want to go?” She tried to heighten the lethargy in her voice, accentuating it with a yawn. “Fine, fine, lead the way” she gave in with a chuckle, still deciding to lounge on the first branch.



ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw really doesn't care for climbing, which apparently isn't a good look for Stormywing's apprentice. It's what she's best at, which means that it's supposed to be at least good. She's been getting... better, with all the training she's had. And yet, it never seems enough, her mentor always outdoing her and expecting more. She heaves a sigh as she trudges along after Orangepaw; it feels like admitting defeat to train on her own, but maybe it'll her mentor off her case is she just practices some more.

Her company leaves much to be desired, though. Two of the most obnoxious cats in the clan, Orangepaw and Houndpaw. Both opposites in their gratingness, one oblivious to her ire and the other dedicated to lighting matches for her fires. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

Still, she keeps her mouth shut tight. Her misaligned teeth clench, eyes set in a glare. A scoff is all that Orangepaw's trip earns. "He said he's okay," she shoots back in response to Houndpaw's concern, meeting her questioning look with something flat and uninterested. And then - that mocking tone in her voice as she addresses it. Fallowpaw's tail lashes. "Same to you," it mutters venomously, slinking over towards the base of the tree.

If Orangepaw wants help, he picked the wrong cat for it. "Can'tcha do it yourself?" She shoots back at him. If she knew she was coming here to baby a new apprentice, she would've stayed at camp. Luckily, though, it seems that Houndpaw is more gracious than she. "Yeah. That," she grunts. A pause, and then reluctantly: "'N dig your claws in deep, so you don't fall." There. He better be grateful.

Fallowpaw is practiced in its climbing, even if the movements feel far from natural. Its weight rests awkwardly upon the trunk, hauling itself up and tearing claws deep into the bark as if acting out a personal vendetta. She tunes out most of the chatter between the other two, dedicating most of her focus to the climbing. The only thing to catch her ear is Houndpaw's grating laugh. "Lead the way? Thought this was s'posed to be a race." She glances to the other apprentice - lounging infuriatingly on a branch - for only a moment before returning her focus.

  • 81827753_leXAOq98Ir3HT2X.png
  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

wow! they're both so nice when they teach him that it makes an even wider smile reach his face and he giggles. his tail sways as his ears perked up curiously at fallowpaw saying something about it being a race. oh, right! he did say he wanted to race but who knows if houndpaw wished to! it was okay if they didn't!

"well, they seem tired! they don't have to race! we can, though, fallowpaw! come on, come on!"

he purred, innocently unaware of just how much it did not want to be here. it seemed upset about something but orangepaw being orangepaw couldn't comprehend that it was directed towards him. he only shrugs his shoulders, claws flexing as he tries to climb up a little higher. the branch seems... weak but he stands steadily on it. so he thinks, at least.

"you're good at climbing trees, fallowpaw!"

orangepaw speaks up, before moving his head to look at the branch above. he's pretty high, he knows that, and he knows he's not a skyclanner. he cannot climb trees with nearly as much grace, but he wants to try at least! nothing wrong with that! but maybe he should have stopped while he was ahead. part of the reason he wanted to climb the tree in the first place was to see if he could see his mom from up here. so far, he can't. so he's compelled to go higher. he reaches up to get on the next branch, his eyes blinking a few times at the sound of snapping beneath him. before he truly has time to react, the branch snaps and he tumbles down. he only reacts, claws scrambling to grab into one if the lower branches and his eyes widen as he dangles. his hind legs try desperately to pull up but he just can't quite reach it.

"heh... a... a little help?"

this feeling was new. he doesn't know what to call it but it's something close to how he feels when cats he is closed to leave him. his heart is thumping in his chest like crazy and he feels shaky. it doesn't help him as his claws slide and he fully loses his grip, yelping as he hits a few more branches– which break most of his fall, and then he hits the ground with an oof. something snaps in one of his hind legs, and the pain is so much so quick that for a moment, he passes out. it takes but a few moments for him to come to, leaves and twigs in his fur and his hind left leg mangled beneath him. he winces as he looks at it before looking over to try and see where fallowpaw and houndpaw were.

"oh man! i was so close to the top! m-maybe I should try again!"

he tries to get up but collapsed with a whimper. okay. not going that any time soon, it seems. everything hurts.

"i don't think I can climb that anymore... I'm sorry! i didn't mean to ruin the climb!"


“Yeah Fallowpaw, I'm tired. Why don't you two go race” There's a tired smile behind a mocking tone, only directed at the older apprentice. She waves her tail dismissively at Orangepaw and shifts their weight now that they get to have an actual excuse to not participate. They've always wondered if sleeping on a tree branch would be comfortable, surely not but the idea of a breeze filtering past with a partially blocked sunbeam. Yeah that sounded pretty nice, there's always the risk of falling if one would fall asleep on a branch so she decides against it.

Through half rested eyes they glance up ahead where Orangepaw and Fallowpaw are climbing. Why they would race she has no clue, why it didn't just say no to him they also held no clue. None of her business as far as she's concerned, they were quite content to listen to Orangepaw gasp and exclaim, carrying all that young apprentice excitement with him. The sound of a branch snapping catches her attention pretty quickly, before there's any time to react there's an orange body that was once well above her pretty close next to them.

Mentally she's inventing new words to throw at him in this situation as fear seeps through their pelt but physically she pushes herself up in an attempt to scramble beside him. “Hold on Orangepaw- just for a second” they call out as they try to figure out how to get to a closer branch without colliding against him in the process. He can't hold on forever though and to her horror they watch him fall. The crunch of a body and the snap of what they presume to be a bone greets their sense of hearing as they scramble back down the tree.

“Try again!?” They blanch, words bordering on a screech as she's unable to properly articulate anything other than blind panic. As soon as paws touch the ground she's by his side with a scowl, trying with her limited knowledge to figure out what to do right now. The whimper cools the rising tide of panic, a hind paw taps at the ground underneath them as she attempts to figure out what to do. Somewhere behind them she can hear their mentor approach “okay- okay. You didn't ruin the climb Orangepaw. Focus on yourself instead of us” their firm but gentle as she tries to think about what to do.

Cloudpounce is on her way, we can get you to camp. Talk to Gentlestorm, figure it out from there.” The plan is more to calm her own nerves than worrying about anyone else's but if this seemed to calm others than she'd take that credit. Worried eyes never leave the mangled leg and she wears the skin of the inside of her muzzle down with light gnawing. “Take a second, if you need help getting up or walking we could help?” That should be fine right? It should be easy enough between the three of them to get him back to camp.


ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw won't let the other apprentice's taunting get beneath her skin. She won't. She's here for training, nothing else, and she won't have her horrible misfortune of "companions" slow her down. Uneven teeth grit, fangs digging into the top of her lip. She tunes out the voices of the other two. Focus, like Stormywing's taught her. Claws dig into bark and tear, heaving breaths marking each upward movement, slit-pupiled eyes focused on one goal.

And then - a snap.

Her hold slips, just slightly, and it is ungracefully that she catches herself. She hardly catches the blur of orange as it rushes past her, the wind tangling in her gnarl of fur. There is a horrible crunching sound from the ground below, and something in Fallowpaw's movements grows wild. "Wh-what happened?" Her voice is harsh and jagged, half-growling. Everyone is below her; all she can see is sky.

She begins her shimmying down the tree as quickly as she can manage, movements awkward. Houndpaw sounds frantic; Orangepaw sounds chipper as ever, the mousebrain. He talks about trying again, and she's keen enough to have put the pieces together by now. "Don't you dare," Fallowpaw snaps, bristling with panic. Its paws slide to the ground with a stumble, finding the twisted form of the younger apprentice waiting. There's something wrong with his leg, and she doesn't know what to do.

She swallows, nods jerkily at Houndpaw's offer of helping him up. Her head snaps around, searching for their mentor. "Taking her damn time," she mutters, voice rough. "C'mon, let's just - we gotta get back. He needs help." Clumsy paws move towards Orangepaw. She doesn't know what to do, and she needs to get him to someone who does.

  • 81827753_leXAOq98Ir3HT2X.png
  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.