He looks about those gathered before him with silent unease. Too many of their faces had gone with him to the Gathering; too many of them could not be trusted along ShadowClan's border. Of those that did not go with him there– how many still followed Sootstar's orders? Who among them did not see the atrocity for what it was? Who did? Perhaps it did not matter when those that he could explicitly trust number so poorly. At least his litter and their mentors number among some of the faces, and he nods to them with quiet approval before stepping into his role as WindClan's deputy: "Our patrols have increased with this claim to highstones– there will be more of you out at one time, and fewer time for rest in between. We must prepare for leafbare. Though you must ensure our borders are strong, do not deny a chance to bring home prey as well." A sharp nod, and his gaze finds Brightshine's familiar face. "To Highstones–"

  • OOC. please wait for @SOOTSTAR ! these patrols are set BEFORE the return of the shadowclan kits, but after the gathering and sun's original visit to shadowclan. they are also before the attack on thunderclan at highstones!
  • dzMLAJY.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


”-Is @NIGHTMAREFACE , @breezerunner , @SHALESTRIPE and @RUMBLEPAW . I want Nightmareface at the helm.” Her voice sharp as claws as she cuts right past Sunstride. Her decision to handle patrols today, as evident, was abrupt and unexpected. Recent thoughts early in the dawn had led her to swoop in and take up the mantle in patrols today. She looks at a likely taken back Sunstride, ”I have my own cats planned for today. I hope you don’t mind.”

Of course he did not, or so Sootstar thinks anyways as her attention is focused back on the clan. @hollowcreek will go to ShadowClan with @Gooseberry , @PRAIRIECRY and @juncopaw . If we’re lucky you can avoid a ShadowClan patrol altogether, nothing good comes from interacting with those dung-faced buzzard-brains.” She curses, her lip curling to emphasize her disgust.

Speaking of… someone needed to go to RiverClan.@SOOTSPOT I want you to take @MOCKING-GRIN , @HARBINGERMOON and @downypaw . Mark by the twoleg bridge, not the gorge and ensure you stick up the place. Let them know if they decide they wish to retaliate we’re ready.”

The remainder of the clan is left without patrols, she figures Sunstride can instruct them to do whatever else he’d like. She wanted her strongest, most capable warriors out at their borders today. ”Dismissed, get to it.”
  • >> thank you rev for oocly ochestrating the characters for each patrol
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Black-tipped ears prick into the chilly air at Sunstride's call, then Sootstar's. Sapphire-cut eyes flick between one and then the other as their leader takes the reins from her deputy, but to Downypaw it's all the same whether it came from gilded or silvered tongue. To them, Sunstride is nothing but an extension of Sootstar, a byproduct of a personality so grand it needed multiple vessels to contain. They can't quite figure out if they resent Sootstar, or whether they should resent Pinkpaw instead for provoking her, or if they should just resent whatever made them think it was a good idea to follow their sister in the first place.

Regardless, they try their best not to look at her when she's looking at them, if she ever looked at them at all. They distract themself with the newly-minted thought of RiverClan, but it doesn't make them feel much better. "Let them know if they decide they wish to retaliate we’re ready.” It'd taken an entire patrol of WindClan warriors to almost kill Smokestar. Well, they silently object, if he hadn't been so close to the Moonstone, he probably would've died. WindClan's luck had been so bad it'd turned foul and rotting.

Then again, the thought of any cat being swarmed to death like kittens fighting over a dead rabbit makes their stomach turn. Downypaw tries to find Sootspot in the crowd, at the same time trying to make it look like they're not too particularly concerned on whether they succeed or not. They imagine what RiverClanners they met would be aching to rend the flesh from windswept bones in the same way.

I'm only four moons old. But Sootspot had said that "a RiverClan Warrior would kill you whether you were a mouse-length or the size of the dog." Dark, dripping shapes take form in their mind's eye, glowing eyes boring holes through them from across the unsettling surface of the bridge. They're old enough to be trusted with their claws, to navigate the labirynths beneath these moors. And still, in the shadow of battle looming, they feel far too young and small.

