private PEDAL DOWN FAST ☾✩ whiskey

the signs of leaf-bare were getting harder and harder to ignore. she had seen it before, cats going to sleep cold and hungry. watching them wish upon a miracle to survive through the treacherous season was nearly unbearable. she hadn't been able to help then, but now she was doing everything in her power to secure thunderclan's lives. nightbird was out almost constantly searching for prey. but as the moon trudged on, the smaller animals of the forest were dwindling in size greatly.

she had spent all day searching for any signs of food scurrying about, only to be left tired and hopeless. this was the first day in a while she would come back with nothing.

after sitting for a moment just near the edge of the territory, an idea struck her. she wasn't going to intrude on any other territories of course. that would likely get her killed, she was smarter than that. instead she would venture into land unclaimed by one of the five clans. surely there would be someone angry with her, but it was less likely that this action would start and all out brawl.

the small black feline moved swiftly under the protection of the shadows of looming trees. she kept her attention constant. ears were pricked and her whole mind and body were alert. then, she saw something so beautiful that it made her second guess her pessimism about the clan in the stars. a fat squirrel snacking on something at the base of a tree. it was oblivious to her presence. she moved so silently on light paws that even if it sensed her, it likely wouldn't be able to pinpoint her location. she stalked forward slowly towards the bushy tailed animal, nearing a close enough distance to attack.

just as she gathered up her haunches to pounce, she heard paw steps. the warrior muttered a curse as the prey pricked it's rounded ears. she tried to leap at it before it darted, but it was too late. she landed with painfully empty paws and a burning anger heating up her mind. claws forced themselves into the ground as her tail lashed menacingly. because of this fool there would be cats going hungry. she wouldn't let that go unpunished.

"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" she hissed, burning silver eyes darting rapidly to find the source. nightbird was hot headed, sure, but usually she kept her anger under control. but this, this was rage. pure and unbridled. the smoky warrior didn't care if the intruder was four heads higher than her and pure muscle, she was ready to make them pay.

Whiskey — We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
It hadn't been on purpose, it was merely interest that peak curiousity at the sight of a cat he had never seen before. The smelled different too- was this another clan cat? Must be by the way they stalked the rabbit with such careful precision and he almost felt bad as it turned to run off. Perhaps he could go after it for her? But judging by the hostile anger bunring in her bristling pelt- that didn't seem like a smart option. "If food is what you search for, I can help in that department," He offered to try to calm the anger that radiated off the small, smokey feline that stood at the base of a tree.

Whiskey had been out taking guise of the clans nearby; they call themselves Skyclan and Thunderclan. With Windclan proposal Whiskey had grown curious of the group of cats that called to that of their ancestors and snided at the mere mention of loners or rogues. Though he knew of Skyclan taking in anyone and everyone from the chatter of housecats, they couldn't keep a secret to save their life. The chocolate tortie cat swished a dark, fluffy tail behind him and gave a small tilt of his head, "I know of many places to get food- but it might not be the prey you're use too," Whiskey gave a small shrug, obviously avoiding the question as to why he was here.

"You know those Windclan cats where much kinder in their questions than you are," There was a playful tone to his voice, padding towards the smaller feline with a gesture of his front paws, "But you're not from there are you? You wouldn't be in the twolegplace if you lived out that far," Seeming to debunk why she was here, why she left the confines of her territory home for the streets. LEaf-bare was harsh for every cat from that of the loners to the clan cats, but why not help one another?"speech"

"i don't want your handouts." she practically snarled. who did this rogue think he was, offering her food like it was nothing. she mistook his kindness as ignorance and it only fueled her more. how dare he try and diffuse her temper when he had planted it's fiery seed.

nightbird watched him carefully. the way his tone seemed amicable did not lower any defenses. plenty of cats sounded nice. it only made the blade they stabbed in your back that much sharper. the way the tortie shrugged off her question made her ears tilt back, pressing on her skull. she was ready to deliver another snappy remark when he spoke again. this time of thunderclan's neighbors. how strange.

a venomous laugh was given to him when he stated the windclan cats were kinder. she hadn't interacted with them much apart from patrols, but she heard about them. how they referred to their leader as a queen, most of them would do anything to serve her. they were unpredictable, especially after becoming buddies with shadowclan. she didn't like it. not when they were so close to her home. and now it seemed they were befriending rogues. something was happening here, something that likely wouldn't go in thunderclan's favor. she couldn't quite point out what it was, but maybe she could wring this stranger out for information.

"windclan and kind are hardly used together. i'm surprised you were treated so well by them, what is it you have that they want?" she began, her words nothing short of accusatory. the warrior watched as he approached her. casually, as if they were friends. had he no regard for his life? "of course i'm not from there. my blood runs warm."

she studied him through and through. he was stupid if he actually though she would tell him where she lived. she hadn't forgotten how he dodged her question only moments ago. she was an honest creature, often times brutally so, but the smoky molly would die before she gave information regarding thunderclan's wellbeing to a rogue. especially one who was comfortable with being questioned by windclan. "where i'm from or why i'm here is of no importance to the likes of you." she added coolly, although there was no doubt that hot anger still bubbled up inside of her.

Whiskey — We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time
There was a snicker that came from the chocolate tortie cat, and there was a swish of a brown tail that was so casual. Whiskey had no fear of anger, had no fear of being hurt or dying in any regard. It was the way life was. It was harsh and filled with punishments like a father who never gave him the time of day let along anything remotely affectionate.

The young cat lifted his head a bit to stand a little taller than the fiery she-cat and mused to her, "Oh they came looking for cats to fill their spots or something like that- it was rather an uninteresting propsition. Could've used more flare," He responded back to her question about Windclan and what they had wanted. Whiskey wasn't going to keep it a secret as it was strange, for wild cats to suddenly wanting those of trash and rift raft of the city.

"I do honestly mean no harm to ya- just reckonin' you must be hungry enough to come here for food instead of in ya'lls territories or whatever you call them pieces of land," Whiskey continued onwards with his words and gesture with a paw vaguely as he talked. He wasn't interested in fighting this she-cat, he had bigger fish to fry, and he wanted to know about these clans. There was more of them right? Windclan had just been the first to be brave enough to approach them for soliders, "And no, where ya from ain't rightly what I'm lookin' for,"

Sage green hues looked at her straight on and he tilted his head every so slightly to the side, "I know there are more of ya- are ya'll gonna be looking for recruits next?," He questioned in return to her answer. Only fair in asking questions right?"speech"

she listened to him speak, but her mind was moving with too many questions to shoot something back. windclan was the last group she expected to take in strays. what were they planning? they presented themselves so strongly at gatherings. almost too good to be true. nightbird's gaze drifted to the ground as she just sat there, thinking.

her eyes snapped back up though as he mentioned her being hungry enough to venture out beyond the territory. sharp teeth bit the inside of her cheek, hard. if this cat was now working with windclan, she would not give him any information that may be regarded as weakness. it would be stupid to do so. besides, thunderclan would be fine. they always were. if anything, she had gone so far out to prove a point. to show that even when others were coming back with empty jaws, the molly would always find a way to contribute. she had to. "no need to 'reckon' anything. i didn't come here for food." came her lie in an unwavering flat tone, words strong to help drive her point home.

"don't need em. we can raise our own warriors just fine," she responded to his question about needing recruits, sending a challenging stare straight into green hues. although her voice was more level, less angry, she was growing annoyed. he obviously had no intentions of chasing her off, so why were they still here. "unless you have any more pressing questions in that little brain of yours, i think we're done here. believe it or not i have more compelling things to do than chat with a stranger." a little rude, maybe. but this quickly got old for her, as conversation generally did for the warrior. she was ready to go home and be rid of this rogue who ruined her hunt.