camp Pay your taxes! ⚙ Adulting-practice


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 Singekit hates being a baby! He's all alone now in the nursery (not true) and he's going to die of boredom (also not true)! He can practically feel his bones withering as we speak! So today, Singekit vows to grow up! His plan goes as follows -

First, he'll wake up before his mother. He fails at it, at first anyway, rolling over at her wake-up touch and pawing at her nose for five more minutes. But then he remembers his goal and quickly shoots up, determined to fix his mistake! Warriors always wake up stupidly early, so Singekit must, too!

Then, he grooms himself - all by himself! He had to fend his mother off with a flurry of paws, and then fight her off again with a drumroll of stomps when she starts laughing at his handiwork, but he believes he did a good job! Warriors groom themselves, they don't need their moms for it! And sure, Singekit's a mess of spikes and cow-licks but, like, he did it!

After that, he decides to do apprentice chores! He'd vowed since he could open his eyes that he'd never, ever bother with that stuff, but since he needs to get Chilledstar to notice how cool and reliable he is, he supposes sacrifices must be made. So Singekit runs around camp, stealing bits and pieces from the nests of his clanmates until he's accumulated a large enough pile of old moss of which he sets upon stomping down into submission! He's seen apprentices make nests countless times, and from his observations, they take moss from the dens (old moss) and takes it away (to throw out) before returning with the moss (it's actually new moss) and spreading it around to make the bedding. Easy peasy!

Now, and finally, he needs to have mature, adult conversations with cats. That's what warriors do - have boring talks about dumb things that don't matter because older cats are boring and dumb - so Singekit will be, too!

Bounding over to his first victim, Singekit would announce loudly to the warrior, "Nice weather we're having!" He's heard his mom say it to the other queens all the time, so it must be how the old cats say hi nowadays since they're too old and creaky to just pounce on each other like Singekit always does. "Prey is running smoothly?" is another common phrase, a dumb one in his opinion. Why do they sound so happy about prey running smoothly? Shouldn't warriors want them to run slower so they're easier to catch? No matter. Singekit's true goal is to show off the nest he made, so he aims to grab the warrior's tail in his jaws and starts to tug the older cat towards the nest "I love sharing tongues! We should share tongues sometime! I love grooming!" gross, ew, he wonders if the warriors are lying too when they say that. Who loves to groom!?

"You worked hard today, you should get some rest! You should! Get! some! Rest!" he tugs harder, before pointing excitedly at the mess of old and flattened moss that he carefully laid out right in front of the nursery. It's already been walked on by multiple visiting and exiting cats. "Look! I made a whole nest! You should get some rest, you're probably fated for the dawn patrol!" another common thing he's heard said, and every time a warrior says it to another warrior, the second warrior lets out a groan before going to bed! Hooray!

Surely after this he'll get a stellar review and become and apprentice right away!

//feel free to be the warrior Singekit is harassing <3

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    1 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

  • Wow

of all the things chilledstar had planned to do today, getting "dragged" to a nest my an overzealous kitten was not one of those things. the day had started off simple enough, returning from a morning patrol and watching as the hunting patrol left. prey was just as hard, if not harder, to find as it was during leaf fall, with all the rogues running around, but now there was no one to blame but the cold. prey retreated, but predators still needed to eat. they can't help their bits of frustration whenever they go on a hunting patrol, and find nothing to come back with. how we're they meant to feed a clan like this?

their ears swiveled slightly as singekit made his way over, their brow raising as they listened to him talk... about prey running? weren't kittens supposed to be interested in what to eat and not the status of the prey being caught? suddenly teeth are in their tail and they yelp, eyes widening as they walked backwards, trying to keep the kitten from tugging to hard on their tail.


they pulled their tail away, quickly licking over the out of place fur, and spinning with their ears flattened. ugh. as much as they want to be, they can't be mad at the kit... for whatever he's doing. gently they huffed, taking their paw and gently patting the kitten on his head.

"nice... nest making skills... soon you'll be the best nest maker in all of shadowclan, hm? but lets... refrain from tugging on any more tails, yes?"
☾. . ° ✦ It had been amusing enough to see Singekit busy himself around camp from the moment his eyes had opened today, but Mirepurr hadn't dared to think he would soon be dragging their leader straight into a new nest. Perhaps ShadowClan needed more cats like Singekit - unapologetic and definitely not willing to budge about something as important as taking a rest.

Chilledstar was taking it as well as any surprised warrior might, but Mirepurr thought they might as well jump in to add to the amusement of it all.

"If there's anyone in need of a rest, it's you, Singekit! You've been doing such a great job today." They just barely managed to stop themself from adding; are you doing all this to get saved from a dawn patrol assignment? The last thing they all needed was making it seem worse for a young kit; StarClan knew it was rarely any cats' favorite duty, especially when they were more used to sleeping in.
 ° .  . ° 
"Such a great job," echoes Jitterpaw quietly as they approach, a few chirps following the words. They give a firm shake of their head as they plop down, taking a seat near the slowly growing group of ShadowClanners all coming around to see what Singekit is doing. "Maybe you'll get to," a sharp whistle, "go out on the next dawn patrol," they say, paws curling as they scratch faintly at the ground, a habit of theirs they've picked up over time. They scuff the ground with a half-smile, not quite full but enough to show their amusement at Singekit's antics and attempts at acting like a warrior.​

Basilpaw had been watching from a distance because he had have nothing else to do. Singekit like always knew how to get the clans attention whenever he wished for it. Even Snowpaw's attention this kit mange to steal alot of times. Sometimes he wonderd if the two of them were friends?. Maybe he should ask sometime. For now he was watching with wide big eyes as Singekit attcked their leaders tail to pull them over to the nest they had made. Basilpaw twitched his whiskers as he watched carefully with his unblinking eyes thinking the kit would get scolded. But no...instead Chilledstar patted the kit on the head making Basilpaw only stare more. Slowly he would raise his own paw and placed it on top of his head just like how Chilledstar had done to Singekit. Moving the paw away from his head Basilpaw stared at his paw for a long minute. Blinking his eyes he looked up again to return his attention on the scene in front of him and spotted Mirepurr's tail. Oh...he got an idea now!.

Basilpaw stood up only to crouch down to the ground with his tongue sliding out to place it at the side of his mouth. With determined focused eyes the kit started to stalk himself forward trying to master the perfect stealth he hadn't even been taught yet!. Only in theory but not used in practise!. Stalking closer and closer until he was only a tail length away from his target!. Putting his rump up in the air to wag it to prepare for the ambush he then leapt forward as he went for this attack and attempted to trap the tail between his paws while playfully biting it.

// attacking @MIREPURR 's tail :')

*+:。.。 Choosing the leader themself as their witness may not have been the greatest idea when Singekit goes about it in their harassing way, but hey, if you want to get noticed, you gotta do what you gotta do! Singekit lets out a frustrated yelp when his leader's tail is yanked away from him, immediately leaping around to face Chilledstar. But just as Singekit is preparing to hiss something, most likely whiny, out, his interrupted by a gentle pat on the head. Sin blinks in surprise. For as often as Sin is rough and sharp-edged, it is very rare that the boy receive any kind gesture from anyone other than his mom. He feels his restlessness fade for a moment, enjoying the simple physical display of praise, until his leader speaks.

And all at once Singekit is back to his old ways. Batting his leader's paw away, Singekit cries out in frustration, "What!? NO! Not a nest maker - I'm supposed to be the best warrior!" Ruby cheeks dyed themselves a little redder still as he realized all his efforts were for naught - to go through all that and just come out with a nest-maker title! Agh! He may as well just be an apprentice then!

Wait - but that was also partially his goal, wasn't it?
The joy re-enters his gaze as Singekit surges into an eager bounce, exclaiming, "So wait - did I do good enough to become an apprentice next meeting? Please?" he begs. He can't keep getting left behind! Snowpaw is going to stink up the whole apprentice's den if he has to wait a whole two moons more! Hasn't he already proven himself to be helpful and useful!?

Mirepurr's compliments are enough to calm the boy down some. Much like the pat on the head, the boy wasn't expecting such kindness, and he's left fumbling a moment as he paws at the ground. He is pretty tired actually..."But I can't rest! Not until I'm an apprentice NOW!" he whines. But then he pauses, the warmth of Chilledstar's paw on his forehead still an oddly nice memory, and he finds himself mumbling, "But...thank you..." Man, if making a lumpy nest was all it took to get this much kindness maybe...

Before a proper lesson could take root, Jitterpaw arrives, laughing like they've just told some great joke. Singekit doesn't get it, mostly because he wants to go on the dawn patrol! "CAN I!?" he shouts excitedly, looking back at Chilledstar. Only to nearly leap three feet in the air when Basilpaw comes out of nowhere, attacking Mirepurr. "What!? Why does he get to bite tails AND be an apprentice!?"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    2 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPCx NPC (brother to Swallowkit)
    Shadowclan — Kit

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold ruddy
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: None currently

☾. . ° ✦ They are being attacked.

Their attention had been focused on Singekit and Chilledstar, ear flicking at Jitterpaw's comment in acknowledgement because it is just too funny, and definitely not at all noticing Basilpaw sneaking up on them. Nope, it catches them completely off-guard.

"Help!" they faux-cry, body slowly lowering itself onto the ground. "My tail is my biggest weakness... how did you know?"

Mirepurr cannot even properly respond to Singekit, not at first. It takes a moment for them to still, forcing the amused laughter back down. "Who said only kits get to attack tails?" As if on cue, Mirepurr's paw shoots out from under the weight of fluff, attempting to catch Singekit's tail from a distance. They're still under attack, after all.
 ° .  . °