twolegplace paw patrol || Skyclan border patrol

Nov 7, 2022

Alright! He was in charge. For once in his life, somebody put him in charge of something. How does he do this... Let's see....

"Okay everybody! Stick with your partner and be respectful to strangers!" He said. He had shown cats around the general area of his twoleg nest before, his twolegs keep them for a bit and then they get adopted... It was only fair he showed them around the area.

And so that was how he was doing this patrol!

" Of course... If anyone wants to fight then we should show them who's boss..." He added. He didn't raise no bitches!

The weather was beginning to change, and with it, more cats would be wandering outside their homes and shelters. They had to make sure their borders were strong, so that these cats knew who owned the forest.

@SLATE @Sharpeye @Bananapaw @-Wildpaw-

His waking nightmares were getting more elaborate. Grapejuice was in charge of the patrol. Grapejuice was in charge of the patrol. Nope, thinking about it more didn't make it any easier to digest. The warrior longed to step in and give suggestions, or to even take over, but he knows it won't help the other warrior learn the ropes. Though the invitation to fight made him heave a sigh and prompted him to look back at his pair of apprentices. "No fighting unless I say so. We can't afford injuries." Sighing, he then broke away from the others for a moment in order to start marking a few of the bushes.
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This would be an easy patrol! This place was her second home, a place she knew like the back of her paw or her mothers smell. Bananapaw looked up at Sharpeye as he instructed they don't fight unless absolutely needed too and she gave a small nod of understanding. She glanced to Wildpaw for a moment and gave a smirk before nudging him with her shoulder, "Bet you I can find the fattest kittypet," she teased the golden apprentice with a waggle of her tail.

Then she took off after Sharpeye happily and skidded across the ground as she tried to come to a halt. She shook out her coat for a moment to dislodge some snow that brushed her pelt, and trotted along to get to Grapejuices' side. She smiled at the other daylight warrior, "We got thi- er well you got this! You know this place better than anyone else!" She grinned happily and waved her tail slightly behind her.


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Ever since returning to twolegplace things had been better, to a degree anyway. At least bins offered up a steady supply of food to sustain him, though he wouldn't lie about missing the taste of fresh prey out in the forest and such. Though with the existence of greedy clans he wasn't keen on risking any further injuries just yet. Maybe once the weather was better, perhaps then he would try again to eek out a living in the wilds.

Though as he was making his way along the tops of the fence line that day he came to overhear voices, and soon enough after drawing closer he finally spied a cluster of felines. He still remembered what the RiverClanners had talked about after his previous run in with them, so it didn't take much assumption to hazard a guess that these particular cats were SkyClanners.

Talon decided to get a closer look, curiosity getting the better of him. Though he knew that if things went sour he had the protection of the territory he knew best. "Well, well, if it ain't the SkyClan patrol. Everything going well?" He called out as he remained perched on the fence with a toothy display of teeth. It wasn't meant as a threatening display really, he just had a habit of flashing his teeth. But he could see how some might misinterpret it as being so.

Aha, he was finally back after having been away for quite some time. Jinn had always had this habit to wander back and forth between places but he always returned especially to this place. How could he not?. There was someone who lived here after all who the silver tom enjoyed the company to hang around despite knowing the feelings were most unlikely mutual not like that would stop him from coming back of course. Jinn did what he always did when he come back to search for his self-claimed friend and went to all places he know his friend usually hanged around in until...he arrived to the right place.

A smile would dance instantly upon the handsomely stunning tom maw as he made himself ready to greet them from the otherside of the fence however it quickly come to his attention that the stray not was alone. Jinn could smell the other group of cats standing at the otherside of the fence which belonged to one of these clans. Skyclan was it, right?. " Have you finally got yourself some friends while i've been away?" he would muse after he had jumped up on the fence slowly making his way over to the stray side while his attention went from Talong and to the clan patrol. Flinking his tail calmly behind him Jinn soon took a seat beside his friend, offering them a smile and a look that said ' have you missed me?' beside focusing his attention on the cats at the ground. " Hello down there!, i take it that your day are going well?." he attempted to start a conversation with this clan-cats because why not?. They seemed lovely.

❪ TAGS ❫ — A dull frown is plastered onto the warrior's features as he trudges along with the patrol, trailing toward the back of the group. Not that he was a slacker or anything, but he could barely stand the sound of Grapejuice's voice and the apprentices were just giggling amongst themselves. This was not a border that SkyClan shared with any other clan, so he doesn't really expect anything particularly interesting to come of today's outing. Maybe some fat, lazy kittypets would show their faces?

He pricks an ear and glances upward at the top of the fence, where two strange toms are staring down at them and addressing the patrol amicably. It doesn't seem as if they're here to cause trouble, but Slate doesn't necessarily like the look of the dark tom's features.

It takes seemingly all of his strength not to retort a smartass comment toward the duo. Slate doesn't have much of a filter in the first place, but he simply doesn't have the energy to start something that probably wasn't worth it in the first place. So, he keeps his gaze down and keeps walking, hoping that the rest of the patrol will ignore them and do the same.

// psst slate is a former twolegplace rogue so feel free to have them recognize him if y'all want c;
They hadn't quite planned on going this far, both literally and figuratively. For years they have lived comfortably with their twolegs, happy and sated, if a bit lonely at times— and they thought the introduction of a companion nearly eight moons ago was meant to remedy that. It worked for a time. It worked very well, and for a blissful two moons they had little ones tumbling around the nest, calling for mama and zaza.

It was quiet when they left last night, aching and betrayed, but they weren't so naive as to think they could somehow find the nests the kits were taken to. It hadn't kept them from trying, though.

Now, they've wandered far enough to have found a stream of wild cats they heard stories of, but had never seen. The other pair of cats seem to have more familiarity with the strangers than Pearl. SkyClan, one said.

"Wait, please!" One of the cats begins to walk away and they're certain the rest will gradually disappear with him. They can't explain what compels them to trail after the group. Maybe it's something about the easy camaraderie in spite of their differences. "Could there a way I could come with you?"
  • pearl(suffix undecided). former kittypet to skyclanner.
    50 moons old. agender amab; uses they & them only.
    androsexual & single. sort of looking; just kinda lonely.
    fawn classic tabby with high white & pale blue eyes.
    slightly plump; more thickset and solid than willowy.


"Busy today." Sharpeye murmured the words quietly as he paused his steps so he could peer up at the pair of toms on the fence. He wasn't so sure about the dark pelted one with the teeth, though the loner's companion seemed more amicable. "We're doing well, thank you. We're just passing through." He replied as he tried to stick to a neutral stance. There was no point in starting trouble.

However, before he could set off again yet another feline made themselves known to the patrol. Though it seemed that they didn't have any connection to the pair of toms. Sharpeye looked the other up and down for a moment before tilting his head slightly to the side. "You wish to come with us? Why, may I ask?" Were they looking to join SkyClan? Or were they simply seeking an escort into the forest?