pafp pay your daycare workers more / the babies are fighting



The meeting does not go well. Blazestar say nothing about returning her and her siblings to their proper home with their father. All he does is rattle off some names of the other kits, all becoming little apprentices with mentors of their own. Nevermind that her mentor is the worst cat to ever touch down to earth. Nevermind that all wants to do is go home. No, clearly, there are more important things to deal with, like stupid ceremonies for other people!

Zappaw had been so miffed by the exclusion of her homecoming that she hadn't evenpaid attention to the later half of everything - the cheering and whooping and what not. Instead, her attention turned to the one lone kit still left in the nursery. Pearlkit, whose body language didn't conceal much of anything. Annoyance surges down the pointed she-cat's spine as she watches the kitten pout in the wake of the others getting their new names. What did Pearlkit have to be sniffling about? She wasn't the one who was stuck here with these idiots and stupid ceremonies and their stupid names and their stupid fake-dads they pushed her onto.

"Awww, poor baby." Zappaw spits cruelly at the other she-cat. "Is the wittle baby upset because she's a dumb runt who can't get a mentor? Gonna cry about it? Gonna -" She gives her best, exaggerated sniffle before letting out a mocking wail in the kit's face. "Waaaaaah - all the way back to your wet nurse about it?"

She cant help but sniffle. Today was supposed to be the day she gets to move up with her friends, but shes stuck in the STUPID nursery still! Her head dips down as she tries to fight the tears that threaten to drip down her face. Her cheeks puff out with the effort and quite frankly shes a sight to see. She’s just about to return to the nursery to sulk until there are words spoken to her.

Awww, poor baby.

Pearl’s blood runs cold at the mocking tone, a sneer that causes her eyes to widen. Fiercely does her fur bristle in self-defense, a wild look shining in her eyes as tiny claws curve in to the dirt below. It’s Zappaw, her lips quiver at the other apprentices words. "I’m NOT a dumb runt!" her voice means to come out strong but instead it shakes and shatters, cracks in the middle as the tears finally slip down. And then Zappaw gets in her face and her blood boils, Pearl aims a quick bap to the other apprentices muzzle, full on sobbing now. "Leave me ALONE!" she cries out, ears pinning as she takes a couple steps backwards. "You’re a BULLY and thats all you ever will be!" though Pearls words are more-so meant to soothe herself than hurt Zappaw, hiccuping with how hard the emotions are hitting her. I’m not a dumb baby, she repeats in her head like a mantra. I’ll be grown soon and I will get to see my friends again, but now it does nothing to convince her. "Go away." Pearl sniffles, viciously scrubbing at her face to get rid of the tears. Somehow, Zappaws words hurt even worse knowing that it was probably the reason her mother left her here. Because i’m a stupid baby, it takes everything not to wail and sob and cry out loud again.
"Why don't you make me?" The girl retorts, stepping up into the other she-cat face again before moving to shove her hard with both front paws. The words sting more than she would ever admit - even to herself. Go away. Leave me alone. They twist on themselves in her head and in a flash, this little she-kit (that she antagonized first) was just another person who didn't want her around, just another person who thought of her as something to be discarded.

She gives a little growl in response to her own thoughts, though it's pointed in Pearlkit's direction. "At least I'm not a CRY-BABY!" It's the worst insult another child can give and in a sick sort of way, Zappaw is particularly proud of the roar she enunciates it in.
Oh, how he finds kits so annoying.... Always wailing or crying or causing problems.... He supposed they're cute sometimes, but certainly not right now. He watches Zappaw taunt and bully Pearlkit from what seems to be out of nowhere with narrowed eyes.

He wants to let someone else deal with it. But as the situation progresses, he realizes it's better to step in now before he watches an apprentice beat up a defenseless kit. Growling to himself as he gets up and shakes his fur, he quickly strides over.

"ENOUGH." He snaps, pelt bristling and eyes glaring into Zappaw.

