private PAST LIVES ❦ Mudpelt


Toss and turn, toss and turn. Petalnose couldn't get comfortable throughout the night, tired eyes opening and blinking slowly. She sat up, breathing long and heavily through her nose. The she-cat slowly stood up and padded sorely to the entrance of the warrior den. She stared out into the deep black night. Eyes filled with confusion and pain. Restlessness hadn't kept the Riverclan warrior up, it was the endless questions of her mind and the stirring thoughts about her past. She couldn't remember anything from her past. It was only that one lingering memory that crushed her heart into tiny pieces. One memory she would never let slip from her tongue. It haunted her nightmares every single night.

Family was nonexistent. She wasn't sure who apprenticed her before she became a warrior, and she wasn't sure who were her friends throughout kithood and adolescence. She had no one. She tried not to let tears fall from her eyes, shaking her head and wiping her eyes with her paw. She felt lost and alone in a den full of clanmates. It felt as if she was a kit, having to relearn and make new relationships. But on her own. She felt behind and she didn't see that as fair. She wished they left her to pass that night. Her heart pounded with emotion, a shiver going down her spine and her fur prickling. What would the rest of her life look like? Hopefully, these nights would fade away just as easy her memories did.

There are pawsteps by his head, the small breeze they create ruffling the fur inside his ears. They twitch and he shifts, stirring from his sleep. Amber eyes peel open and he glances first at Icesparkle as his side, thinking it may be her movement that awoke him, but she is fast asleep. Blinking, he looks around before seeing a form crouched against the moonlight at the entrance of the den. He's tired, but he can't go back to sleep knowing a clanmate isn't safe in their nest. He gets to his paws, gives his mate a swift lift across her head, and tiptoes through the den until he arrives at his clanmate's side.

"Petalnose?" He whispers, crouching beside her and tilting his head as he looks towards her. "Are you okay?" He could practically smell the distress coming off of her.

A voice made her startle, looking over to see Mudpelt. She didn’t know the Tom well but she seen him around now and then, more unease heating her despite the chill of the night. She flattened her ears and almost caved, her head dropping again and turning her head in the direction it was at. “I’m.. I’m just uncertain why starclan still wants me here.” Normally the she cat would dismiss others and push them away from worrying but she needed someone to talk to this time. She was clueless, she didn’t know what to do with her life, she didn’t know what she would bring to this clan. Why Starclan saved her that night. A memory lacking mind was scary, nothing to know, no one to know or rely on, who she was. It ran another shiver down her spine. She pushed back more tears and replaced it with a long sigh.

There was a another emotion had met Petalnose. Embarrassment. She didn’t like that she was caught in the midst of her heavy emotions. She almost broke down but she didn’t let herself. She didn’t know him. She didn’t need to embarrass him. The shecat lightly swayed to comfort herself, closing her eyes and thinking. Was it too late to turn him back? Say she was okay and didn’t need to be bothered?

The dark brown tom raises his brow in surprise. This got deep fast. Uncertainly, he shifts his gaze to stare out into the night, his paws folding under his chest as a breeze passes through. "Well....maybe it's because you're just that great a warrior! We can't lose that," He tries to joke, offering his denmate a cheery half-grin. He's unfortunately not the best at this sort of thing. While very emotional himself, his own emotional intelligence is infamously low and he's never been known for his skills in offering advice. Even still, if she needs a friend, he's great at being one of those! "I'm glad you're here in RiverClan. It wouldn't be the same without you!"