They think of Bearpaw, and then Brightshine. They try to shake the worry from their coat, imagine it spraying from their thin ropes of fur in thick black droplets. Their mother would say everything would be fine, and it must be true. They just have to hope they don't come across any RiverClanners.​
Normally, Scorchstreak is free to disregard Sunstride’s patrol announcements; their tunneling leader usually assigns the underground patrols for the clan. Except… this time, Sootstar’s voice interrupts the deputy, claiming that she has her own patrols planned for the day. The calico makes her way over, curiosity thoroughly piqued, wondering where she will be sent for the day. But to her surprise, and great displeasure, her name is omitted entirely from the leader’s announcements.

What? This is—absurd! For a moment she considers speaking up, asking after her own assignment. But Sunstride, Wolfsong, and Bluepool remain just as unacknowledged as she has, and so the calico keeps her mouth shut. There is no need to anger Sootstar, not when she has escaped the leader’s ire thus far. Rattleheart, of course, has not done the same, but Scorchstreak knows her sibling has never been wholly fond of Sootstar’s rule. Scorchstreak has a solid grip on her self-control; she will say nothing. Though her tail lashes in a rare display of irritation, she watches the chosen patrol groups disperse without protest.
Rumblepaw doesn't often join patrols. They're not ready, they get told time and time again by Brindlecloud, though the red tabby seems to be growing irritated with their lack of assignment. Training, always training. As Sootstar interrupts Sunstride, however, they get an inkling that this moon will be different.

Their jaws part in a silent, surprised "Oh!" as their name is brought forth- not just on a patrol, but as part of the Highstones patrol. What an honour! But ... without their mentor. Rumblepaw glances towards Brindlecloud, whose muzzle has hardened, but the black-and-white apprentice knows he's fuming. Just past him, Rumblepaw catches sight of their mother who seems equally as angry, and turns their gaze quickly back towards the front. At least they know they'll be in safe paws with the warriors they'd been sent with.
Juncopaw's claws flexed in anticipation as she hears her name called out for patrols. A smug glare is cast towards the cats that are visibly disappointed that they were omitted from the leader's lists - she had replaced them, or so it seems in her egocentric mind. Tough luck.

Before she trots over to her patrol, she bumps her shoulder against @MOCKING-GRIN . "Too bad we aren't together. Gonna miss you when I'm tearing into the ShadowClanners," she teases. To some cats, this friendly banter may seem unusual - but her relationship with Mocking-grin was something farfetched to begin with. As annoyed with her mentor as she pretended to be, Mocking-grin was one of the few cats she enjoyed the company of, for their shared interests and ideals. "Good luck with RiverClan."

With that final remark, she makes her way towards her patrol, glancing towards Hollowcreek with a look of subtle displeasure. She wasn't fond of this cat, and was even less fond of being bossed around. But these were Sootstar's orders, and she'd to anything to please her leader. Even if this came with competition from others.


praise be the heavens. praise me, i'm the lord.
Bitterness sat on his tongue like rotten flesh as his eyes avoided any means of connection the last day or so. Scores of claw marks decorated his chin, neck, and shoulder. His ego was bruised, but his wrath fueled tenfold. His nasty scratches had already begun to harden after a dismayed Wolfsong tended to them.

Still, he refused to let such a mockery bring him down. Rather than rest and make nice, he prowled the camp like a starving kit. Ears flat and orange eyes a blur of irritation. Not even his usual company of Hollowcreek could break through the fog. Instead, he wanted to scheme and devise.

At the cry of Sunstride and the answer roll of Sootstar he proceeded to their general vicinity. Intently ignoring the Deputy as Sootstar spoke. She would have at least let them die by my claws. Rather than humiliate me like an apprentice! He kept the burning words silent, but the anger was evident in his ruffled coat.

A patrol to Riverclan? His visible distress lessened and their head lifted a touch. Only a second's worth of worry dipped in his mind but he was soon consumed with excitement. Another chance! Alas, his grin returned as he nodded to the Moor Queen. Looks like you've given me that opportunity.