"Get away from her. What's wrong with you, picking fights with kits?" He hisses. "If you're looking for a fight, fight someone who can defend themselves."

His gaze is harsh, and he hopes someone else comes to take control of the situation. Someone more tactful, hopefully.​
Why don't you make me? Pearl's lips raise, kitten teeth poke out in a half growl, half snarl. Oh, she would! And then Zappaw would finally shut up. But... Paws raise before Pearl has time to move, her hackles raise but it comes before she knows it. A shove against her shoulders; the kitten is sent, quite harshly, tumbling in to the earth below, landing with a strained sound. She struggles to catch her breath momentarily despite the fall not being too far from her body. She rises to her paws, the world finally stabilizing before her, no longer spinning in a drunken motion.

Pearlkit says nothing as she cowers, tears staining her cheeks as she shivers. Once Dogskips voice sounds, she lets out a choked sob, half wail as she rushes to stand underneath him. The blue pelted tom is her bastion of safety. "Get her AWAY from me!" she cries, ears flattening against her skull. She doesn't know if her tears are borne from genuine sadness or if they are crocodile-like in nature, something twists in her gut. Perhaps its a sick satisfaction at how Dogskip snapped at Zappaw or knowing that the apprentice would get some form of punishment. Even as she thinks its happiness for Zappaw getting what she deserves, the apprentices words cut deeper than she wants. A cry-baby, she isn't a crybaby. She looks up to Dogskip, eyes wide, misty. A deep-rooted fear is now placed within her heart. Say it. Say i'm not a cry-baby.

  • pearlkit.png
    -> pearlkit
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 3 months
    -> kitten at skyclan ,, found abandoned
    -> tiny chocolate tortie/fawn chimera with low white & blue eyes
    -> “speech, a7c7e7
    -> bisexual ,, too young [ single ]
    -> smells like milk & soft flowers
    -> image by oliver
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Doompaw abandons whatever he’d been playing with, his teeth bared and his ears flat. He looks scary, deranged, as though he’s attacking a badger instead of a denmate. “Get away from her! She didn’t do nothin’ to you!” He doesn’t, quite frankly, care if Pearlkit had done something to Zappaw. He bunches the muscles in his hindlegs and catapults himself at Zappaw, aiming to bowl her over and pin her to the ground. If successful, he will attempt to swipe at her face with a sheathed paw.Tell ‘er your sorry or I’ll keep hittin’ you!

Dogskip’s presence is ignored.

  • @TWITCHBOLT sorry dude lol
  • doomguy . doomkit . doompaw
    — afab, he/him, apprentice of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
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Reactions: pearlpaw
"What in Mother's lands is going on here?"

A head pokes out of the medicine den, exhaustion weighing heavily on the massive tom's shoulders as he saunters out in a slouched posture. The sound of fighting, of arguing- is palpable throughout the camp. Doompaw's voice ricochet's through the pine forest's circle, and Fireflypaw moves faster than he ever has before to get to the fighting apprentices. His head sways momentarily, hearing Dogskip's words to stop fighting- but it continues nonetheless, and soon Fireflypaw has to will himself to stay calm in this situation.

It was an accident, I swear. Snowpaw's voice is soft, he remembers. Back then..

"That's ENOUGH!" Booms the deepened voice of Firefly, ghostly pales wide with fear and anger at the situation that was unfolding. With a few misses, he leans down and aims to attempt to snatch Doompaw up by his scruff, attempting to pull him away from Zappaw and set him down. If successful, he'd then aim to press a hefty paw down onto Doompaw's body to hold him down momentarily. Sightlessly, he switches his gaze from Doompaw's direction to Pearlkit's, then Zappaw's. His eyes narrow in distaste.

