camp PATROL ASSIGNMENTS | what you stand to gain


"SkyClan, gather for patrol assignments!" It's been a while. There's a tinge of nervousness to Orangeblossom's meow as she calls to her Clan, but at the same time the deputy is filled with a familiar sense of purpose as she strings names together in her mind for the final time. She's been turning patrol assignments over in her mind, and this time intends to do them the way Johnnyflame had done during her stint in the nursery. It's a good idea, she thinks, and takes some of the pressure off herself.

"Dawn patrols will be led by Blazestar and Slate. Blazestar, you're off to RiverClan at dawn. Take Sparrowsong and Apple Stem with you." She seeks out the leader in the crowd and extends a nod; it's been long enough since he'd visited their neighbours. "Slate, your patrol will head for the unclaimed border past Rockpile. Circle back around Twolegplace on your way. Dawnglare and Fireflypaw will be coming, as well as Momowhisker, Coyotecrest and Cherrypaw." She's only half apologetic to lump the medicine cats in with his patrol, but it had been a request that they investigate the far reaches of the territory for herbs that might help to stave off the mystery illness that's started to affect them more and more.

"Dusk patrols ... Howlfire, take Chalk and Bobbie with you by the ThunderClan border." Hopefully the brat you swapped words with last time is on the dawn patrol. If that horrible sister of Howlfire's is there, though, she knows the dappled warrior will be invigorated with purpose when leading a patrol. The next one, however, she has no such concerns about: "Silversmoke, you're on Twolegplace. Take Twitchbolt, Sweetybee and your apprentices." Silversmoke was a grown cat, he could cope with maybe seeing a kittypet or two.

"Hunting patrols will be led by myself and Drizzlepelt. Drizzlepelt, I want you to see what luck you have nearby the river. I'll take a patrol to Rockpile and see what we can find." And, finally, Orangeblossom's gaze seeks out a familiar tortoiseshell coat. She promises this hadn't been her idea, but, "Butterflytuft, it's your turn to organise warrior training after sunhigh."


Patrol leaders (listed first) are in charge of making their threads and tagging the participants!

RiverClan, dawn: @BLAZESTAR , @sparrowsong! , @APPLE STEM
Loner Lands, dawn: @SLATE , @Cherrypaw , @MOMOWHISKER , @Coyotecrest ; @DAWNGLARE , @Fireflypaw for herb hunting.
ThunderClan, dusk: @Howlfire , @CHALK , @bobbie
Twolegplace, dusk: @SILVERSMOKE , @CROWPAW! , @TWITCHBOLT , @DOOMPAW , @Sweetybee

Hunting, riverside/sandy hollow area: @Drizzlepelt to organise
Hunting, rockpile: @orangeblossom to organise
Warrior training: @butterflytuft to organise
Sweetybee stares up at Orangeblossom with her usual gentle and kind smile, but the light is lacking from her eyes. It is as if she just died inside. What is she thinking, putting her and Silversmoke together on a patrol into twolegplace? The chances of one of them not making it back because they got fed up with the other and hid their body under a monster is very high.

Not that she would do such a thing. Even if she felt like it every time she saw the silver tom. She knows the feeling is mutual.

This patrol make up must have a purpose. Was it to try and get them to work together? That must be it. Its no secret that Sweetybee despises Silversmoke and Slate. This HAS to be an attempt to get them to work together.....Or is she being punished???? Had she done something wrong? Perhaps her words to Slate?

She doesn't know..... She knows she was insubordinate for talking back, but she'd do it again in a heartbeat if he thought he could disrespect others without backlash.

Yes, she realizes. This must be punishment for the backtalk.

Because just being in Silversmoke's presence is punishment.

No matter, she will carry on as she always does, and will ....TRY not to bite anyone in the process.​
  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun
Orangeblossom was back, out of the nursery and ready to fully resume her duties as Blazestar's second-in-command. Slate found it to be a bit of a relief, truthfully — he found himself having to take up the responsibilities of a deputy when needed, like when he sat in her usual place at the clan gathering. He didn't like the attention it brought; the expectant and even judgmental eyes boring into him from all angles. How Orangeblossom put up with all of that, how her limbs didn't buckle under the pressure of her rank was beyond him.

The burly Maine Coon lines up for assignments, deformed ears pricking when he hears his name though not entirely surprised as this isn't the first time he's been made a patrol lead. He handles it just fine every time; it's no different from any other patrol, though it's up to him to take charge and make sure no one falls behind or goes traipsing beyond their scent lines.

So, he'd be chaperoning the medicine cats on their little excursion while bringing one of the daylight warriors, the former WindClanner, and his fiery apprentice along for the ride. Not the most ideal crew, but he'd manage. Slate sighs and, after Ora concludes, he raises his voice to address his group, "Dawn patrol — meet at the camp entrance in the morning." A glowering eye shifts to the collar-wearing kibble-eater before he adds gruffly, "Don't be late; I'm not gonna wait up for you." Having said his piece, Slate turned on his heel and padded off.

