patience // betony



The day had gone by quickly, much to even Cricket's surprise. She had done quite a bit of training- it was always nice spending time with her sister - and she had even attended to some of the other tasks around camp. But now, the last shreds of daylight were hers to be had. And like any child who seemed to have a limitless amount of energy, she was still searching for something to do. Her paws itched to continue wandering, more than what the same confines of camp-life had to offer, and she huffed in annoyed contemplation for the plight that was her tender age. As she sat there, pondering what she might do, paws tip-tapping against the marsh floor, her gaze swiveled to see who was around. It just so happened the first figure her bright-green eyes landed on was someone who might not have the patience for a little girl like her.

Oh well, it seemed Cricket didn't really mind.
"Betonyfrost?" she chirped. "Will you go outside of camp with me? I just want to go walking! I'm bored."
Betonyfrost glances about herself at Cricket's question, curious in an idle sort of way as to who Cricket was talking to, only to come to the confusing conclusion that Cricket had meant to talk to her, out of everyone else in camp. She had been looking for an excuse to leave as well and being disallowed from leaving without an escort, Betonyfrost wonders if Cricket counts as one. She's a scrawny thing, more bones than not.

"Don't you have your own mentor?" Betonyfrost asks, "Or some friends that are about your height?"​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 16 moons | tags