"Do you understand what it's like to die for your clanmates, to sacrifice your life for them? To truly understand loss, in all of it's pain?" He snaps towards the three children, teeth bared towards them. The fur along his neck stands up. She didn't need to die. He inhales a sharp breath, looking around momentarily as if he could see- but he couldn't. He wished he was dreaming right now. A sigh levels his breaths. "You are clanmates, for Stars sake! One day, you will all rely on each other in battle. You will have to put aside your differences and depend on each other! Do you understand me?! There is no room in this world for clanmates fighting each other like this!"

He remembers when he'd gotten into that fight with those apprentices a moon ago; he wasn't at fault, but he still took the blame for it. He'd learned his lesson. Without him, those apprentices would suffer a miserable death by themselves if they were injured, as long as Dawnglare wasn't around. He figured he needed to be more mature, after that. ​

Scrabbling, squawking, a flurry of clawed words- he heard them from afar. Wide, scrutinising olivine found the culprit- Zap-paw, bending to a kit's level only to insult her for not being old enough to have a mentor. Cry-baby- an insult that likely stung to someone who hadn't heard worse at tense border patrols. His walk over was simple marching until he heard his own apprentice's voice thrown into the mix, Doompaw leaping upon Zap-paw in a fit of rage and defence of Pearlkit. Fireflypaw was quick to thrust himself forward, attempting to wrangle Doompaw off of Zap-paw.

"Fireflypaw, leave him to- to me," he said. Doompaw was his apprentice, after all- he fixed the calico tom with a twitching look of warning, before his gaze wobbled over to Zap-paw. Fireflypaw had done most of the talking about not physically assaulting your Clanmates- but Twitchbolt would still be having words with Doompaw about his temper. For now he focused on the other apprentice. "Zap-paw- apologise." he growled, visibly exasperated, muscles spasming like a convulsing piece of prey. "Your mentor'll be hearing about this p-p-pathetic behaviour." His eyes flickered from Zap-paw to Doompaw, then. "Both of you will be on tick duty if you just can't stop yourself from- from- from hitting your clanmates."

Softer eyes swivelled to Pearlkit, then. "Don't listen to her," he assured the kitten, keeping his voice as steady as he could possibly manage.
penned by pin ✧
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Reactions: Marquette
All of the sudden, Doompaw flies out of nowhere. Sullen attitude lights up near immediately, stars sparkle in her eyes. Her savior! "D-Doompaw!" she cries, fur fluffing out as she realizes Zappaw would get exactly what she had done to her. Oh, but what if Zappaw turns on him next? A sick feeling settles in her stomach, and she feels dizzy. She sinks lower in to the earth, what has she caused? Tears well in her eyes again, having been temporarily dried by Doompaws appearance.

And then Fireflypaw stomps over and he is snarling, he is mad- Pearl feels her stomach drop as he turns it on her, too. "I didn't do ANYTHING! And- And Doompaw didn't either!" she tries to speak without her voice wobbling, as tears slip down her cheeks again, as she backs under Dogskip further. "H-He didn't do anything bad! He was only protecting me, I- I swear." her heart is beating too fast for her chest, her heart... Legs collapse underneath her, not far from the ground, her fur bristles.

Crybaby, crybaby. She can still hear Zappaws voice ring in her thoughts as she shakily breathes, eyes wide as she stares at them.

Twitchbolt is next to come over and he looks mad, too, exasperated even. She watches him, hesitantly, he had been there when she was found- she liked Twitchbolt, but she cannot help the waves of fear, of dread that wash over her as he talks. But- But he looks at her and there isn't an ounce of anger directed towards her in his gaze, her heart squeezes. She swallows hard, her throat feeling scratchy and dry. Don't listen to her, she nods aggressively as if her head would topple off if she stopped. "He was only just protecting me." she repeats, voice barely audible, but this time it sounds more like she was reassuring herself. He didn't do anything bad. Pearl's mind cannot wrap itself around the concept and so she falls silent, looking to her paws with wide, teary eyes.

