camp Peace of Mind || o. Intro


I am nobody's shadow.
Nov 25, 2023

[ ༻˗ ⁺₊✧₊⁺˗༺ ] Goldenlily pushed through into the camp, snow clinging to the tom's fur as a bird was clamp in his jaw, cool gaze scanning the clearing before setting down his work in the fresh-kill pile, a yawn slipping from his maw. At the same time, his feathery tail swished coolly before he began to work on cleaning his fur from the snow. Hopefully, all of this will soon melt and then the return of new leaf and then green leaf. He was eager for the return of the warmer seasons as it meant more prey for the rest of the clan.

His ears flicked slightly before he found a spot within the camp to smooth out his fur a bit and relax after a long day doing duties, tail twitching a bit he glanced towards the two paws that stood in front of him with a hum of greetings before looking up at whoever approached him. "Hello, how was your day?" he prompted coolly adjusting himself slightly to allow room for the other to join him while he relaxed, awaiting for the other to respond to his question.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Goldenlily ⁺₊✧₊⁺ He/Him, Warrior of Thunderclan, 45 moons.
    Silver Marbled Lynx point with teal blue eyes and low white, feathery tail. Lily petals behind the ears.
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


"Pretty good, despite the foul weather. I managed to find some dry moss for the nests, so with luck we'll all have a comfier night's slumber. So, how was your day? Did ya catch much?" Shiningsun replied with a purr as he plonked himself down beside Goldenlily when invited to. It came as a relief since he had been eager to socialise with someone, just anyone else! There had been a lot on his mind between fretting over Berryheart's illness, Flycatcher stepping down as deputy, and then of the RiverClanner who had been plaguing his mind as of late. It was proving to be a lot, and he honestly didn't wish to be left to his inner thoughts.

He licked at his forepaws and used them to clean his face of the lingering bedding debris that had been clinging to his whiskers. He supposed he should make himself a little more presentable at least.


It feels strange not having the full responsibilities of a deputy to attend to anymore. Of course, as a lead warrior he's still shouldering his share of responsibilities in running the clan, at least until Howlingstar can appoint a new successor.

Flycatcher had been quite busier earlier in the day so was looking forward to having a quiet moment of rest. He spots Shiningsun and Goldenlily, giving them a friendly nod, before settling beside them. He flicks an ear as Goldenlily asks how Shiningsun's day had been, letting the other tom respond before speaking himself. "A comfier night's rest sounds perfect to me," Flycatcher mused. He would gladly take some extra moss if there was any going free, especially with Flamewhisker sharing his nest again. "I hope you had better luck than I did," Flycatcher chuckled, looking to Goldenlily to see how he would answer Shiningsun's question. "I had my sights set on a pigeon but it got startled and flew away."
make peace with your broken pieces .
He chuckled, warm-toned against the low timbre, appearing beside the three in a flurry of white, a lonely hue crinkling around the edges in a smile, humor dancing within the golden fleck of his hue. “But even better if you have another to share it with.” He mused, chuckling softly. “Of course, as the moons pass, one’s bones creak, getting older does have its perks of finding moss in one’s nest.” He added.

His gaze shifted to Flycather, helm shifting just slightly. “A shame, it seems our luck has worn thin.” He mused, settling beside them, plumed tail curling around his frame. “Spiderlily had far greater luck catching a wandering bird than I did hunting a lonely mouse.” A shame, indeed. It had been a promising patrol, one of great achievements which dwindled as their luck emptied, until finally, Whitelion returned with nothing, but it did little to deter the warrior, after all, with patience, an even bigger prize awaited. “I’m sure the hunt will be rather promising the next time you venture out, Flycatcher.” He mused, helm tilted with a crinkled gaze.
thought speech

'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The chatter amongst the warriors is enough to draw the snowy tom over like a moth to a flame and his ears perk forward, he offers them all a polite dip of his helm before deciding to sit near them all instead of laying down. He listens to the talk of moss and more comfortable nests, his thoughts betraying him for a single heartbeat as he imagines himself curled around a smaller body. Pale fur pressed against the dark night sky itself, he thinks of his lonely nest within the medicine den and pushing these thoughts away instead tuning in on the conversation of failed catches. "Whitelion has a point, maybe you'll find something bigger than a pigeon." He finally decides to add onto the conversation offering a smile of his own and he idly thinks about the herbs that could be used to make bedding more comfortable though that was usually reserved for their patients.

"Have any of you seen something of interest while hunting or patrolling?" He asks curiously knowing that he oftentimes tried poking around frosted foliage and bark for any herbs, he sometimes would see if there was any traces of the seasons before leaf-bare were lingering but he'd find none. He could vocally say that he cannot wait for new-leaf time and time again but it wouldn't make it arriver sooner as much as he wished it did.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    hail is a very warm individual (despite his name) and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, gentle, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    currently being mentored by berryheart
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

"Such are the delights we face during leafbare," Flycatcher mused with an amused hum at Whitelion's words. Mercifully, this leafbare did not seem as bad as the last one the clan had faced but still had its own challenges. As Whitelion muses on Spiderlily's catch, Hailstorm wanders over joining the group of warriors, suggesting that Flycatcher might catch something bigger next time. "I hope so!" He responded cheerfully. "I'd love to bring a fat, juicy squirrel back for the kits and queens to enjoy."

When Hailstorm asks if they had seen anything, Flycatcher shook his head. "Nothing unusual, no," He responded. "Was there anything in particular you were looking for? If it was herbs I'm afraid I'm not much help, even if Berryheart has made me eat a few over the moons."
[ ༻˗ ⁺₊✧₊⁺˗༺ ] As it would seem, a conversation was pass inevitable now. First Shiningsun had come over and took a spot next to him before beginning his delightful chatter, even asking if he had caught much which he nodded as a way of saying yes. Next, was their former deputy who came in to continue the conversation and then Whitelily as well as Hailstorm came into the tiny chatter.

"Would seem everyone here is fairing well, hopefully soon we'll spot a juicy squirrel in the nearby time" he would pause before looking at their medicine cat apprentice with a nod "I have not spotted anything yet, but I'll keep an eye out just in case" he promised before a yawn slipped from his maw. He had not excreted one tiny greeting would blow up into some giant chatter, yet he suppose thats how it is within Thunderclan...everyone was very social.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Goldenlily ⁺₊✧₊⁺ He/Him, Warrior of Thunderclan, 45 moons.
    Silver Marbled Lynx point with teal blue eyes and low white, feathery tail. Lily petals behind the ears.
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.