starclan patiently waiting ;; watching the fire.

Hyacinthbreath watches anxiously as her children and grandchildren are evacuated from the fire, star-kissed hues unblinking and wide as she stares into the pool which displayed the blaze of flames that threatened to eat the entirety of WindClan's lands. Her stomach lurches, if that was entirely possible in a spirit's body. Tail draped over her toes, she leans in to see Periwinklebreeze lead a gaggle of kits into RiverClan's territory. Smokestar welcomes them, and she takes a sigh of relief at his kindness. He didn't have to be so kind, with all that WindClan had done under Sootstar's rule. Her eyes peer towards the line of fog in the distance, the way it stopped as if a wall separated it.

"They will survive this." Hyacinth whispers, thinking idly of her mate that lurked in the barns with the others. Would Pollenfur be okay? Would Downypaw and Finchpaw be alright, in this mess? "They have to."
Blazestar has grown accustomed to helplessness. He toils amidst a star-strewn forest, separated by lifetimes, while Bobbie grieves, while she builds barriers made of briars around her tattered soul, while his children grow without guidance. He sees the fear gleaming in violet-tinged eyes, and he pads to stand beside his fellow StarClan warrior in solidarity. It’s gruesome to see a Clan set ablaze—he remembers well the fire that had scorched ThunderClan’s territory during his first season as leader. “RiverClan has done well to help them,” he murmurs, sitting beside Hyacinthbreath. He can feel the worry radiating off of her silver-dusted pelt in waves. “I pray your kin will make it out of this disaster stronger.

, ”