  • pearlkit.png
    -> pearlkit
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 3 months
    -> kitten at skyclan ,, found abandoned
    -> tiny chocolate tortie/fawn chimera with low white & blue eyes
    -> “speech, a7c7e7
    -> bisexual ,, too young [ single ]
    -> smells like milk & soft flowers
    -> image by oliver
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw had been back in the apprentice's den by the time his sister was putting ire onto a poor kit. The only thing that drew him out wasn't the sound of her attacking another young cat- no, it was Doompaw scampering out to the situation himself. Falconpaw poked his head out, and all fur stood on end, ears flattening. The older of the three Ver children rushed over himself- almost in tandem with Fireflypaw. Once Doompaw was hauled away, he was putting himself between Zappaw and the rest present with raised lips.

He didn't speak- not yet, anyways. Fireflypaw made a very good point. They'd be dead without eachother. For however long Falcon and his siblings were here for, they needed to play nice. Twitchbolt's words came down like ire, and Pearlkit wasn't helping. Panic, nervous fear, confidence- no, it was none of that. The anger that surged in Falcon's chest was uncommon to see on the taller apprentice's face. The way his lips were drawing back, the hair along his spine standing up, ears flattened and eyes narrowed. It was all too loud and too much.

Falconpaw's face snapped up suddenly, staring down at Zappaw. He was still bristled, ears perking and pushing forward. "Apologize. Not just to them, but for risking everything our father sacrificed to keep us healthy and safe." No, it was no lie that Falconpaw thought they were here on borrowed time. He didn't truly understand that they would be allowed to stay if they wished. That the rules that applied to the kittypets may even apply to them. No, he didn't understand that. What he did understand was that Vermillionsun would be absolutely petrified and furious if they got themselves kicked out because Zappaw wasn't being the bigger cat.

Falconpaw's chest heaved with heavy breathes, pointed look fixated to Zappaw.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
"Keep hitting me then!" The little she-cat spits furiously as the two are pulled apart. Zappaw's fur stands on end, her mind racing as more people surround the little trio. Her claws are out now, needle-sharp, scraping the ground beneath her as if it would soothe the itch behind her eyes. She was not going to cry, but she could feel her bottom lip tremble ever so slightly at the overstimulation of her own actions. She didn't care about dying for her clan-mates, these cats weren't her home or her heart. She wasn't ever going to have to depend on them because they weren't her family! They'd never be her family! And yet...

Her brother comes to stand in front of her and for half a heartbeat, she feels protected and safe. For a split second, some soft of calm makes her fur lie flat and she wants to just let the tears fall and curl into his fur and fall asleep because she's just so tired and just wanted to go back and sleep in a pile with Falcon and Moth and -

And he doesn't come to her defense. Instead, he turns and scolds her and her brow furrows, her fur standing up once more. "Never."
Dogskip was ready to praise Doompaw for coming to defend Pearlkit as he did when Fireflypaw comes to intervene. He understands what the fluffy tom is saying. Truly, he does. They were clanmates and they shouldn't fight each other. But when a clanmate attacks a defenseless kitten and another comes in to defend her from the ingrate before him, he sees nothing wrong.

Zappaw wanted a fight. She would have gotten one.

"With all due respect..." Dogskip begins, looking to Twitchbolt as he mentions punishment. "Doompaw was protecting Pearlkit from this one." He nearly spits his last two words, regarding Zappaw. " She saw fit to antagonize and attack a kit for no reason. Was it truly not the proper response?" He asks genuinely.

What was the right way to handle this situation, then? If it had continued, he would have flung Zappaw away himself. He doesn't take harm against kits lightly. He curls his bushy white tail around Pearlkit. He's never had anyone come to him for protection before. This was new.

His lip curls in irritation as Zappaw remains defiant. What is with this kid? He didn't know their father, but he had heard of the group living in the sewers. He thought it was gross. Why would you hate being here instead of there? Not his business, he figures.

