private people that love you | tigger


to new horizons
Aug 8, 2023
The evening falls and it is time for (most of) the daylight warriors to return. Where Coconutsplash would normally stay out later, tonight she opts to go home with the rest of them. A terrible feeling has rested in her chest since the meeting, clouding her head, and she follows in Tiggerbounce's pawsteps. Her mind is other places, namely the meeting that had happened just a couple of hours ago. Its been full since then, she had fumbled a catch when she had never done so before. Useless, her mind screams. Rogue-like, she squeezes her eyes shut harder, trying to block it out.

Until she bumps right in to Tigger, who had stopped for some reason. Dazed does she blink, once, twice, her head is still reeling but her thoughts are quieter now.

"Sorry, mate. Lot on my mind, didn't mean to bump in to ya." her lips crease in to a deep frown, her tail flicking back and forth behind her. "... A cowabummer, dude. I feel like they look at us even worse, now." she doesn't like talking about her feelings much, but she feels comfortable with her friend. "How'd'ya feel about it?" she stops to leap upon her fence, its her stop but shes not ready to cease their conversation. No, its just begun and she needs to know if he feels the same. Almost desperately does she search his gaze, looking for doubt, sadness, anything that she feels.

  • 69486719_CFonxjpuwRmTMLb-removebg-preview.png
    -> malibu ,, coconutsplash
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 25 months
    -> daylight warrior of skyclan ,, former beach rogue
    -> fluffy chocolate tabby with low white and pale blue eyes
    -> “speech, 88f7e7
    -> bisexual ,, single
    -> smells like tropical lotion & sea salt
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]