Harbingermoon's fur laid flat as he found Sootspot's side and eagerly stood by it. His eyes trailed away to a familiar brown coat. Blinking silent apologies for his earlier mood.
Last edited:
Shalestripe had approached under the pretense that Sunstride would be calling out patrols. The sunset-hued tom was wholly capable of the task, he felt, but when Sootstar takes over rattling off names, he cannot say he is unpleasantly surprised. A sort of oily joy tickles the chest as his own name is called to patrol Highstones. It's an honor, sure, but moreso he is excited to chase off any trespassers that think themselves rightly able to stroll across those hills. And, he's sure he'd do it right — not like Harbingermoon and the others had, letting Smokestar reanimate and crawl off as they had.

Rattlesnake grin flashes to those not called for patrols, and Shalestripe flicks the tip of his tail against Rumblepaw's side. "You excited, kid?" he drawls, notched ears twitching. Rumblepaw hasn't been on many patrols that he can recall – as far as he knows, this might be their first in the world. "Hope you know how t' fight fierce." A cackle rips from the rugged throat, but Shalestripe fails to stick around for long, eager to get moving to Highstones but content enough to wait for Nightmareface to take the lead.

  • 51936784_MKP5AJbA04YYfu4.png

    shale . shalestripe
    — he / him ; windclan moor-runner ; mentoring none
    — short-haired black smoke tabby tom with high white and amber eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — headshot by me, chibi by moonacre
    — penned by meghan; all opinions are IC!
I hope you don't mind, and there is little that Sunstride could do any less. His eyes do not narrow, yet they scan the moor queen's side before they reach the crowd again. Scorchstreak's outrage mirrors his own. A silent surprise, a sour distaste. Those that she name– he cannot help but see the trouble in each of them. Shalestripe, who he had once valued for a strength not unlike his own, speaks of fierceness, of a fight at highstones, and something in his chest bubbles into a boil. And that Harbingermoon would return to RiverClan after all that had happened at the Gathering....she could not have made it any clearer that she approves of what had been said and done that night. Bloodied claws beneath the watchful moon; had she ever truly loved StarClan, or was it merely what the dead could do for her? When had she even honored them last?

As Sootstar's chosen disperse, Sunstride steps up once more, a wary glance towards where their leader remained. "The rest of you will take to hunting, and our other borders. @SCORCHSTREAK, I ask that you take @Mouseflight, @RATTLEHEART, @PINKPAW, and @SINGEDPAW towards the edges of our territory, ensuring that the entrances and exits to WindClan remain sturdy and secure. Reinforce what you must. Anything that may collapse when the snow starts. Anything that we may use." He jerks his head with a faint, nearly grim smile. "Go."

"@BRIGHTSHINE! The same will go for Horseplace. Take your patrol along there at dusk. I do not think they would be so foolish, but keep an eye for rogues that linger. Any faces there that may take advantage of us, we must know. You will lead @Morningsong~, @FOXGLARE, and @Bearpaw ." That Weaselclaw had lived there is a memory that had never fully clicked with him. He had only known the warrior. Perhaps there they will find some memory of him, or the times they had lost track of. It is sorely needed now.

"We will need a patrol towards Thunderclan as well. @Bluepool, you will lead there at dusk. Take @milkthorn., @SEDGEPOUNCE, and @FEATHERPAW ." He does not dare say it before them now, but his eyes say it well enough when he meets their individual gazes– Be careful. Do not be cruel. Keep your tongues well in check. Featherpaw, his limitless child, gets the softest yet sternest look of the bunch. For all that he may love him, there is no keeping such a glittering edge of intelligence in check.

Their focus has been so strongly on security that their bellies may run empty– after the trials of the rogues and the starvation caused by such needless hunting, he does not wish to experience it ever again. Certainly not so quickly. "@GRAVELSNAP, @Thriftpaw, @sparkspirit, and @quailbreeze, we must catch our fill of this season's prey before it is gone. Hunt as you deem fit, but keep from the borders. We do not need to bring trouble back with a rabbit."