"Defiant to the last, aren't you. It will get you nowhere."
He says. "If I catch you near the nursery again..." I'll flay you alive, brat. But he can't say that. Or do that.​
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
A sharp inhaled followed. Her defiance was feasible- but he could read her eyes. Read the exhaustion behind the anger. His ears lowered, the anger internalizing. A deep breath, in, and out. Blue eyes sharpened and he turned his head, baring his teeth at Dogskip. "Do you make a habit of threatening people far younger then you, warrior?" Falconpaw hissed suddenly. Sure, Zappaw started the fight, and it was immature- but she never laid a claw on Pearlkit, unless you consider words. Doompaw was the one that fought her.

And now a warrior, a full blooded adult of Skyclan, was going to sit there and threaten his sister? Oh, that didn't fly. "Isn't that so noble of you." Falconpaw turned now towards the rest of them, Dogskip and Pearlkit at least, squaring himself in front of Zappaw. He'd finish his fight with his sister later, but he had to lay down ground work right now. His fur was standing on end, a dangerous look in the normally quiet apprentice's eye. Falconpaw picked his head up from where he had leaned it down, squaring his shoulders and pushing his ears forward. Perhaps he'd get punished for talking back to a warrior- perhaps the scathing talking to's he got as a kit would be a mercy compared to whatever came next.

But he sure as fuck wasn't letting them get to his sister. Not threats. Not a claw on her. (Twitchbolt was different, quite obviously. That was a scolding, not a threat.) "Or do you make habits of empty threats? Because we all know you'd never lay a claw on my sister or any other apprentice, right?" Falconpaw spat out, nose wrinkling as the anger roared back to the surface.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
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Pearlkit spoke up in defence of Doompaw, something Twitchbolt was unsurprised by- to a young mind, what Doompaw did would look like heroics. Though Twitchbolt's nerves were frayed, he did everything he could to keep anger out of his demeanour when he addressed Pearlkit. He knew how dangerous that behaviour could be, and looked to her as kindly as he could when he said, "I know he was," with a slight nod of his head. All he could pray was that Pearlkit wouldn't exactly take it as an example.

Falconpaw was quick to step in, and for a moment Twitchbolt was worried he'd begin another argument in defence of his sister's actions- and was frankly relieved when he didn't, instead demanding his littermate apologise. But then- she didn't of course, and Dogskip was speaking to him. Twitchbolt's eyelids fluttered in spasms. "I know, Dogskip," spat the bicolour tom, exasperation beginning to bubble quite obviously to the surface. His tail flicked as if fending off a fly. "There are much better ways to defend others than to- than to- than to attack them, though. I hope you know that."

Oh, and it just got worse. And worse, and worse, and worse. Dogskip trailed off before he could finish what he was saying, but it was a thinly-veiled threat that Falconpaw picked up on, immediately whirling at the warrior for suggesting such a thing. And Twitchbolt didn't stop him, disbelief flickering in his gaze. Did Dogskip have the mind of a kit? Why was everyone's first instinct to rip apart whatever was bothering them?

"I've had enough of this!" Twitchbolt hissed, words as harsh as a shake strike, unable anymore to hide the broiling irritation within him. "Dogskip, you will do nothing to her. If- if- if I ever hear you say anything like that again, Blazestar will hear about it." He sighed roughly as he looked then to the pair of littermates. Falconpaw he looked upon a lot more kindly, though he was unable to fully erase any irritation from his gaze. "Falconpaw, please- please can you take Zap-paw somewhere quieter and stay with her until I speak with her mentor."

Fiercely twitching eyes moved to Doompaw, then. "We're going to talk. Fireflypaw," he sighed once again, trying to cool the coals in his throat, "Can you stay with Pearlkit for a bit?" His snow-splashed form shuddered, as if shaking himself free of his anger- but it didn't work particularly well. "This- this conversation is over."
penned by pin ✧

Admittedly, Greeneyes’ arrival to the commotion-ridden scene is a little on the late end.