// will tag my crew when the thread is made! 🫡 hopefully by thursday

The pointed flame approached at her sister's call with an expectant stare. It had been a while since she had attended a patrol, these hunting outings were beginning to wear her down. Stalking was not her preferred choice of skill, and bringing home these meager successes made her even more concerned after Silversmoke's confrontation with Tiggerbounce.

I hope no one thinks it's on purpose. A lingering thought of anxiety quickly whisked away with a flick of her tail.

At least she would be on patrol with Blazestar. The leader would see a Daylight Warrior with respect for the code and honor for her Clan. Not that she had to ever be taught, anyhow.

"I'll be here bright and early for you, Blazestar." Apple Stem assured the golden tom with a smile.

At the sound of Orangeblossom's call, Howlfire was quick to gather with the rest of her clanmates. It was nice to see the deputy giving out assignments again. Of course, the lead warriors had done a fine job at taking over her responsibilities whilst she nursed her kits, but they paled in comparison to the deputy.

When Orangeblossom begins to announce patrols for the day, Howlfire does not expect to be called to lead one. So, when Orangeblossom asks her to lead the dusk patrol along the ThunderClan border, her eyes can't help but widen. "You want me to lead a patrol?" She echoes, her voice coming out like a squeak due to her surprise. Howlfire coughs, and then nods, the shock giving way to confidence and desire to prove herself. Her amber eyes look around for Bobbie and Chalk and gives them a friendly, reassuring nod.

✿—— finally, she joins the crowd of warriors and apprentices that flock towards orangeblossom's ginger-and-white form to receive their patrol assignments. for some time, she'd watched from the sidelines of the nursery as cats clustered about whoever was assigning them at the time; it's orangeblossom's duty, of course, but a few cats had filled in during the deputy's time as a queen. today, though, she pads towards the familiar shape to hear which patrol she'll be assigned—she can only hope it's one without slate or silversmoke, she thinks, barely concealing the wrinkle of her muzzle. focus, the tabby thinks with a sigh, flicking her tail and looking up as she awaits the assignments.

it would be a lie to say she's not a little saddened to not be on blazestar's patrol; though of course she'd prefer to patrol with her friend-slash-guide. it would also be a lie to say she's not grateful to have dodged both the slate-dawnglare combo of the other dawn patrol as well as silversmoke's kittypet patrol. poor sweetybee, she thinks, nodding in acknowledgment of her own assignment—all in all, howlfire and chalk are company she's happy to keep for her own assignment. they're both friendly and capable warriors in their own rights; stars, she might even learn something from patrolling with them, and she'd like to get to know the two better anyways. the cats assigned for hunting and training don't matter too much to her—she'll likely show up for some training regardless of who's managing, and she can cram in her own hunting practice.

"understood," she mews nervously with a nod, more to confirm that she'd heard the deputy than anything else. poor sweetybee looks understandably unhappy about her assignment; bobbie doesn't envy her in the slightest. thankfully, howlfire offers her and chalk a nod that soothes her spirits a touch, to which the tabby returns a shaky smile.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Unlike Bobbie, Cherrypaw has unfortunately been hit with Slate-Dawnglare combo. Two things soften the blow for her: her recent exposure therapy to Slate and the fact that Dawnglare hasn't yet wronged her personally. However, they're almost completely negated by the fact that it's the dawn patrol. After Slate issues his orders to the patrol members, she lets out a small whine: "Aww." Her mentor then spins on his fluffy heels and leaves.

Yellow eyes flicker to Slate's retreating form for a moment, and, strangely, the apprentice doesn't immediately follow. Instead, she sidles over to Orangeblossom. She leans against her mother's side, pressing up against her familiar warmth, and with plaintive, puppy-ish eyes whispers, "Mama, do I have to go?" Cherrypaw blinks hopefully at her. "Can I please not do the dawn patrol?" In her heart she knows it won't work, but she could at least give it a shot.​

Their thoughts were on the sick when Orangeblossom called for patrol assignments, Sparrowsong's head lifting. The daily tasks seemed to do well to keep their mind off of things. Busying their paws was all they could do. They would get well again. They had to.

Along with the others they gathered, dark ears perked to listen to the deputy's announcements. She was finally back to her duties now that her kits had left the nursery, and they were happy for her. As much of a joy it would be to watch kits grow up into apprenticehood, they were sure at times it had to be maddening to be trapped in camp for moons on end, watching others come and go freely.

Orangeblossom's eyes found them in the crowd, and their name was uttered, assigned with Blazestar and Apple Stem to a dawn patrol to RiverClan. Wordlessly, they nodded. Being up early wasn't such a bad thing. It was nice to feel the crisp morning breeze and watch the rising sun. Tomorrow morning, then. They would be sure to sleep early that night.



