Pat pat fish || Fishing practice, open


I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy
Sep 18, 2022

It was time to FISH. The weather was perfect. Her shadow wasn't looming over the water.... Just perfect for catching fish and teaching others how to fish as well. Perhaps she could teach some drypaws how to float, at least.

But her main objective was to FISH.

And so she DID.

She had called for her clanmates to join her, especially apprentices to work on their fishing skills.

"We're going to practice fishing, okay?" She said quietly to the apprentices, as to not scare the fish.

"Show me your skills! And watch out for crabs. They'll get you when you least expect it." She said.

Those crabs....Always causing problems. Perhaps they could weaponize them somehow. Full the camp with them and lure Windclan in..... Yes. A perfect plan.

((Apprentice tag!! @Catfishpaw ))
Clay had decided to tag along with Redpath out of boredom, mostly, but also out of a desire to feel useful. He isn’t anyone’s mate anymore, but maybe he can be a teacher, can help others even if his help isn’t necessarily needed. And of course, tagging along with his friend can always be a fun time.

The tom listens as Redpath explains to the apprentices that they’ll be practicing their fishing today. He recalls the first time he’d been taught to fish, then winces—the reminder of his mate is a sting in his chest. But he tries to shake off the sadness that weighs on his shoulders, replacing it with a smile. "Yeah, crabs are the worst." There have been a few times he’s gone fishing, minding his own business, only to be interrupted by a crab’s claws on his tail. He wouldn’t wish the feeling of those sharp pincers upon anyone in the clan. "They do taste good, though," he says with a shrug, ear flicking.
The long-furred calico would follow behind Redpath and the others, a content smile on her face as her green gaze roomed along the reeds and she appreciated the sand that shifted between her toes the closer they got to the river.

Her ears flick forward as Redpath begins talking and her whiskers twitch in amusement at the mention of the crabs that occasionally occupy the shoreline. Clayfur also speaks up, and Burningfern chimes in as well, "You just have to catch them before they catch you." She smiles as she speaks, she herself has never been pitched by the red devils, but just because it hadn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't and she instinctively begins to scan the riverbank to make sure that none of the little crustaceans are awaiting them when the group arrives.

Most of her days were spent fishing now, not that she minded of course. And she was always happy to be out and about with her clanmates, doing important yet still relaxing tasks with them all at her side. ​
Peering into the water with more skepticism than was due to it, Lichentail still disliked getting her toes wet. It was an odd behavior for a RiverClanner that could actually swim but the sensation of the chill just above her skin bothered her relentlessly. Much to her dismay, she turned out to be moderately decent at fishing which only made it harder to avoid... Everyone had to eat after all and though she had no qualms with a rodent or bird now and again, she was one of few to hold that view.

Sitting with a rough 'thump' on the shoreline, an ear flicked in acknowledgement of the discussion on crabs. Those little pests were simultaneously stealthy and painfully obvious; a perfect mix to lull one into a false sense of security before those demon claws grabbed your little toes and refused to let go. Who was it she'd seen take a pincher to the nose moons ago? The hilarity of the moment was not so obvious at the time... though a small purr of amusement found her now in her reverie.

"Hopefully no one has to walk home whining of crab attack to Beesong," though mostly in jest, the blue point doubted the medicine cat would be entertained by such chicanery. He knew nothing more than how to work himself to death and it'd be best to avoid contributing on a harmless fishing trip. "At least fish don't have teeth."

Imagine... what a nightmare it would be if those slimy creatures could do more than flop around furiously.​

If he was to become a warrior this moon, Fernpaw's fishing would have to undergo improvement. No longer was he truly a burden as he had been before; after working out the technique, he'd contributed a few more fish to the freshkill pile. Still, he missed more than he made successful swipes... in a contest with warriors he'd still be tailing behind. Therefore, Redpath's invitation to practice catching fish had been a no-brainer, especially when his uncle was going to be tagging along.

Discussion of crab attacks flew right over Fernpaw's head with the birds and the breeze, his bright eyes fixed upon the water. Any tiny movement and he'd be first to strike- he'd not let a catch pass him by, not now. Not when it was so close.

What pulled him from his fixation was Lichentail's remark- one that drew his attention to settle upon them, eyes wide as his lagging mind pictured the only way catching fish could possibly made harder. "That would be terrible, he agreed emphatically, face falling at the mere notion of it. "Imagine them flopping on the shore- fighting back!"
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