Squabbling and squawking seemed to be a usual occurrence within SkyClan’s current batch of kits and those still growing into their apprentice names, and at first, the warrior foolishly thought nothing of the unrest reaching his ears from afar. It’s likely nothing; likely just another argument over who can put their nest where in the apprentice den. So, Greeneyes doesn’t move from the spot he lounges in; doesn’t move to investigate.

That is, until a blur of pointed fur rushes past him, the medicine apprentice’s voice bursting above the rest in a booming shout that nearly makes the warrior’s heart stop. Worry strikes him then, his eyes widening as he jumps to his paws.

Had someone gotten hurt? Had someone…?

At the idea of an argument gone wrong - at the twinge of a frost-twisted memory - Greeneyes moves. Racing over to the scene, he arrives to Doompaw and Zappaw being pulled away from one another, to Pearlkit’s hiccuping cries as Falconpaw pushes past to stand in front of Zappaw.

What’s happening?” Greeneyes asks. His gaze shifts to Fireflypaw, and then Twitchbolt, before Dogskip’s snide explanation reaches his ears.

Doompaw was protecting Pearlkit; Zappaw attacked first. His late arrival doesn’t confirm the validity of this, but Falconpaw’s urges to his sibling to apologize, followed by resistance seems like plenty of evidence. Her refusal brings the dark-furred warrior to speak again, a trailing off of words twisted into an assumptive threat; one that leaves Greeneyes’ own fur rising.

What? Are you… threatening a kid? Dogskip —” he stammers out in disbelief, only to be cut off by his own apprentice snapping at the warrior instead.

A viridian gaze jumps to the lynx point, surprise at Falconpaw’s tone rising, mixing with a hint of apprehension - worry. While Greeneyes knows the need to stand up for his siblings - while he’s felt the same need - Dogskip thinks he’s big enough to threaten Zappaw, and Greeneyes can only fear what he’ll do to Falconpaw for speaking up.

Falconpaw!” he hisses in warning, frustration slowly rising with each word that Vermillionsun’s child continues to speak after. If Falconpaw doesn’t stop now, who knows what will happen?

Twitchbolt’s own sharp tone cuts in after, a moment of relief for Greeneyes as the lead warrior stands his ground, ordering for the bickering to end. A much-needed warning to Dogskip shared, before orders are given to the rest of the party. Falconpaw is told to stay with Zappaw until Twitchbolt can speak with her mentor, and Greeneyes turns to look at his own apprentice.

Do as Twitchbolt tells you, Falconpaw,” he says to him with a sigh, irritation biting at his own tone over the whole situation, “Find me when you’re done. I think… I think we need to have a talk too.
With wild eyes and grinding teeth, Fireflypaw listens to the bantering of children back and forth and then Dogskip's harsh words. Fireflypaw stands up abruptly, large form standing rigid and straight for a moment- Twitchbolt and Greeneyes have already said what they needed to, and Twitchbolt's order is firm. Stay with Pearlkit. He commands, and Fireflypaw nods his head in understanding. As much as the kit was sniffling and whimpering right now, it would be best if he stayed by her side, right?

"Go somewhere else and make yourself useful, Dogskip." It's not an order, he had no right to order anyone around- but he didn't want a Warrior who threatened kits to be around Pearlkit right now. Sitting himself down beside the hiccuping child, he let his shoulders slouch once more, posture bowing down to seem less massive to the child. Less scary, with how intimidating his facial scars can be.

He doesn't dare look at the kit, but he does speak- ever so softly. "You're no crybaby, Pearlkit. You're strong, dealing with that. It hurt, didn't it? Those words.." Traitor. The voice of his siblings sends a shiver down his spine, eyes closing shut to think properly. How could he help a child who needed reassurance, how would he like to be treated? "You did good." He praises Pearlkit, smiling ever so softly. "I'm sorry for yelling."
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