PEEL THE AVOCADO — climbing practice... sorta

Now that Slate was cleared to resume his duties as a warrior again, he figured that he'd stop putting off some much-needed climbing practice. He didn't like climbing trees; he thought himself to be much too bulky to properly balance upon a branch and let alone traverse the trees. However, the battle with WindClan had made Slate feel... embarrassed. Like a letdown. Everyone else had utilized the trees in order to launch a sneak attack on their opponents while Slate had remained behind, only charging into battle when the others signaled that the fight had begun.

Slate would never admit that he needed to know how to climb in order to be a SkyClanner, but he felt inadequate not being able to keep up with his clanmates when it truly mattered. That was why the Maine Coon was crouched atop a wooden limb, situated carefully so that he wouldn't lose his balance. He could manage to climb to a low-lying perch without falling, at least, so now it was time to take his training to the next level — jumping from branch to branch.

After drawing in a couple of sharp, preparatory breaths, Slate quite literally makes the leap.

Perhaps, in slow motion, he'd look quite elegant — wispy dark fur waving in the wind, deep amber eyes narrowed and fixed onto his target, limbs outstretched like a graceful hunter. It wouldn't appear that anything could possibly go wrong... that is, until his claws finally made purchase onto the branch.

Slate's confidence wavers and a cocktail of doubt and fear flood his brain as ivory daggers outstretch and curl into the bark. Back legs bunch upward in an attempt to secure themselves onto the pine's limb as well, but it's a struggle to do so. With his weight pulling his body down, Slate's front claws scramble to get a proper hold of the branch. Shakily, seemingly, they finally do.

If he was smart, he wouldn't look down. He knows that he shouldn't, that it would only scare the hell out of him, but there is a certain regarding curiosity and cats. Dark pupils stretched into moons as he cranes his neck, nearly throwing himself for a loop at how far down it was.

In reality, Slate was hanging from one of the lowest branches, but to an unseasoned climber like him it felt like he was practically in the clouds.

"Holy—" The lead warrior grits his teeth, his muscles trembling as he held on for dear life. Slate had never fallen from such a tall height before. He had just healed from his injuries, too; he couldn't be sent to Dawnglare's den again! What was he going to do?

// he's going to fall, so keep in mind that there's no saving his ass 😩
  • Haha
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CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Climbing was something Falconpaw had been interested in. After all, it was an integral part of being a Skyclanner, Greeneyes had told him at one point or another. At least, Falconpaw thought he did. Another day out in the territory today- Falconpaw thinks that they were going to work on his hunting again. He was still early in his apprentice days, after all. But the scrabble of claws has the apprentice turning his head towards Slate. Blue optics blinked, then his ears flattened.

He scrambled away from his mentor, smartly keeping out of the way where Slate would land if he fell, before calling up to the older cat. "Just- just um! Keep calm!" Falconpaw opened his mouth to speak again, but he realized as soon as he did that he had no idea how to help Slate. Instead, his vision shifted towards Greeneyes, hoping his mentor had some advice for Slate in this truly desperate (not that bad) of a situation.


[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
Angry at all the things I can't change
A bird lay trapped between his jaws still warm and fresh as Coyotecrest proceeds to head back to camp with his catch. Up ahead he spots young Falconpaw frantically shouting up a tree, making his brows grow taunt with confusion. His stride slows to investigate the matter, expression morphing to indicate he is certainly not prepared for what he finds. From this angle Slate is struggling to keep hold of the branch his claws so desperately clung to. He freezes mid step before dropping the bird entirely. Flaxen limbs thrust forward to reach the base of the tree, whilst ivory claws slip from their sheathes to seek purchase into dense pine. His muscles expand and contract as he makes the climb but realizes half way through that he will not reach the former rouge in time. "Slate, try hooking your claws into the trunk to give yourself a better pawhold." He calls up to the tom.
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
He'd been climbing since the day he was birthed into the world. Really, its a wonder to him that anyone can have so much trouble with a trivial thing like this. Dawnglare has no advice. No ill-will. No thinly veiled interest or passive - aggression. It is mere circumstance, that leaves him here to watch the lead warrior grapple for his life, oafish form seemingly doing him no favors. He watches with fleeting interest, lilts of his head following the shaking of his paws. Interesting, that WindClanner thinks themself in a position to give advice here. Advice that would obviously do no good when half of him wasn't even on the branch in any capacity. " Lost cause, " he plainly remarks. with a cant of his skull. Mentally, he begins timing how long the tom can stay aloft for.

  • OOC:
  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 54 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun

There isn't much to expect other than the unfortunate inevitable result to Slate's position. For cats known quite well for their skill set in climbing, Apple Stem hadn't been any better than some of the newer faces that came along just a few moons ago. Instead she had put more attention to the use of her eyes and claws. To sweet silvery tunes between her teeth and gaining more mental enrichment than physical. Maybe one day she would decide to join her Clanmates in the heights of the pines and act more akin to their nature, but for now she enjoyed being on solid ground.

"I don't understand." Came her voice, soft yet quizzical. Her haunches rest beside the Dawnglare, but her gaze remained on the Lead. It was like watching a clouds storm and coil into themselves- she couldn't look away. "Why climb if you're just going to fall?"
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Oh great, now he has an audience. "I'm... trying!" The flustered cat managed what could be considered a reply to both Falconpaw and Coyotecrest both, teeth gnashing together so tightly that his jaw trembled. He would have to shift his weight closer to the base of the tree in order to get a steadier grip with his hind legs, and doing so meant that he risked losing the grip he had already and falling.

Apple Stem's words are lost on Slate for the most part, his brain deeming her input ridiculous and simply ignoring it for the time being while he tried to keep focused. With that logic, why learn to fight if you were weak and would just get beaten? Why learn to hunt when you were so clumsy and would scare prey off anyway? Every cat had to start somewhere; unfortunately for Slate, the trials of learning how to climb trees were on display for everyone else to see. The medicine cat's remark is disregarded by the lead warrior as well ( that guy has been getting on his nerves lately ).

Only moments later, the worst occurred — sharp claws slipped on the surface of the bark, sending the heavy Maine Coon tom plummeting to his demise. A startled screech tears through the air as his body tries to twist itself back upright, but he is only midway through doing so before thudding against the forest floor. It hadn't been a long ways up, in reality, but Slate was still laying on the ground reeling from the shock and the pain radiating from his shoulder. "Urgh..." The tom groaned.
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Other cats approached as Falconpaw looked up, desperately, at the mess at hand. Coyotecrest attempts to give some helpful instructions, so the apprentice backs up a pawstep or two. However, two other cats approach with less then appeasing statements. Regardless of who they were or the fact that it really was just easier to fall, Falconpaw gave them both side-eye. More like massive stink eye. Wrinkling his nose, he looked back towards Slate- just in time to witness the Lead topple from the branch and smack into the ground.

Wincing, ears flattening, Falconpaw looked away for a moment. He cast his vision to Slate, frowning gently as he approached again. Eyes shifted and flicked over his body, then looked back at Slate's face. "That, um.. it looked like it hurt. Are you okay?" The apprentice asked kindly, looking down at Slate from above. A funny sight for those a little more twisted in the head, but Falconpaw found this incredibly serious.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK