peas in a pod & daisykit

The snow keeps him inside most days, he thought he might go crazy from the silence and the solitude-that the lack of company would send his already frazzled mind into a frenzy. Dandelionwish smiled, his worries meant nothing now when he could glance over and see the pile of moss used for extra bedding be flung into the air like an exuberant snow drift, a mimicry of the apprentices earlier tossing snow at one another in delight. It was hard to remain morose, when his den company was so pleasant. Daisykit, like her name, had sprung up amidst all these horrors and maintained a happy front and he desperately wished to keep it. He often wished Nettlepaw had not returned to his old nest so soon, he wished Coalfoot had not been sent to the badger's set....
They had been so unprepared for leafbare, a new medicine cat still training and a clan of outright fools under a cruel leader. He remembers naively thinking he could change Sootstar, soften her paws, teach her kindness was not weakness; how stupid he'd been then. His own ignorance was his downfall.
"Ye havin' a good time there, lil sprout?" Dandelionwish forces the morose thoughts from his head, mismatched eyes turning to the side to the kitten still rolling about gleefully and unaware of the plight of their clan. He pondered again if he should have taken her to ThunderClan's border perhaps and left her there, she might have a brighter future in this case.

@daisykit !
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Daisykit liked spending more time with Dandelionwish! He played games with her just like Echolight, and she liked him lots. Even if he sometimes made her eat something icky. She didn't like the icky herbs.

Left to her own devices while the sepia tom worked on something or other, she had gotten bored quite quickly, sniffling and letting her gaze wander as it had so many times before since being told she would sleep here now. Daisykit missed Echolight. She was told she was staying with Dandy to keep her and her siblings safe from the sick, but she still got sad sometimes.

Now wasn't quite such a time, pale visage finally stopping on the pile of moss that had been brought in not too long ago. Still fresh and springy! She briefly thought about when she had seen the apprentices fling snow about, having all sorts of fun. Without another moment's hesitation she had leapt in, flopping onto her side and rolling about as she scattered it in the air like the soft white flakes that came from the sky.

Daisykit stopped for barely a moment when Dandelionwish spoke up, craning her neck to peer at him from where she lay. "Yeah!" she chirped. "'M playin' with the moss!" The bicolor kit rolled to her paws and sat up. Scraps of moss were now caught in her long pelt, but she barely seemed to notice. Sometimes she was told not to play with it, but it was never a deterrent for long, even if she did try her best to be more mindful about it. It was no fun sitting around all day.

Her shoulders shook with a small cough, but her eyes were bright as ever as she stared up at the medicine cat. "Are ye- are ya workin' with more herbs?" She liked seeing the flowers, even though he had told her they would be far more vibrant when Newleaf finally came, sprouting up everywhere and turning the landscape into a rainbow more colorful than even the prettiest sunrise. Her tail quivered excitedly at the thought. Then she frowned. "Do I haf'ta eat more?" came her whine.

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