He gently swipes across his face, sweeping exhaustion from beneath his eyes as if it were a physical thing. Even blinking them open again, it seems to remain. A terrible and omnipresent monster, fully on display for those that had not followed Sootstar's call away. Sunstride does what he can to pull it back beneath its worn cover. "That is all, for a time. Rest, and prepare yourselves."

  • OOC.
  • dzMLAJY.png
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


Patrols have become such a normal part of every day life for her, for WindClan. So when Sunstride summons them forward she thinks nothing of it. She gestures with what is left of her tail to her apprentice, indicating that the red furred feline should join her. It was important for her to hear where they were going as well. What she is not expecting is the sudden interjection of her sister. Her golden eyes glance first at Sunstride, then Scorchstreak, as if she is looking for clarification in their gazes. She finds none. They look just as confused as she is.

Her claws curl into the sand as Sootstar lists off cats. It is not difficult to guess at the theme here, not hard to notice that none of the cats assigned were the cats on her council. Her eyes narrow but she says nothing, there has been a shift in the wind, and Bluepool is painfully aware of her position. If you do not support Sootstar, you are against her after all and Sootstar did not see her as one of her supporters.

Sunstride calls out other patrols then, and she dips her head in acknowledgement as he places her at the head of one going in the direction of ThunderClan at dusk. "We will train until then" she says to Featherpaw. "Eat, we will depart as soon as both of us are ready. Do not overstuff yourself though, we will be running" As they will be every morning for the rest of Featherpaw's apprenticeship unless, of course, they were on the dawn patrol.

How nice he would be graced with orders from Sootstar herself. She had picked him, which meant he was special in her eyes. Not just him, but those who knew that she was their leader not the stars. Juncopaw is called, but she is placed under a separate patrol which he has no qualms with. That just means he doesn't have to take care of her and those going to Shadowclan would have to deal with that. As for him, he was given the honor of going on a patrol with their most hated enemy, Riverclan. Oh, how he wished Smokestar had perished. It was a shame, but this meant that they were given not one chance, but multiple to rip the lives out of the tom. I wonder how he'd squirm?

His shoulder is bumped by his apprentice which causes him to smile. Despite their challenges, they had their moments. He quite enjoyed her presence when she wasn't being a brat. "Bring me back an eye of one of those buzzard-brains," he chuffs. It's a joke, but if something does happen and there's a fight. He expects his apprentice to bring him back a souvenir. In return he'll give her a reward he knows she will love. Anyhow, he bumps her shoulder as she begins to join her patrol, not muttering a single thanks for her wishes.

The brown tom is the last to join the patrol towards Riverclan, flicking his tail to all of them in greeting. Mismatched eyes land on the only apprentice in their group for a moment before casting his glance to Harbringermoon. Excited aren't you? Sadly, we have an apprentice with us. Will the little one hold us back? "Let's go already." I can't wait to see what fish faces show up.
  • ooc :
  • — mocking-grin / windclan moor runner / masculine pronouns / 24 moons
    — heterosexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — high white long haired chocolate smoke with heterochromia
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Sootstar was in charge, hersupposed- thrusting herself forward with purpose, announcing quite the array of cats- none of which were her so-called advisors. The look in her father's eyes was one of surprise- to anyone with a working mind, it was clear her interjection had not been planned. Featherpaw's scowl searched her father's face for a few moments, but she could find nothing telling there. Couldn't find anything particularly reassuring, either.

He did not miss his mentor's tenseness when Sunstride at last ordered her on a patrol- neither, the steeliness in her yellow eyes as she told him they would train until it was time to set off. Nor did she miss the stern look her father offered her- love within it, yet a warning too. The tension in the air prickled embers along her back, fur spiking like pine-needles. No, she would not be the problem today.

Do not overstuff yourself. We will be running. "Fine," the chocolate molly agreed, mind elsewhere.
✦ penned by pin
( ) Sunstride's call had earned his attention though Hollowcreek did not have high hopes that he would grace the hulking tom with any enjoyable task after what was revealed at the Gathering. Harbringermoon's defense of WindClan's honor had certainly not been perceived that way in Sunstride's eyes. Seeing the tux mope made him feel helpless in any attempt to comfort, knowing he could not undo the embarrassment he felt.

