private peace and truth | p; pikesplash


my eyes wide shut
Nov 11, 2023
After the incident at camp, the lumbering giant moved with a purpose with another soul in tow. It seemed that Pikesplash decided to come with him to the falls, which was still surprising to Crashingtide. The other seemingly adaptable to the warrior’s brash personality. The two barely spoke before today, which was Crashingtide’s own doing. However, Pikesplash was different from the others. They were related as cousins were, but it was an estranged relationship. One that barely existed. A relationship that could easily be forgotten if not for blood. Memories of his youth were tied to this cat as well. Days of his naivety. The days when he was a bright soul destined for love and kindness.

His fight with a fox cub changed that, the stare of death cold over his soul. The truth of life was death. It all came for them, which was proven as his parents succumbed to it when they grew ill with yellowcough. Now all Crashingtide had was Pikesplash, his current traveling companion. His mismatched gaze flickered to the older feline, taking in his features as they walked. They looked nothing alike in appearance, the other being a shorthaired silver tabby. Only the tufted ears and mackerel markings seemed to be common between the two. It seemed odd just how little he knew of his blood relation and how little they resembled each other.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the peaceful falls, a place he felt like his worries were small. He felt a sense of tranquility, stilling his heart from the ache that plagued it. Crashingtide’s pace increased as he moved closer to the falls, nearly leaving the other behind. His thundering paws hit the ground harshly as he pushed forward until he came to the shoreline. Stopping at the edge, the feline crashed to the ground into a sitting position. He curled his long marred tail around his paws. The large warrior closed his eyes, listening to the sounds around him. The peace of silence.

“Peaceful.” He stated, opening his eyes and looking at the other warrior with a neutral look. Crashingtide wondered if Pikesplash understood, which is why he had offered for them to walk to the falls. The towering feline looked away and onto the horizon. Words weren’t something beneficial. After all words were lies. Silence was truth. This place was his peace, his truth, his heart.

Crashingtide was not someone he hated. How could he? The tom had been through a lot and Pikesplash himself was witness to the events in the hulking toms life. After all, he was old enough to be the toms father. For the record he wasn't. They might have shared the same stripes, but that was about it. Crashingtide's pelt was a completely different color from him, not only was it brown and not silver it was long, let's not bring in the fact that Crashingtide easily towered over him. He recalled, even if it was now all but a distant dream when Crashingtide's eyes sparkled with joy. Robinpaw has only ever known the Crashingtide now who is sharp tongues and unapologetic. Would she feel sadness in knowing that he too once was a jovial and eager kit?

Death was no stranger to Pikesplash for how long he's lived. He heard of Crashingtide's run in with a fox cub, the tom nearly losing his life back then. Then, the toms parents succumbed to yellowcough. Many of them perished to yellowcough and if it was not yellowcough then it was either starvation or via battle with anything else. In this clan there had also been those who deserted or were exiled. He's not sure what he hasn't seen anymore. However, one could question his sanity to remain ever cheerful despite all the horrors he witnessed. Maybe they all think he's foolish for being able to move forward as if no one has died. In a sense he is no better than kits who have yet to experience the cruelty this world brings in the eyes of some, but Pikesplash is very much aware of the horrors. He simply choses not to drown in the depths of despair.

Besides, how can he allow himself to? There are cats like Crashingtide and those whom he loves that he must take care of. He pays no mind as Crashingtide practically leaves him behind, someone's eager. The hurried back of Crashingtide brings a smile to his maw. At his own pace he wordlessly takes a seat beside the younger warrior, careful to leave space between them. After all, the brown tom keeps others at a distance. It would be rude of him to intrude any further. Green eyes closed and leaned towards the sound of the falls. An ear flicks at Crashingtide's words.

Peaceful... His face scrunches as if he's eaten rotting prey. Perhaps the younger tom is thinking he is troubled by something by how lost in thought he is as well as the less than content expression he bears. no answer is given, sensing the tom doesn't want an answer. He does however, open his eyes with a sigh and looks towards the falls. Then, he turns his attention to Crashingtide who no longer looks at him. He can't help but keep his eyes trained on the tom, and if Crashigtide were to be disturbed and turn to snap at him... Then, the younger tom would be met with a troubled expression laced with pure concern. Is the only place where you can feel at peace?
The marred feline, much like any RiverClan cat, had an affinity for water. Each had their own draw to the tides of the river that surrounded them. For Crashingtide, it was steady constant. Even in the winter, the falls still ran into the river below. It was a peaceful thought in the sea of darkness. Even in the harshest of weather, he could count on this one thing. That and Pikesplash. Pikesplash didn’t disappoint him or annoy him, unlike the others asking him a million and one things. Do you like this. Do you want to share my freshkill. You ready to go on a border patrol. You need to go hunting. Things he knew to do and would accomplish or personal things he didn’t want to share. It was tedious to him. A nagging in his opinion.

Even now, the brown tabby had noticed Pikesplash had left space between them. It was a kindness that the giant appreciated more than the other knew. Long were the days that they had spoken to each other, but there was an understanding there. A pureness to this interaction between blood. To many, this would be torture. The silence a heavy cloud dangling above them, but to Crashingtide, this was how he wanted to be. Silence to be at peace with his thoughts. As he said peaceful, he noticed his cousins nose scrunch out of the corner of his eye. “Mm.” He grunted, but it wasn’t hostile. It was curious.

Crashingtide now turned his head completely again towards Pikesplash. “S’mthing wrong?” The heavyset tom looked to the older warrior, the words slipping from his mouth like a bitter venom coating his tongue. Sympathy. It was wrong the moment he said it, but it was too late. He had spoken the words like a curse. The brown tabby’s fur bristled slightly as he shuddered quickly. This was uncomfortable. He hated it.