peace, love, now what? | rainpaw


it's time to acknowledge me.
Jan 3, 2023
TAGS — The blizzard still rages on the surface, but Smokepaw finds himself comfortable underground. At the very least, he's out of the snow here- but the tension back in camp can't follow him, either. Even despite their open skies, the moorland camp is under incredible amounts of pressure. Another explosion feels inevitable, and he knows he'll be on the right side- on Sootstar's side -of it all when it happens, but... he needs some time away, too. The physically narrow tunnels have nothing on the way the pressure aboveground squeezes his chest as if to stop his heart. He can hear the yowling; the announcement of Yewberry's exile, followed by Galeforce's unwillingness to back down, his subsequent retreat, Lynxtooth and Juniperfrost's cruel threats. Smokepaw's aching paws flex beneath him. Yewberry and Galeforce needed to go. Galeforce was grieving, a piece of his mind tries to posit, but he shakes it away. It's no excuse for dishonoring Sootstar. Dandelionwish would follow them soon, he knows. Quietly, he wonders how effective Vulturemask would be as a medicine cat, but... well, he has to believe in Sootstar, or else all this anguish would surely be for nothing.

The ebony tabby heaves a sigh. The scent of dry, frigid dirt washes over his tongue. "This is a lot," he confides to the apprentice he tunnels with. Rainpaw had a level head, and though they weren't as efficient a team as himself and her littermate, she certainly wasn't the worst tunneler apprentice to be paired up with. She was skilled, and mostly nice, and they'd always gotten along. It's pretty much the only reason he feels comfortable expressing himself to her now- well, that, and the tunnels generally boosted his confidence. StarClan knew why. "It sort of makes my head spin."