He narrowed his eyes, it seemed he couldn't avoid that damned Twolegplace forever then. Having grown too comfortable to border patrols and training time in the sandpile, Silversmoke's tail puffed out in surprise at the change in status quo. Honeysplash had taken him around the same paths he'd grown up on and that had been enough to make his stomach do flips (perhaps a contributor into why he'd marked her harsher than the others), now, his own Deputy wanted him to travel deeper into that pit of despair. His body tensed, already able to picture a rogue jumping out at him or a Twoleg reaching toward him with their cold, dead hands, or a dog with its teeth outstretched ready to- no... no he was safe, for now. He was in camp, surrounded by clanmates that wouldn't try to kill him (he hoped) or maim him for scraps. Realising he'd been staring off into space, the Lead Warrior blinked back into the present day, quickly shifting his head around to catch other members of his patrol looking towards him. There was a fog in his brain that felt thicker than anything his claws could tear through, it took him a moment to recall who Orangeblossom had told him to take.

Twitchbolt... Doompaw... Crowpaw... Vacant eyes settled on a pink-ribboned cat in the crowd. Sweetybee. Nostrils flared as his gaze shot back towards Orangeblossom when he realised, offering her a stern nod. 'Better her than Slate', he'd have said once upon a dream, but the black cat hardly seemed as threatening as he used to be when they agreed on a lot of things - even if he was the same cat partially responsible for his Twolegplace avoidance. "It shall be done," he mewed grimly. The Twolegplace was worse at dusk than it was at dawn, it was difficult to ignore the fullbody shudder he gave at the danger he was being placed in. Turning to his patrol, the frowning Lead ordered, "Meet at dusk, prompto. We will do the usual route, drop Sweetybee off and return home."
This would be his very first time being part of patrol assignments and he couldn't say he was excited for it. At first anyway. It was only until Orangeblossom started listing off other clans that he even remembered that he could visit some of the clans in a way. Well it technically wouldn't be an actual visit it was more like staying at the edge of your border, but the chance to see other clan cats?! No offense to his clan but the stories he was told as a kit made their way to the forefront of his mind. Each clan was known for something, but maybe the cats looked different too? Did Riverclan cats have gills like fish somewhere or Shadowclan webbed toes? He is saddened by the fact that he is not allowed to go on Riverclan patrol, but that is dashed by the fact that his dear friend Cherrypaw has to go to with Slate to patrol an unclaimed border.

He had been sitting beside her as patrols were announced, but glared at the hulking black tom when his name was merely called. Hazel eyes glance at Cherrypaw who is visibly saddened by the fact and he would be too if he had mean smelly Slate as a mentor. Why couldn't it be Figfeather? Dumb Blazestar. He is still upset that he can't change who Cherrypaw's mentor is because Cherrypaw is dear to him. Good friends do not want their friends to suffer, but he is powerless and knows little of how he can help her. Then, he hears his mentors name. His own name is not called but he is Silversmoke's apprentice. Whiskers twitch in happiness hearing that Twitchbolt will be joining them. Although... Doompaw's gonna be with me. I'll take care of him, Plaguepaw. While he may not be close to Doompaw, he is close to his sort of not really older brother. He has to be nice to his sort of not really brother's friend.

Anyhow he watches as Cherrypaw pads off to her mother, hazel eyes then finding Silversmoke's figure. He rises to his paws and pads to his mentor, craning his head up to look at the towering warrior. The issue is this. He knows what dusk is, but he has no idea what the usual route is. Just follow Silversmoke and Twitchbolt. He can't help but feel out of loop, considering he had much to learn. "Silver, we see Sweetybell home?" Crowpaw knows that some warriors leave camp to go home, but he's never had that. Skyclan is his home and he is curious what Sweetybell's home looks like. Would they get to go inside? He hopes he can, just to figure see what this other home some cats have is like. Although he has no desire to have this home that some cats have. For him, home is Skyclan camp where his mom and siblings are.
Angry at all the things I can't change
Another round of patrols are conducted and Coyotecrest makes his way to the forefront, ears swiveling forward to listen. Stopping beside Howlfire as she expresses surprise at leading her first patrol he chuckles. "You'll do great." He reassures her, while also simultaneously relating to every single flicker of emotion she was probably feeling at the moment. He remembered the pride he felt of leading his first patrol, but also the nervousness buried just beneath it too. His name is not called to accompany her this time and while he felt a twinge of disappointment it paled in comparison to the words uttered by the deputy next. He was assigned to Slate's patrol. It was not the coal colored tom that would make this patrol irritatingly awful, but the presence of Dawnglare and Fireflypaw. Both of whom he'd rather stay far from if given the option. He has to bite his tongue to keep himself from releasing a sigh of defeat as he glances in Orangeblossom's direction, then Slate's. Coyotecrest gifts the lead warrior a simple nod before gathering himself and leaving to mentally prepare for the next morning.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith