sensitive topics PEELING MYSELF OUT OF DISGUISE | death


Feb 16, 2024

[ TRIGGER WARNING: Graphic description of murder/death. Read at your own risk! ]

It started as an urge, as simple as an itch beneath the fur, a spur or a thorn exhorting gentle into his skin.

Privetpaw knew how to do one thing for certain, and it was how to starve. Weaned from the scarcity of the scrublands, the apprentice had hardly even eaten a full meal, as meager mice and lizards could not sustain a growing cat for long. Still, it had been the only state of being that he had known, even as he yearned for a better existence that seemed to lie upon the tips of his whiskers. The boy starved for knowledge too, as the want burgeoned within his very body, like thermal winds inflaming the walls that beheld it. He wished to feel full, more than anything. Privetpaw hadn't a concept of what that was like, to feel sustained. He felt it to be a fruitless effort, for even after a grand banquet of all the prey one could have, one would always starve again. Therefore, wasn't it better just to always be upon the verge of hunger, so that a falsification of happiness could not occupy oneself? Perhaps it was a boon to always seek out the unknown, drowning out all else like a resolvent sense of rubor, a harsh throbbing that marred the very flesh it was borne of. It kept him sharp, honed, however ugly and unbecoming it had created him. As though a stray dog, Privetpaw had only accustomed himself to the agonies of his circumstance - for it made him all the better than those cushioned within the clans. More than anything, Privetpaw felt the death-knell of dissatisfaction within him, though it had never sparked any sort of inanition within him. In fact, it had only incensed him, however dreadful it might have been. If he wanted something, he would surely get it, no matter how. It was the matter of all being, to be besieged by unending hunger. To starve was to live.

Restless as his white-tipped feet always seemed to be, Privetpaw slipped out of the camp without a sound, seeking something like a starveling macerated by the very pain of existence. He ducked through the mouth of the entrance, the same motions that he had done for quite some time, and swam through the nightfall's cover. Glancing backwards, he reasoned that if he had calculated the time that the moon would take to fall downwards from its apex, then he should surely be back before any Duskclan cat noticed. Waxing gibbous moon stared longingly upon him, its approaching halo of shadow almost attenuating the light, as it crept and it seeped into the freckles of the celestial. Moonlight still sunk itself into each and every surface that he could, including the back of the sable-hued tomcat. He did not mind it, for the imitation of light proved almost a comfort to him. Privetpaw had a mission to complete, something that compelled to him as the apocryphal called to the heretic, a tolling of some unknowable, immeasurable bell. He had listened to that saccharine nothingness, allowed it to guide him from his nest, and into a desperation for an answer.

It began to swell, bug bite that peeked through the fur, like the sickly heat of sweet summer.

Privetpaw had long wondered what it was like to kill. The warriors of his clan, those that had lived moons and moons more than he, had spoken of it quite fondly. Killing was an act of conquest, of total domination, of complete and utter victory. After all, a dead man could not fight back against the living, so it was the only assured win to obtain. He had gotten somewhat close once, when he slashed his claws against the calico apprentice of Windclan, feeling the soft flesh below his pads as blood became bereft of it. Seeing them bleed had roused some sort of emotion within him, but it would sooner bow its head than rise to meet him. Not to mention the briefness of it all, how he hadn't been able to encapsulate the beauty of new colors brought to the surface of skin. But that had been nowhere close to what it must feel like to sink one's fangs into velvet, gaze upon the warmth of life slowly exit through haggard breaths, as though the ailing body would sooner drink from the earth than gasp again. When close to death, he had noticed that the body dared not fight against what was to come, and instead would bring itself closer to its burial site. He had only glazed his eyes upon an assuredly dead body once, when Granitepelt had been left for the Carrionplace's whims... but he had been long dead before he and Ghostmask happened upon him. No matter how much he had imagined it vividly, it would have never come close to the real thing, a false mimicry avowing itself as simply fanciful wonderings. And it frustrated him, made him want to claw at himself for missing such an opportune moment for himself.

The wine-dark apprentice stopped where the overwhelming stench of Windclan's borders hit his nose, blackish figure remaining within the darkness of twilight, though jagged as though thorny barbs of the hollybush's splendor. He had been more careful not to be detected as he had been before, peeling his ears back to his skull, and waiting for any stray sound to alert him to an unwanted presence. Like his very rhythm had allayed into the quiescent, he only resumed his methodical motions once he knew that no cat accompanied the space with him. He slipped through the weaving wildgrasses, his heart as stilled as the breezes that pulled at his purls and swayed along the sedges, though his composure threatened to leak through his maw as if it had only been fastened to him with a basting. The fact that this whole trip was merely upon a fleeting impulse was quite apparent to him, and yet he still followed through with it. He was not the kind to give up just because of a silly qualm, dismissing it as one would swat away a gnat or flick away a dust-speck. He waded through the sea of verdancy until the scent of a living thing then wafted through his nose. Fern-green eyes glittered as he caught upon his target: an adolescent feline with a pelt that stuck out among the gloominess, white as the snow that beaded upon trailing boughs and roots. He barely remembered snow, as he had still been suckling upon his mother's belly when winter had loosened itself from the world. Reared upon the harshest season, the ice of bygone leafbares seemed to have clambered within his bones and tendons, molding him into its image.

It echoed louder, open wound that marred the fur, pain laid naked for the world.

Privetpaw wandered closer and closer, awaiting for the right moment to strike, when the blusters would blow a certain way and the moon would bedaub itself upon the covers of the clouds. He felt as though he were hunting his prey, and he felt for this stranger as he would for a rat. Windclan might as well have been prey to him, with the same beaded eyes and hollow heads as his food. Perhaps he thought of them as even less than that, not even deserving to sustain nor permeate his pride with. His heart felt like it now beat within his paws, as though it would sink straight into the graves, his own heartbeat blooded with the skeletons of prey and predator alike. Aim for the neck or the eyes. Those are the weak spots of a cat. The quickest ways to incapacitate a cat. Rumblerain's words hung heavy upon his head, and now they stood evergreen within his mind. He did not feel nervousness (not that he could readily identift that sensation), simply the want for everything to align just right with his perfect plan, as the Windclan apprentice had not bothered to even look beyond their shoulder. He waited, and waited, and waited - was everything a waiting game to him? No, he would not let this out be. Privetpaw had grown tired of being deprived, just this once.

Privetpaw lunged for Blizzardpaw, immediately attempting to dig his teeth into whatever purchase of flesh he could find, like he would find some weak spot within the nape or the shoulder. A screech of unadulterated pain escaped Blizzardpaw's maw, as if the cry for help rattled through their feebler framework, racking them as the whole foundation began to fall apart. They flailed below him, trying to shake him off like they didn't even want to fight. They only wanted to escape, just like prey would when it knew itself to be in the clutches of peril. Privetpaw's caprice had cost him the efficacy of the kill, he had realized seconds too late. As he leapt off to recalibrate himself, he caught upon the scarlet that sidled upon the albino apprentice's neck, and the metallic taste upon his own lips. Cat's ichor did have a distinct taste to it, and yet there lie that iron-fraught flavor that seemed to cling to his entire tongue. Just like a prey animal, almost, he surmised. But why did he feel nothing? Nothing stirred within his soul, no sort of kindling triumph of inconsolable sadness to alter him, as though the stillness of his composition could not be alloyed by such a mere act as killing. Had he done something wrong? He should have killed the other faster, or should have taken his time with them...

It became him now, sanguine dripping down his bird-bone body, flushing through his veins as though it vindicated him of all else.

Fury blazed through him now, not upon the fact that he inflicted such a grievous wound, but that he gained nothing of it. Brushing through his facial features, that fury twisted at his maw and darkened at his eyes. It had been the only thing that had arisen from him, but it was not what he sought. More out of pure, unreserved madness than any sort of anger misplaced upon Blizzardpaw's kin, he leapt again for the alabaster feline. He would make sure to finish the job. This time, nettle-sharp claws pierced into the papery tissue of the underside of the throat, as if Privetpaw aimed to rip out whatever he sought from the very dwellings within Blizzardpaw's body. Again, he struck at the same area, as if it would bring about the other's unbecoming in a more timely manner if he simply did it once more. Again, and again, and again, with flurries of claws not even piercing at the flesh at some swipes. Give me something! I'm supposed to feel something! Give it to me! I worked for it! I want it! Wild motions seemed to communicate such despair with each hit, each blow against an opponent who would not attack back. And then, Privetpaw stopped and took a few steps backwards, as if to marvel at what he had done - or, rather, out of pure exhaustion.

The adolescent tottered upon their feet before falling ingracefully to the cold ground, as though their fate had been damned as soon as they had stepped foot outside of their camp, as though there existed no time for them to beg to spin the wheels of fate another way. Their throat, or whatever remained of it, now ribboned outwards in a grotesque sort of spool. Reddish hue stained everything around the apprentice's body, from the coat of chaste white to the ground that it loached into. They were still alive, but they would not be for very long. No sort of medicine cat's magic would be able to repair them once they had arrived upon the grisly scene. Even as he watched Blizzardpaw's life slowly ebb out of heaving flanks and widened eyes, Privetpaw still felt nothing, not even the childish anger that once presided within a scrawled countenance. What a pointless existence. You died and you gave me nothing to show for it. The disdainful thought curdled within his mind, and one end of his mouth curled downwards, in a display of utter disgust at how terribly pitiful Blizzardpaw was. As the first inklings of the sun became to cusp upon the sky, Privetpaw made sure to leave as quickly as he could, as unnoticed as a shallow breath passing through and out of the mouth.

He had been foolish to believe that that would fill any sort of emptiness within his vessel. He would starve, but at least he would live.

  • Please wait for @BLIZZARDPAW to post! Privetpaw is already long gone and will not be caught at the moment. Duskclan scent, as well as scraps/strands of black and white fur, may be detected.
  • 7THZAb4.png
  • —— PRIVETPAW / He/Him / 8 Moons
    —— Apprentice of Duskclan / Mentored by Rumblerain
    —— Wine-dark and white-tipped, almost like a magpie. He has black fur except for the tips of his ears, his muzzle and chin, a blaze on his chest, bottom portion of the legs, outer end of the tail, and along the upper ridges of eyes. He has ghost striping that can only be seen in certain sunlight. He has fern-green eyes.
    —— Cool, calculating, and much too mature for such a young age. Enamored with the life of a warrior and burdened by the expectations of his people. Hard to befriend and harder to maintain a steady friendship with.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

Night falls across the moorland, marking the territory as safe for the albino apprentice to traverse. They should not have left WindClan’s camp without their mentor at their side—although they have permission to wander on their own during the daytime, nighttime is a much different scenario. Especially now that the threat from DuskClan has been made clear, Blizzardpaw knows that they should not be out here by themself. But something had drawn them out here, a tugging deep within their chest. It is a pull they cannot possibly ignore. The stars glimmering overhead guide them on their way, the moon’s glow lighting each of their pawsteps. If they squint, they can pretend that the shining light is StarClan guiding their path. It is their mother, gazing down upon them from the stars, showing them the way they should go. Because, despite their icy introduction to WindClan, and their similarly frostbitten name, Blizzardpaw knows that they are meant to do something good. Something meaningful. They are not paying attention to where they walk, their gaze locked upon the sky above… and for a moment, they feel at peace.

Their peace does not last long. An impact strikes them, and teeth sink into the soft flesh of their neck. They do not know the sound they make—the noise rips itself from their throat, laced with pain and fear. For a heartbeat, long and slow-seeming in their mind, they do not move. Then they twist, pale paws flailing in an attempt to ward off their attacker. A fox, a badger, a dog, they think it to be—and then they turn, and pink eyes meet a fern-green glare. Another cat. A stranger. “Why-” they cry out, the words strangled as they leave the tunneler’s mouth. They do not recognize their assailant, so why are they being attacked?

Their attacker leaps away from them, and Blizzardpaw attempts to stagger away from him. They do not know him. They cannot reason with him, they realize. They will die if they cannot reach Wolfsong in time. They have to escape. They take one step, and then another… and then claws pierce their throat. Delicate skin breaks easily beneath sharp claws, and multiple slashes follow. Something warm swells in their chest, and the apprentice looks down. Red. That is all Blizzardpaw sees as her vision blurs, and the ground beneath her shifts out of focus. The crimson spills down onto what she can see of her legs, and her eyes widen at the sight of her very own life draining from her. She stumbles, legs feeling suddenly weak, and with one final slash of the other cat’s claws she collapses to the ground.

Shallow, gasping breaths leave their mouth as blood pours from the ruin that’s been made of their throat. Their eyes, perpetually wide, seem stuck open as the apprentice attempts to reason with the situation that they have been thrust into. They do not see their attacker leave—their focus fades in and out with their consciousness, flashes of dark interspersed with the light of the stars. They are fading, the dots of light high above… they are leaving, dying out with the rising sun. And Blizzardpaw… they are dying, as well. Blizzardpaw is dying. They know that no cat in their situation has ever escaped with their life—Sunstar is a notable exception, and the wounds to his throat had killed him after all. If they could, the snowy-furred WindClanner would shed a few tears at the thought of their fate. Left out here, they will die alone. In spite of the warm night air, a biting chill sinks into their very bones. Perhaps they will be found when dawn breaks, or perhaps they will not be found until days later. For a moment they are reminded of their mother, and the death that had met her. Cold, alone… dying. The thought only serves to remind them—they do not want to die. Not yet, not when they still had so much to do, so much to say.

She needed to tell Slateheart thank you, because the tom had rescued her from certain death. She would never have survived without his help, and she would never have become… Blizzardpaw without his help. She needed to tell him that he’s the closest she’s ever known to a parent. She needed to tell him so much.

They needed to tell Rattleheart how cute his kits are, how they wanted to be a mentor to one of the little bundles of fur. They needed to tell the lead warrior how strong he is, how much they wanted to be like him. They needed to tell Lakepaw and Sheeppaw what amazing friends they were… how nice they were. How they brightened the darkness that lingered in the back of Blizzardpaw’s mind, and how good they’ll be as warriors someday. They needed to tell Periwinklebreeze how they hoped he would be happy forever. They needed to say so much… and now, they won’t get to say any of it.

Their head tips to the side, and suddenly the sun’s first rays are bright in their eyes. Its rising indicates one thing—they have survived the night. They will not survive the morning. But the sun is here to greet them, and there, silhouetted by its light, is a three-legged form. Are they imagining it? “Sun-” a sick, wet noise leaves her mouth, and instead of more words, blood comes spilling out. A cough, and she gags on it. She has to… she has to tell him. She is beginning to understand why she hates her name so much. Her life had a bad beginning, and now it has a bad end, too. But the middle… the middle was good. The middle was perfect, and as petal-white fur steadily blooms into crimson flowers across the dirt, they know what they wanted to say to Sunstar.

“Not a… blizzard,” they manage to say, but even that is too much effort. Their strength is waning, and at last they fall entirely still save for the labored heaving of their sides, fighting for each ragged, dying breath that they take.

  • ooc: @SUNSTAR
  • 81018640_FbXxC474VNgCqE3.png
    BLIZZARDPAW ❯❯ any pronouns, windclan tunneler apprentice
    tiny albino with pale, near-colorless pink eyes. friendly and cheerful, yet strange and a bit morbid.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
✧₊⁺ ️️️ ️️╱ ️️️ ️️ ️️️ Blood-scent, sickly and swelling like an ill tide coming into shore, draws Sunstar out to the territory today. It is a quicker pace than usual, which breaks into a run. Beneath the metallic sting, there is WindClan. Stronger than their borders and the comfort that permeates the camp, and drowning beneath the promise of a grievous wound. There is panic in each step. He wishes it were not so well-founded. He does not think on what he sees before his body is draping over the blood-soaked white fur. His head alone is nearly enough to cast shade from the dawn. Though her eyes could still see it should she wish to look, there is one final, instinctive bid to protect. Sensitive skin would blister, and their eyes would sting — as if either of those things would matter with the wound scored across their throat.

"Blizzardpaw," he rasps, but the apprentice is quick to correct.

His paw scrambles for where blood spills out when they speak, losing his balance and– trembling, in a way that is so unlike him. Claws dig into the earth, for he cannot cause them pain in their final moments. Not when he remembers what it felt like. That gaping hole. That loss. He had lived, and Blizzardpaw would die, and where he had woken up with a violent wrongness, they would remain among the stars forever. With a name that they hate. Among cats they did not know. His breath trembles in his throat. "Shh," the warrior soothes, "sh. I know. I hear you." Though snow was a comforting blanket freshly-fallen upon the world, it was deadly and it was cold. And it had taken something from them that these claw wounds would now take just the same.

He would not make her suffer twice. Bleary eyes close, and he puts his muzzle against their forehead both for comfort and ease of hearing in those final moments of suffering. He sees the red bloom at the center of her. The halo of white. And it is not snow, in that moment, but unfurling petals, a flower bursting through the burnt moor. His thick voice fights him the entire way as he opens his mouth. "You will not meet StarClan with a name that you hate. Go to them as Lilypaw, so you may always be remembered as a sign of newleaf, and not of the snow."

When their eyes close, it will be with Sunstar still bracketing them, and the dawn to greet them, and an entire clan left to mourn.

  • 68618436_niWt9hIm1ktdzou.png
    ✧₊⁺ ️️️ ️️╱ ️️️ ️️ ️️️ OOC.
    ᯓ✧ ️️️ ️️ ️️️ 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑. SUNSTRIDE. SUNNVAR.
    ᯓ✧ ️️️ ️️ ️️️ MASC ️️️ & ️️️ AMAB, ️️️ HE – HIM – HIS.
    ᯓ✧ ️️️ ️️ ️️️ SECOND LEADER OF ️️️ WINDCLAN.
    ᯓ✧ ️️️ ️️ ️️️ NINE LIVES: ️️️ ️️️ ️️️ ️️️ ️️️ ️️️ ️️️ ⋆̴͖̻̌͛⋆̵̼͈̐̿̓̏͝ ⋆̶̬́̀
  • 82190121_9CSsSGfEk2LJ5dF.png
    a large chocolate and white rosette tom with seaglass eyes. the first thing many see when looking at sunstar now is not his proud posture or boxy build, but the scarred stump that remains of his front left leg. a wound that would have killed most other cats took one of his lives; not even starclan could repair it.

    a rogue brought to windclan in a search for greatness, one of sootstar's most loyal warriors turned into her downfall. with a mate and kits to worry about, and now nine lives from starclan with a missing limb, windclan's leader has much to prove.
"No," she murmurs, a prayer that slips into the air like wasted breath. The moorland air carries the tang of fresh blood, spilled anew from the young white feline's throat, but beneath that lies the core of rogue-stench. She knows it well, knows the scrubland sand dusting Thriftfeather's pelt and sifting between golden toes. DuskClan, she thinks, and Bluefrost pads closer to where Sunstar kneels before the newly-named Lilypaw as she departs for StarClan.

"Goodbye, young one," Bluefrost says. Her green eyes darken, weighted now, with the sorrow of loss. She closes them for a moment, thinking of the cat who'd dragged themselves away, their claws dipped in scarlet.

When she opens her eyes, they light upon Lilypaw's foreclaws, at the black fur entrenched between them. She growls, low: "DuskClan." Sunstar would have known it already, but to say it aloud is to confirm it, to avow vengeance for what they'd lost.

  • ooc:
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 16 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring Brackenpaw ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue smoke she-cat with white and emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.