The patrols are quickly railroaded by the queen herself and honey hued eyes widen in a burning glow of surprise. Even more as she allowed his mottled friend to patrol without punishment. Set to face the borders of their neighbors, all cats she could trust and standby. The weeds are under control. He grinned.

As he was announced to prepare toward ShadowClan he swept his gaze to catch the eyes of those assigned to his task and nodded for them to approach. Juncopaw was none too happy but the tabby cared little for her opinion. An apprentice that didn't like to work would be good as dead before their second year, surely.

"One moment." He excused himself to approach Harbringermoon with a forgiving smile. "Share a meal with me when we get back. I'll pick the best for you." Hollowcreek flicked his tail over the toms shoulder before departing, passing Bluepool briefly.

"Hey, maybe next time we'll catch a patrol together. It's boring making ShadowClans pelts bristle without you." His tone is alight and playful, unaware of any tension she may hold with him in particular. He doesn't wait for her answer though before he's already padded off to rejoin his patrol, delegating them to settle any business they still had in camp quickly before leaving.
Gravelsnap stands around with the rest of his clanmates, waiting attentively for his patrol assignment for the day. It’s a surprising thing when Sootstar approaches and wrests control from Sunstride, assigning her own patrols to their borders. Why Gravelsnap isn’t included in her patrols, he isn’t certain; he only cocks his head in confusion and casts a bemused glance to Sootstar’s chosen warriors as they pass him by. They all seem eager to spill blood, to pick fights with the clans they are being sent to the borders of. Idiots, he thinks. Let their bloodthirst drive them to their deaths. He will continue to focus on Thriftpaw’s training as they finish up his apprenticeship.

"Got it." He dips his head to the deputy, tail flicking agreeably. Then he turns to seek out his patrol in the crowd—he assumes that he’s meant to be leading them, as the eldest amongst them—and when he spots each of them he offers them a flick of his pale ear. "We set out immediately," he says, already considering the best places to seek out prey. Outlook rock could be good at this time of year. With a final swish of his tail, the warrior turns and sets off in the direction of the gorse tunnel, expecting the others to follow.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]
Everybody's pretty terse, standing around each other like buzzards to a corpse. If not hyper-aware to it, Sedgepounce at least notices, eyes flickering this way and that as Scorchstreak and Bluepool beam telepathic messages between each other through the sheer force of skeptical looks. Everyone else seems placated, though, and as soon as assignments are given there's a dull buzz of pleasant conversation.

Sedgepounce is surprised at first. This is only the second time he's been asked to go on a border patrol ever—the second time he's been told to go to ThunderClan, too. Anticipation can only fester for as long as it takes Sunstride to square him with a look he's only ever seen from his mother when he misbehaves, which Sedge meets with a somber, if understanding, frown. Awfully intimidating for a guy who looks like he hasn't slept in a week.

Sootstar barks out orders, angles for a fight, and sneers at buzzard-faces. Sunstride wants them to play nice. The juxtaposition isn't lost on him.

Sedgepounce finds Foxglare's steely face through the small crowd and fixes him a pointed glance of their own, frown lingering. Their conversation from days ago sticks to the back of his mind—stays with him as he turns away, padding off to wait for dusk.​
Her own shock, her outrage, is reflected on the faces of both Sunstride and Bluepool. It’s good to know that neither of them are happy about this turn of events, either. It’s even stranger to think that they all have been seemingly pushed from Sootstar’s circle, despite being her very own council. Scorchstreak cannot help but to think of Badgermoon now—had he attacked the leader for good reason? Had he been correct? Or was he truly just the power-hungry fool that she’d labeled him? She isn’t sure what to believe now.

She meets Bluepool and Sunstride’s gazes with narrowed eyes, acknowledging their shared confusion as the deputy steps forth to hand out his own assignments. She is assigned to lead a tunnel patrol, as usual, and accepts Sunstride’s instructions with a tense nod. To her apprentice she turns and offers in a low voice, "This will be your first first patrol. I expect you to be on your best behavior." She then seeks out the others that she’s meant to take with her, golden eyes just as emotionless as they normally are. "Be prepared. We leave soon."
  • Wow
Reactions: PINKSHINE
Sootstar's seizing of Sunstride's orders is strange, but not entirely unexpected in this new age of pressure that WindClan has wedged itself into. The tension between her clanmates is so tangible she almost feels it as the rockslide that had trapped her beneath the ground back in the mountains; it disorients her, darkens her vision. It makes her look out through funhouse mirrors, unsure of who is twisted by her perceptions and who is not. She is almost to Scorchstreak's side until she isn't, too wary of her own mother's statements before to fully find comfort there. She anchors herself to no cat, and instead stares piercingly into Sunstride's eyes if he will accept the pressure of her gaze.

"Are we going anywhere?" she asks him, ears twitching. She would not mind tending to apprentice duties about camp (she has never minded the busywork, really, and has always found some solace in it), but part of her heart tugs to ShadowClan's border for a chance at repentance for her complicit sin. Really, though, she would never part her jaws about her suspicions at the border — not after she'd gone through so much to cement her place in WindClan. And what a reward that has been, she thinks skeptically.

  • 66617057_DfpSjFkv1mEoE5E.png

    scorchkit . scorchpaw
    — she/they ; apprentice of windclan
    — short-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with low white and orange/yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — signature by deja, template art by ska-i
    — penned by meghan
Sparkspirit had only known Sootstar as a reasonable cat. Those that she assigns to these patrols must be given her trust for a reason; it must be important, and here he is in opposition to them, trapped to a simple hunting patrol. His brow furrows, confusion and uncertainty in his eyes but not quite akin to the displeasure of Sootstar's council. He had lived his life coasting off the trust that had been placed in him when he was named Sparkpaw and the approval in her gaze as he became Sparkspirit; was that similar at all? It doesn't really matter, he supposes. His situation will never match up to any other's. For the best.

With only a small moment of hesitation, the rust-smeared tom veers off towards Gravelsnap, agreeing easily with his leadership. Quailbreeze had not quite gathered the same level of trust from the younger warrior. (It doesn't even occur to him that he could make the decisions on such a patrol, even if it was not one to a risk-filled border.) "If only the others could take out some of that anger on rabbits instead, right?" he mutters, intended as a simple joke, but there's a sudden weight to it that Sparkspirit himself doesn't like.

  • OOC.
    ——  a trim mock tortoiseshell tom with mostly black fur splashed with the occasional patch orange. he has a singular white mark on the back of his neck shaped similarly to a lightning strike, and a small scar across the bridge of his nose. his eyes are a shocking electric blue.
  • "speech"

Hardly does Dustwhisker listen to Sunstride's words, does the tunneller move from his meal to listen to the assigning of patrols, but his attention is returned as Sootstar cuts in. His leader decides her own patrols today, an utterance of names that he's grown closer to in most recent moons.

He stirs, only slightly, when his name is omitted from her border patrols, a dejected look on his face that quickly washes away with relief that Sunstride hasn't chosen him either. Maybe next time. The tunneller hopes his leader chooses somewhere cool for him to go.

"Have fun," he says to Sootstar's chosen few with a flick of the tail, a pathetic semblance of a smile, "Tell me all about it when you get back!"
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
Oh? Fogbound grinned oddly, watching Sootstar call out individuals, interrupting Sunstride he nearly laughed at the brief flecks of shock and outrage. My. My. How interesting. He hid his annoyance behind a crazed grin displayed proudly against dark lips, curling devilishly with crinkled ruby hues. Despite his fondness for the clan, Fogbound found it amusing, watching the obvious display, names repeated much like the gathering, sending Sunstride to the wolves.

“Do have fun at the borders.” He called to Sootstar’s group, chin resting lazily against a calloused paw pad, ignoring the swell of anger that was so familiar, bubbling just beneath the surface. He wondered when it would explode. “A shame I won’t be there to witness it.” He sighed, waving his wave with a pitiful expression, smothered by indifference, ruby hues darkening. I wonder what leafbare will bring. Fascinating, isn’t it?
thought speech